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Questions tagged [hierarchical-clustering]

Hierarchical cluster analysis is a method of cluster analysis which builds, by steps, a hierarchy of clusters, a dendrogram. Most popular is agglomerative hierarchical clustering (HAC) which starts from individual objects and collects them into bigger and bigger clusters.

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What statistical tests can I use in R to ascertain the statistical significance of clusters obtained using DIANA (DIvisive ANAlysis Clustering)?

I have a data set of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) from 60 samples of aphids collected across mid, early and late activity season on three different plants species that they fed on. The CHCs can ...
kittenbuns's user avatar
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How to offset, align and increase padding of dendogram labels [migrated]

I am trying to create a dendogram in R. As of now, I have used the factoextra package, and specifically the fviz_dend function. The code is as follows: ...
AlisAquilae's user avatar
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Statistical techniques to compare leaves position across ordered trees

I want to tackle this problem. Suppose I have a set of entries that can produce multiple ordered trees based on some statistical methodology. The entries are always the same, but the tree structure ...
Gian's user avatar
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About adding random effects in Multilevel (HLM) analysis

I am doing regression analysis in HLM. I am wondering whether random effects should be added in this process. Let me ask a question using a famous example. LV1 is a student and LV2 is a school. LV1 ...
Nobody Nobody's user avatar
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calculation of the C-index clustering for manual [duplicate]

Can anyone give me an example of working on the C-index clustering validity test, but calculating manually??
Raaa's user avatar
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calculation of the C-index clustering [duplicate]

Can anyone give me an example of working on the C-index clustering validity test, but calculating manually??
Raaa's user avatar
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Hierarchical Clustering Using Mutual Information

I am interested in Hierarchical Clustering Using Mutual Information. Asking the ChatGpt, I got this: ...
Dr. Statistics's user avatar
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Best clustering algorithm when needing to use a distance matrix

I have about 1300 arrays that are 28x1 in size which contain numerical data. They tend to have some parabolic shape (when plotted), but certainly not all of them. I want to see how many 'different' ...
Gerald's user avatar
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Combining classification models and regression (Hierarchical? or MoE modeling?)

Assume, there is a dataset of human poses captured from different angles. For each sample there are 2 level of labels - pose type (standing, sitting, etc) and pose magnitute(continuous). Defined tasks,...
PatrickHellman's user avatar
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Evaluate hierarchical clustering with partial ground truth

I am performing hierarchical clustering, and I need to decide which agglomeration method to use. While I don't have a ground truth, I know that some datapoints should be closer together: for example, ...
Alexlok's user avatar
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Hierarchical Clustering with Large Datasets

I am currently aiming to perform hierarchical clustering for the purpose of customer segmentation. My dataset consists of 217,000 instances with 12-15 features. However, due to memory issues when ...
sammcm998's user avatar
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Name for a dendrogram showing how variable clustering affects variance explained

This is from Harrell's RMS: I'm sure I have seen a similar dendrogram used to illustrate the effect of variable clustering on $R$ / $R^2$. It was plotted with the x, y axes the other way round to the ...
Mohan's user avatar
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Is there some sort of multilevel KNN/ML model I can use to figure out which users will buy specific products?

I am wondering if there is some sort of multilevel model that I can use to identify likely buyers of specific products or create a lookalike audience. The issue is that I have 1000s of products and ...
ibarbo's user avatar
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Hierarchical clustering of a distance matrix with element weights

I am computing a hierarchical clustering of some geospatial data. I need to add in an element weighting to the approach. My current approach is: I compute temporal cross-correlations between my N ...
JoshD's user avatar
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How to interpret hierarchical clustering results

I have a data frame "Customer_original" with customer data, it has around 50 mixed type variables. I standardize "Customer_original" and put the standardized values into "...
ExchangedVisual111's user avatar
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How to incorporate p-value information for pairwise distances into clustering?

