Questions tagged [expected-value]

The expected value of a random variable is a weighted average of all possible values a random variable can take on, with the weights equal to the probability of taking on that value.

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Expectation over cost-normalized Expected improvements

Are the following two expressions equivalent if we assume the independence of f(x) and C(x)? $$ E\left[\frac{E\left[\max\left(f(x) - f(x^*), 0\right)\right]} {C(x)}\right] $$ $$ \frac{E\left[\max\...
Ridwan Salahuddeen's user avatar
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Expectation & Covariance matrix of indicator vector

Suppose we have the $p$-dimensional random vector $\boldsymbol{X} \sim \mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \Sigma)$. Take the set $A$ to be (without loss of generality) the negative real line, thus $A = (- \...
HeyCool08's user avatar
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How to calculate the expectation of the following Dirichlet distribution and Beta distribution?

This is a question from my research, related to the derivation of the variational EM algorithm with mean-field assumption about LDA-based model. We all know, given that $\boldsymbol{\theta} \sim \...
Henry Zha's user avatar
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Verifying the integrability condition of a deterministic volatility function

Suppose there is integrability condition: \begin{equation} \mathbb{E}\left[\int_0^T\frac{\sigma^2(t)}{T-t}dt\right]<\infty \end{equation} for an arbitrary volatility function. Suppose I nominate ...
Carl's user avatar
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How to derive the expectation of $\log[a \theta_k + b]$ in Dirichlet distribution?

Given that $\boldsymbol{\theta} \sim \mathrm{Dir}(\boldsymbol{\alpha})$, then $E_{p(\boldsymbol{\theta} \mid \boldsymbol{\alpha})}[\log{\theta_k}] = \Psi(\alpha_k) - \Psi(\sum_{k'=1}^K \alpha_{k'})$, ...
Henry Zha's user avatar
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Expected value of the product of three random variables

For two dependent random variables we have: $$Cov[X, Y] = E[XY] - E[X]E[Y]$$ So that $E[XY] = E[X]E[Y] + Cov[X, Y]$ In case of three arbitrarily correlated random variables $(X, Y, Z)$, is it possible ...
Stefano Lombardi's user avatar
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Is a product that has 4.9 stars from ten customers better than one that has 4.5 stars from a hundred customers?

In many areas, we encounter a situation where we compare averages of highly skewed statistics using two unequally sized samples. Typically, this happens when comparing items in an online store. For ...
2 votes
1 answer

Tight upper bound on the function of expected value

Let $R$ be a positive integer, $\mathcal{X}$ be the sample space and $x \in \mathcal{X}$ be an event of the sample space; $P(x)$ denotes the probability of occurrence of event $x$. The problem is to ...
Bhisham's user avatar
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What conditions are there on the exponent $p$ such that $\underset{\mu}{\arg\min}\left\{\mathbb E\left\vert X-\mu\right\vert^p\right\} $ must exist?

Let $X\sim F(x)$ be a (univariate) random variable defined by distribution function $F$. If the expected value exists, it is equal to $ \mathbb E[X] = \underset{\mu}{\arg\min}\left\{\mathbb E\left\...
Dave's user avatar
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Modelling Y=min(c,X) for different c

Assume I have a random variable $X \sim Poisson(\lambda)$ which models the potential nr of people entering some room. Now consider this room has a capacity $c$ so that whenever $X > c$ we observe $...
BeechAndBirch's user avatar
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Find $E[Y]$ when $f(x,y) = \frac{x}{3}e^{-xy}$

Truth be told, I don't really have an issue with this problem in general, but in it's calculation. Let me explain. We need to find $E[Y]$ when $f(x,y) = \frac{x}{3}e^{-xy}$, $1<x<4$ and $y>0$...
Anweshan Goswami's user avatar
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What is the bias of uniform distribution parameter estimator?

I have a question regarding question 2 of chapter 6 of "All of Statistics" book by Larry Wasserman. let: $$X_1, ... , X_n \sim \operatorname{Uniform}(0, \theta )$$ and let: $$\hat{\theta} = \...
George Wilhelm Hegel's user avatar
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Expected value of decreasing function of random variable versus expected value of random variable

Given two random variables $X_1$ and $X_2$ (same sample space $\mathcal{X}$) that $$\mathbb{E}[X_1]=\int_{\mathcal{X}}xf_1(x)dx > \mathbb{E}[X_2]=\int_{\mathcal{X}}x f_2(x)dx$$ Can we say that $\...
Rokai's user avatar
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How to calculate the expectancy of the ratio of non-independent random variables?

