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Questions tagged [estimation]

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111 questions from the last 365 days
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Marginal empirical distribution from joint sample

I have a quite 'simple' doubt that would like to clear. Suppose I have a heiarchical model where data is sampled in the following manner: Sample $U_i$ from $P_U$ Sample $X_i$ from $P_{X|U_i}$ In ...
Stadium Arcadium's user avatar
3 votes
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Given the total cost of many graph walks, how to estimate the cost of each edge?

I have a real-world problem in which I have a collection of nodes and their edges. This collection is composed of hundreds of nodes and thousands of connections. Then I have about 10 K datapoints each ...
Althis's user avatar
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Variance estimation from dependent data

I would like to estimate the variance of a zero-mean normal distribution, $x_n \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)$, from data of the form $y_n = u_n x_n$ where the input $u_n \in [u_{\min}, u_{\max}]$ can ...
bree's user avatar
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How do machine learning topics fit into a traditional undergraduate statistics course on estimation?

I'm recently teaching an undergraduate introduction to statistics course, but as required by program director, need to add some machine learning materials to it. I'm wondering what is the appropriate ...
ExcitedSnail's user avatar
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Importance sampling with relative weight from two histograms

I have two datasets of real values, $X = (x_1, \dots, x_N)$ and $Y = (y_1, \dots, y_M)$. Here $Y$ is a subset of $X$. These data points can be regarded as samples from some unknown densities, $x\sim p(...
a06e's user avatar
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Calculate the mean and variance of a stochastic process?

I was introduced to the Polya Urn problem in statistics (a problem where we draw a ball from an urn and place another ball back of the same color). These are the formulas for the mean and variance of ...
urnproblems's user avatar
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How Are The Initial Value of Conditional Variance Calculated in rugarch Package?

I am trying to verify the calculations of my zero-mean GARCH(1,1) model using the rugarch library. At first I thought the initial first value of the conditional ...
Nate Muliabanta's user avatar
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Time Series Analysis - AR model

I am new to the subject and trying to learn and equip well into the topic. I got a problem to solve and it only contains the model equation - {Generic AR(N) model} modelled using the equation: v[k] + ...
eashwar natarajan's user avatar
6 votes
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Why Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is non-parametric?

Given that Gaussian Process (GP) regression relies on a kernel with specific hyperparameters that control the relationships and smoothness between points, can GP regression truly be considered a non-...
CfourPiO's user avatar
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False interpretation of 95% confidence interval? [duplicate]

Disclaimer: I come from a science background and recently started a Master's degree in Statistics, so my current statistical knowledge comes from introductory university courses and the occassional ...
kantundpeterpan's user avatar
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A practical way to understand subgaussian parameter

I am currently assuming that the random variable $X$ I am working with is subgaussian with parameter $\sigma^2$. I have simulated data, but I would like to know how to use the generated data to ...
Omega's user avatar
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Unbiased Variance MLE Distribution

If you take $10000$ samples from a normal distribution, the unbiased variance MLE (with Bessel's correction) is $$\hat{\sigma}^2 = \frac{1}{9999}\sum_i (x_i - \hat{\mu})$$ Apparently the distribution ...
Trajan's user avatar
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How to find the estimate of the correlation between Beta_1 hat and Beta_3 hat

I am studying multiple linear regression and am working on finding the estimate of the correlation between Beta_1 hat and Beta_3 hat. Given the regression model y = B_0 + Beta_1x_1 + Beta_2x_2 + ...
anonymous123's user avatar
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Cross-fitting seems to always reduce asymptotic variance for estimators converging slower than $\sqrt{n}$ - how can this be true?

Setup: Imagine the situation where you for a fixed value of your covariates have a regression estimator $\tilde{f}$ based on $n$ i.i.d. observations which is asymptotically normal with convergence ...
Probability Boi's user avatar
6 votes
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Variance of MLE's in mixture distribution

I am studying mixture models, and I am interested in calculating the variance of the estimators using maximum likelihood. How is the variance calculated in this case? I already implemented the EM ...
daniel's user avatar
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Control the estimation error measured by induced matrix $L_1$ norm

when I use the lasso-type method to estimate a matrix, such as $A$, column by column, I observe that in the numerical experiments the estimation error $\|\hat{A}-A\|_{L_1}=\underset{1\le j \le p}{\max}...
mathhahaha's user avatar
4 votes
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Intuition behind the weighting matrix of a GMM estimator

