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What is the Intuition behind the GAN Discriminator loss? How does Discriminator loss works?

I have just stated learning GAN and the loss used are different for same problems in same tutorial. Could someone please tell me intutively that which loss function is doing what? For example, in the ...
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A meaning/significance of validation loss in a Generative Adversarial Neural Network? [closed]

On most of the tutorials on GANs that I came across the only monitored quantity is training loss. 1) Are there any general conclusions that could be derived from comparing training and validation ...
KFa's user avatar
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Wasserstein Loss is very sensitive to model architecture

I am working on a class project where I compare the performance of GAN and WGAN. Since the only difference between GAN and WGAN is the Wasserstein loss, I chose one neural network model architecture ...
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