How can I calculate this expectancy: $$ E \left [ \frac{\sum_{t=1}^T{Z_tX_t}}{\sum_{t=1}^T{Z_t^2}} \right ] $$ where $Z_t \sim N(0,1)$ and $X_t \sim N(0,1)$ are independent? Any tricks? Is it ...
PaulG's user avatar
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Example in which $E[E[Y|T,X]] \neq E[Y|T, E[X]]$

Context: this question is a follow-up of this other question in which I'm trying to understand why we should use methods for causal inference instead of just training machine learning regressors, ...
DaSim's user avatar
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properties of a expectation for a non-negative random variable

Say I have a non-negative discrete random variable $X$ (values of $X$ can be mapped to integers $(0, 2^n -1)$ for $n \in \mathbb{Z}$) and an associated distribution $P(X)$. Given a non-negative scalar ...
Manas Sajjan's user avatar
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Correct notation for uncertain expectation

I need to write some documentation for a couple of process design options. Ultimately, my organization has to find a way to estimate the values of vector $A$. I have come up with a model to calculate $...
Chechy Levas's user avatar
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Expectation of KL-divergence only as the log ratio of the probabilities

In the DPO paper, and in particular in the proof attached below, how can we expand the KL divergence only as the log ratio of the probabilities of the two distributions? According to the definition ...
goodolddays's user avatar
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How to find probability from $E[X^n]$?

It is given that $E[X^n] = \frac{2}{5}(-1)^n + \frac{2^{n+1}}{5}+\frac{1}{5}$, where $n=1,2,3,\ldots.$ I need to find $P(|X-\frac{1}{2}| > 1)$. What my approach is : I have opened the modulus ...
Anweshan Goswami's user avatar
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$E(XY)$ for a truncated bivariate normal

If $(X, Y)$ follows a bivariate Gaussian distribution with mean ${\bf \mu}$ and covariance ${\bf \Sigma}$ with truncation bounds $(a_x, b_x, a_y, b_y)$, can we compute $E(XY)$ in closed form? If not, ...
knrumsey's user avatar
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Expected average distance in greedy matching on a circle

Now we have several independent and identically distributed random variables following the uniform distribution on the interval [0, 1].They are denoted as $x_1, x_2, x_3, ..., x_m$ and $y_1, y_2, ..., ...
user11850847's user avatar
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Scaling the conditioned random variable does not change conditional distribution, why?

Given two random variables $X$ and $Y$, I know intuitively that $$ \mathbb{E}[X\,|\,Y]=\mathbb{E}[X\,|\,cY], $$ where $c$ is some non-random constant. My intuition tells me that scaling the ...
Resu's user avatar
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Expectation of Mahalanobis Distance and its logarithm

Suppose: \begin{equation} X \sim \mathcal{N}(X, \mu, \Sigma_x) \text{ st. } \Sigma_x \sim \mathcal{IW}(\Sigma_x; \Psi, v) \end{equation} Where $\mathcal{IW}$ is the Inverse-Wishart distribution. This ...
Snowy Baboon's user avatar
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Describing guaranteed profit situations which are stronger than just 'superfair wager'

Context. I am tutoring a final year secondary school student in mathematics. To illustrate the principles of card-counting in a situation of sampling without replacement, I've decided to show her a ...
microhaus's user avatar
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Expected value of the square root of a lognormal variable

Let $X$ be a positive, lognormal random variable with known mean $\mu_X$ and variance $\sigma_X^2$. Since $X$ is a lognormal random variable, I know its pdf and moment-generating function (mgf). pdf: $...
LJ Beinhauer's user avatar
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Question on the proof step in the theorem 1 of the Gap statistic paper

From the Gap statistic paper, during the proof for the theorem 1, we can see the below equality (p. 422), $\begin{aligned} \operatorname{var}(X) & =\frac{1}{2} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \int_{-\...
kurtkim's user avatar
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When the expected value of the gradient of function is equal to the expected value of the function multiplied by the gradient itself?

I'm having doubts on the conditions of an equality. Considering $f(X,w): \mathbb{R}^n \xrightarrow{} \mathbb{R}^n$ a function of n-variate random variable $X$ with an unknown distribution $p(x)$ and $...
GM_'s user avatar
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Gambling in multiple rounds with a maximum permitted bankroll and favorable or unfavourable probabilities

This is based on a deleted question, with the premises clarified to my understanding. You are gambling in a casino with particular rules: Bets are paid off at even amounts, so if you win a round you ...
Henry's user avatar
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Calculating Expectation using the Linearity of Expectation law and sum of indicator random variables

I'm attempting to complete the problem sets for the Stanford CS109 Statistics course from 2021 as I follow along with the lectures. I'm stuck on a particular problem in one of these problem sets. I ...
fragorl's user avatar
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Expectation and variance of bivariate skew normal distribution

I am fitting a bivariate skew normal distribution to a 2D data through the sn package in R. I get a $2 \times 1$ vector of ...
Kasthuri's user avatar
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Guessing the size of a set based on number of repeated random draws

I am trying to study a problem in algebraic number theory through a set of computational experiments. I have an enormous (say, of size $X$) family $\mathcal{F}$ of polynomials and I'm trying to ...
davidlowryduda's user avatar
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Mean Squared Error for point estimation

I am attempting to understand Mean Squared Error when evaluating point estimators for particular parameters of interest. The book we are reading for class states the following: The mean squared error (...
Harry Lofi's user avatar
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Interpretation of expected wealth in Kelly betting paper

This is a sub-question of another StackOverflow question. Kelly betting on horse races with uncertainty in probability estimates (Metel 2017) describes an "ECC" variant of the Kelly method ...
Reinderien's user avatar
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Using Law of iterated expectations, I want to calculate mean of Y, E(Y)

I obtain insights into calculating the conditional mean and variance of Y given X, denoted as E(Y|X) and Var(Y|X) respectively. Building upon this knowledge, I want to answer the follow-up question ...
firmo23's user avatar
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Ratio of Normal Distributions [duplicate]

Suppose I have two independent random variables, $X \sim N(\mu_1,\sigma_1^2)$ and $Y \sim N(\mu_2,\sigma_2^2)$ with $\mu_1,\mu_2 > 0$. How can I compute/estimate $$ \mathbb{E}\left[\left\lvert \...
Algebro1000's user avatar
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What are the expected residual standard deviations from each of the fitted models and data-generating process?