Consider I have a $n \times n$ distance matrix I want to use for hierarchical clustering, where the distance metric I use ranges from 0-1. I also have a second $n \times n$ matrix that gives me the p-...
Jmmer's user avatar
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Hierarchical cluster analysis with mixed data

I have a dataset consisting of 134 observations and four variables. The dataset consists of answers to a questionnaire. I want to perform a hierarchical cluster analysis on the variables in the ...
Lasse H's user avatar
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Best cluster approach for dichotomous variables in SPSS

I'm reading contradictory information on the internet and wanted to get some thoughts on a statistical approach to use. I'll use a fictional example for the sake of easy interpretation. I have a set ...
user404377's user avatar
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Drawing a dendrogram based on a confusion matrix

I have a simple 2D confusion matrix that I normalised for every true class. Now, what would be the best method to visualise this as a dendrogram? I have seen hierarchical agglomerative clustering on ...
Damiaan Reijnaers's user avatar
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Understanding complete linkage

I was trying to understand the linkage function from scipy and I was confused with the output for this sample code ...
Zoso's user avatar
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How to determine which variables are the most important to define each cluster from a Hierarchical clustering analysis, using R

After searching, reading posts, and trying to solve this issue myself for several days, I think it's time to ask for help. I'm performing a Hierarchical Clustering analysis on a dataset, that includes ...
JLLavin's user avatar
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How to perform Hierarchical Clustering using centroid method and custom distance metric?

I would like to perform Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering using the centroid method (defined on this page) and a custom distance metric, probably cosine similarity. In the Scipy docs it says you ...
Rupert Hart's user avatar
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Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering prior update

I am working through Heller and Ghahramani's "Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering" paper ( and things aren't quite working out the way I expect with ...
dataphile8's user avatar
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Why is HDBSCAN considered a transductive clustering algorithm despite having approximate_predict?

In the documents for HDBSCAN it says the following: Often it is useful to train a model once on a large amount of data, and then query the model repeatedly with small amounts of new data. This is ...
TunaFishLies's user avatar
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How to model clustered data structure association when all clusters are observed at the same time?

I have data from many recipes I made that describes how different ingredients subgroups grouped in different parent categories (sweet, sour, bitter, umami ) work together to ultimately lead to scores ...
Estimate the estimators's user avatar
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Peculiar silhouette score is reduced with more clusters

I am working with Python and a set of sensors. I want to use clustering on them. To do that I have used hierarchical cluster with average linkage and euclidean distance as: ...
slow_learner's user avatar
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Clustering for a meaningful fixed effects model

I have panel data for 5 time periods and about 10,000 geographic units. My dependent variable Share is the share of workers in a specific category, and my descriptors represent various factors that ...
Mikhail's user avatar
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Why is the dendrogram structure different from what I see of my data in a 3D PCoA?

I conducted hierarchical clustering on a dissimilarity matrix computed from a series of species distribution models text and I seem to get different visible structure between the dendrogram and the 3D ...
vanguard605's user avatar
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Question about Silhouette index calculation using scikit

I am currently working with continuous data measured from different sensors (thermometers and voltmeters). I have a matrix whose columns represent the sensors and the rows are normalized measurements (...
slow_learner's user avatar
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Discrepancies between AU and BP values in HCA

I conducted a hierarchical cluster analysis in R on a pool of 20 words that have certain common traits. I used hclust(). After, I did multiscale bootstrap resampling using pvclust(). While smaller-...
Ivan 's user avatar
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Alternatives to spatial and temporal aggregation of time series to discover more learnable patterns

Given taxi demand time series of towns in a country. I would like to do demand forecasting. I noticed that when the town's time series is zero inflated the prediction is poor. However, when these ...
Jose_Peeterson's user avatar
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Clustering of Variables around Latent Variables (CLV) over only qualitative data

I'm reaching out today because I have a concern regarding the clustering approach employed with the CLV method introduced by Vigneau and Qannari in 2003. I've noticed that this method is predominantly ...
lasagna's user avatar
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Design Effect in Cluster Randomised Trials

I want to understand why and how variance inflation factor is taken in account with the formula [1+(m-1)*ICC], where M= Size of clusters and ICC is the intracluster correlation. As I have deduced till ...
Angela Sarkar's user avatar
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Multivariate Longitudinal Multi-level Model: What is the hierarchy structure?