I'm trying to fully understand the GMM estimator. I hope you can clarify my doubts. Suppose that $y_i$ is described by the following DGP: \begin{equation} y_i = x'_{i} \beta + \epsilon_i \end{equation}...
John M.'s user avatar
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Calculating mean variance between double determined measurement of random variable

I have two sets of data, measuring a varible that changes at random (concentration of a gas). The measurement are double determined, providing two data points for each measurement. I would like to ...
user avatar
5 votes
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Estimate probability value is greater than x from an unknown distribution

Lets say that we have a population of N items that has a value from 0 to 6000. Let's say that the mean of the population is $\mu$. We do not know the distribution of the items. We extract a item from ...
will198's user avatar
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Widespread inconsistency in maximum likelihood estimation approach to logistic regression

I have found some widespread inconsistency in how the loss function of logistic regression is derived through the maximum likelihood estimation approach. In the logistic regression model, we assume ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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Max Likelihood of GBM with 2 Markov States

Consider the stochastic process $$dX_t = \mu_{\epsilon_t}X_tdt + \sigma_{\epsilon_t}X_tdW_t$$ where $W_t$ is a standard Brownian motion. The process $X_t$ is a geometric Brownian motion (GBM) whose ...
Alex's user avatar
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Error in derivation of variance of $\beta_1$ in SLR [duplicate]

I'm trying to derive the variance of the slope parameter for a simple linear regression in the following way, however I'm running into an issue I don't know how to resolve. Define $y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1\...
aort01's user avatar
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Why is "unbiased" estimator more important than min-error estimator?

According to Edwin Jaynes (Chapter 17 of his book Probability Theory: the Logic of Science), the mean squared error of an estimator consists of bias term and variance term, that is: $$L =E[(\beta - \...
username123's user avatar
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Can someone explain why ancillary statistic is needed in "orthodox statistics"?

I am reading Jaynes' Probability Theory: the Logic of Science. In Chapter 8 Jaynes discusses the issue of ancillary statistic in "orthodox" setting, where he says that ancillary statistic ...
we cd's user avatar
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Likelihood from forecast::Arima vs. manual replication

I am trying to replicate some results from forecast::Arima in R. I am particularly interested in the likelihood that I would like to use for some likelihood ratio ...
Richard Hardy's user avatar
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Asymptotic properties of estimators for general time series model

my question concerns the asymptotic properties of estimators in time series analysis. In particular I am interested in the behavior of the estimators for time series NOT being an ARMA time series. So ...
Red's user avatar
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Estimate standard deviation and get a confidence probability

I have no background in statistics so please be nice. With my little knowledge, I also did not find any similar posts or at least posts that I could understand. Here is my problem, I have a variety of ...
Nadran's user avatar
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Estimating the parameter of Weibull accelerated failure time regression model

The parameters of Weibull AFT regression model are estimated by using the maximum likelihood method for the following model: Are there different methods of estimation? Please explain them.
Ahmed Nazih's user avatar
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Sample mean or James-Stein estimator?

I have a simple practical question, which I posted in Quant Finance SE (posting here as well, as I am not getting an answer(s) for it). Suppose we have $n\geq3$ financial time series (correlated or ...
Sane's user avatar
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Computing Fisher information for a Poisson distribution with any number of events

The context for the question is this paper. I am trying to understand how to get from Eq. (5) to Eq. (7). For simplicity I will only consider 1 dimension, whereas the equations in the paper are ...
user2132672's user avatar
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Estimating from two sensors [closed]

We want to measure the distance between two objects. One sensor gives a reading of 120. Other sensor gives a reading of 200. We know that the readings of the first sensor has a Standard Deviation of ...
user430202's user avatar
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Is this a mistake on Wikipedia on Standard Deviation?

On the Wikipedia page about standard deviation, in the section `Estimation', it says Unlike in the case of estimating the population mean, for which the sample mean is a simple estimator with many ...
Riemann's user avatar
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How to Interpret Statistically Non-Significant Estimates and Rule Out Large Effects?

I'm working on a regression analysis and have obtained a point estimate that is statistically non-significant. Economically, a non-significant result makes sense in my context, but I want to ensure ...
PostDocing's user avatar
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How to speed up the following ELBO evaluation?