I simulate data to be analyzed using a linear mixed-effects model. It is based on an experiment with 2 levels (A and B) of a ...
Anderson's user avatar
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Expected value of largest eigen value of sample correlation matrix

Suppose $X$ follows some multivariate distribution with zero mean and Identity covariance matrix. Suppose $X$ is N dimensional. Suppose $R$ is the sample correlation matrix, calculated based on n ...
deb's user avatar
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Expectation of residuals in linear regression

Consider a linear regression model $$ Y=X\beta + \epsilon, $$ where $Y\in R^n$, $X = (x_1,...,x_n)^T\in R^{n\times p}$ are i.i.d. $p$-dimensional observations, $\beta\in R^p$, and $\epsilon = (\...
Hepdrey's user avatar
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In this RL problem, why is the substitution $q_*(A_t)=\mathbb{E}[R_t | A_t] \to R_t $ valid within this expectation (over actions)?

The question that follows is from a machine learning textbook (Reinforcement learning Suttion and Barto page 39 link). Given: a probability distribution over actions $x$ (a policy) at time $t$ ...
stochasticmrfox's user avatar
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The training error of best hypothesis

Let $\mathcal{X}$ and $\mathcal{Y}$ denote the domain set and label set respectively. Also let $\mathcal{D}$ be a distribution over $\mathcal{X}$ and $f:\mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{Y}$ be the true ...
S.H.W's user avatar
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$E[W\otimes W]$ for Wishart R.V. $W$

What is the value of $E[W\otimes W]$ for Wishart R.V. $W$? $\otimes$ refers to Kronecker product I found related formula for $E[WAW]$ on page 467 of Seber's Matrix handbook, wondering if $E[W\otimes W]...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Confused on Kullback-Leibler divergence being invoked without proper definition

I am trying to understand how authors of the DDPM paper in appendix A, made the leap from equation 21 to equation 22. Specifically, it is not clear to me how they managed to convert the first term of ...
Spacey's user avatar
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Estimate number of bad actors

This might be a silly question, but it's got me stumped. I am trying to estimate the number of bad actors in a system. Let's suppose we have 100 users, and some percentage of them are bad actors. In ...
Michael Petrochuk's user avatar
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How to find $\mathbb{E} \left[\frac{\bar{\mu}}{\bar{\sigma}^2}\right]$?

I asked the same question on math stacks: MathStacks:, and some user suggest to ask it here for better insight. So this question has found interest in many research problems, but there have been no ...
coolname11's user avatar
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Question regarding probability and maximum possible variance

I have the following question: Suppose we have a set of 10 numbers (1, 2, ... , 10), each with a certain probability tagged to it. Is it true that the highest possible variance is achieved when 1 and ...
python noob's user avatar
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Joint density of two functions of a uniformly distributed random variable

I'd like to work out $\operatorname{Cov}(\cos(2U), \cos(3U))$ where $U$ is uniformly distributed on $[0, \pi]$. I believe this involves computing $\mathbb{E}[\cos(2U)\cos(3U)]$. If so, then I first ...
johnsmith's user avatar
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Cross-Validation estimate for the risk is almost unbiased

Let $Z_N$ : set with N elements; full training set $Z^l_{N/L}$ : set with N/L elements; l-th hold-out set $Z_{N(1-1/L)}$ : set with N-N/L elements; e.g. 4/5 of data $Z_N \setminus Z^l_{N/L}$ : ...
mafe's user avatar
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Derive Cramer-Rao lower bound for $Var(\hat{\theta})$ given that $\mathbb{E}[\hat{\theta}U]=1$

I am trying to derive the Cramer-Rao lower bound for $Var(\hat{\theta})$ given that we already know $\mathbb{E}[U]=0$, $Var(U)=I(\theta)$ and $\mathbb{E}[\hat{\theta}U]=1$. I am struggling with using ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Expected value of ith sample versus expected value of a random variable

Consider a random variable $X$. When we talk about the expected value of the random variable $X$, we use the notation $\mathbb{E}\left(X\right)$. However, I found that, in introductory statistics ...
MinChul Park's user avatar
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Why is every predicted $y_i$ in linear regression equal to $E[Y|X]$?

I have some loose intuition with this but I don't understand it Say we have a scatterplot of data in 2 dimensions. Then we can propose a mean model where, for all $x_i \in X$ the estimated $y_i = E[Y]$...
AdmiralMunson's user avatar

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