I have an estimation problem where I need to maximize the evidence lower bound: $$ \mathrm{ELBO} = -\frac{1}{2} \Bigg( \mathbb{E}_{q(\theta)} \left[ \mathrm{vec}(\mathbf{Z})^{\mathrm{H}} \mathbf{C}^{-...
CfourPiO's user avatar
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Estimation of model coefficients of ARIMA model

Let say I have below ARIMA model estimation in R ...
Brian Smith's user avatar
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Bayesian estimation and biased estimators

I just learned nonBayesian vs Bayesian parameter estimation. My own summary: nonBayesian: When statistics of a parameter are unavailable, CRLB holds for unbiased estimators, but there is a case in ...
Jayboy's user avatar
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How to properly "subtract" a known covariance component from a sample covariance? regression

I have a situation where observed random variables $X_i$ are the sum of two independent (but unobserved) variables, $$X_i = S_i + N_i,$$ (e.g. what you observe is a random signal plus random noise). I ...
Alex's user avatar
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Example of Minimum Variance Estimator with Rate worst than $\frac{1}{n}$

Consider $n$ i.i.d. observation from a distribution $p(X| \theta)$. Suppose we are interested in estimating $\theta$ from this data. I am interested in an example that would show that: There exists a ...
Boby's user avatar
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Transformation w/ Rolling Regression (Residual Function)

In a time series with OLS regression curve $\widehat Y$ (rolling linear regression), and with $n=20,$ what can I say about this transformation? This formula is similar to a differential minus its ...
NEO ULTRA's user avatar
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'Adding' confidence intervals of multiple estimations

I have estimates of the number of injuries seen by ambulance services on a quarterly basis, together with a confidence interval. I want to add these estimations to retrieve one estimation of the total ...
Hidl's user avatar
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estimating preference rate

I'm offering an online service and want to determine how often people choose my service compared to my competitors. To estimate this, I have some data that tracks when users are presented with a list ...
Vineet's user avatar
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Comparing probabilistic estimation functions

Origin In The Clever Way to Count Tanks - Numberphile, the Dr James Grime presents how the allies mathematically estimated the number of tanks produced by Germany during WWII. The video is very ...
GregoirePelegrin's user avatar
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Breakdown with respect to a non stratification variable

Suppose we want to study the Investment of enterprises in a country. Suppose the enterprises are stratified by number of employees: three strata $s_1$ from $1$ to $9$ employees, $s_2$ from $10$ to $49$...
palio's user avatar
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Estimating the success of an approximation of a known matrix

I am trying to approximate a known $N\times N$ matrix $A$ with an 'estimation' matrix $A'$. The question is, how is it possible to quantify the error in this approximation - the difference between $A$...
In the blind's user avatar
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UMVUE for the Product of Means from Independent Samples

Let $ x_1, \ldots, x_m $ be i.i.d. samples drawn from a distribution $P$, and $ y_1, \ldots, y_n $ be i.i.d. samples drawn from a distribution $Q$. Assume that the samples $x_i$ and $y_j$ are ...
milad jalali's user avatar
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Measuring the accuracy after transforming function in logistic kernel

I have a non-parametric estimator using gaussian kernel and logistic kernel. Lets say estimation using Gaussian kerel is defined as $E_G$ and logistic kernel is defined as $R_L$. For increasing sample ...
Unknown's user avatar
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How to find the bias gradient for localization problem?

The work is about finding the cramer-rao bound when the estimator is biased. The algorithm based on is from Rethinking Biased Estimation: Improving Maximum Likelihood and the Cram´er–Rao Bound, and it ...
Loco Citato's user avatar
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How to solve the ARCH effect problem in estimating linear bivariate regression model?

I estimated a linear bivariate regression model by OLS method. I did the ARCH effect test. And there is the presence of ARCH effect in residuals. How can I deal with the presence of ARCH effect while ...
1190's user avatar
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Prove that $T$ is a complete statistic and find a UMVUE for $p$

While preparing for my prelims, I came across this problem: Let $X_1, X_2,\cdots, X_n$ be a sequence of Bernoulli trials, $n \geq 4.$ It is given that, $X_1,X_2,X_3 \stackrel{\text{i.i.d.}}{\sim} Ber(\...
Wrik's user avatar
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How to deal with Bias Gradient Matrix for biased CRB(Cramér–Rao bound) calculation if the gradient matrix is m-by-n but $m \neq n$?

I am doing a model for collabrative localization and using the CRB(Cramér–Rao bound) as the localization performance measurement. I want to consider interference caused by NLOS and clutter, therefore ...
Loco Citato's user avatar