I am interested in running a multivariate multi-level model with longitudinal data, and I'm having a hard time conceptualising the hierarchy levels. My variables are: Multivariate outcome: Quality of ...
Emma L's user avatar
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Combine two estimates of same variable

Suppose I know that $ A = 0.3 \cdot B + 0.7 \cdot C $ And I have these estimates: $$ \hat A = A + \varepsilon $$ $$ \hat B = B + \zeta $$ $$ \hat C = C + \eta $$ For the sake of the argument, $ \...
BlackNinja's user avatar
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In unsupervised learning, is a result of 2 clusters meaningful?

I used both agglomerative clustering and k-means on a dataset and see the results below. Result from agglomerative clustering was demonstrated with silhouette score while kmeans with inertia score. ...
LCheng's user avatar
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Inconsistent cluster indices using hierarchical clustering for time series data

I am currently trying to spatially cluster data that is ordered on a grid. Each point has x and y coordinates as well as a measurement value. These features come from a time series where I analyze ...
Krautsultan's user avatar
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How to automatically choose the optimal number of clusters for a hierarchical clustering dendrogram? (R or Python)

I have a product substitutability matrix, where each cell has a number between 0 and 1 to represent how substitutable (i.e. how similar) the two products are. I then apply hierarchical clustering to ...
Sam Eley's user avatar
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Finding the nearest point to a given set of points [closed]

I am trying to build an auto-suggestion logic which looks at currently selected items and recommends a list of items to select the next item from. I can formulate the problem thus: Given a set of ...
curious_explorer's user avatar
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Cluster analysis after factor analysis: What distance measure to use?

I use factor analysis on a set of 15 survey questions (likert scales). Using the predict command (in stata) I make 5 factors. Subsequently, I want to use cluster analysis to see if there are "...
Lotte Yanore's user avatar
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What are the downsides of using euclidean distance for hierarchical clustering of a correlation matrix?

Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, but I couldn't find any answers discussing this specific question. I am lacking some notion on clustering using euclidean vs correlation distance, when ...
tomsgoms's user avatar
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Unsupervised learning: How to identify differences between clusters?

I'm learning about unsupervised learning and I tried to use KMeans, AgglomerativeClustering and DBSCAN on the same datase. The result was ok, they seems to work fine according silhouette_score() ...
Antonio Caipora's user avatar
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Choosing the best clustering algorithm and evaluating the results

I'm trying to separate my data into clusters using the k-means algorithm and the hierarchical algorithm, choose which algorithm fits my data the best, and evaluate the results. However, all of my ...
Jim's user avatar
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Are there algorithms to cluster Graphs, not just cluster nodes in a graph?

I am wondering if there are algorithms to cluster graphs; what I meant is to cluster many graphs, not cluster the nodes in a graph. For example, we have N graphs, G1, G2, G3, .....GN. Then we can ...
TripleH's user avatar
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Negative gap statistic interpretation for cluster analysis

I am trying to perform a cluster analysis on a dataset. The plot of clusters vs. gap statistic is below. I do not know how to interpret the decrease of the gap statistic and its values which are ...
bobo's user avatar
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Feature Scaling in Hierarchal Clustering

I know that feature scaling is always a requirement for clustering algorithms. Currently I am implementing hierarchal clustering on this dataset, I will use only the annual income and the spending ...
AAA's user avatar
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Using Ward's method on a dissimilarity matrix of Gower distances

I have a question regarding Wards method of hierarchical clustering. I used Gower Distance to create a dissimilarity matrix from an event log. I want to agglomerate it with Ward's method. Lets suppose ...
Spypsyduck's user avatar
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What graph is best suited for this data? (and how can I produce it in R)

I have this df object (9x19), ...
wantingtoimprove's user avatar
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Clustering Algorithm with Continuous and Binary Variables

I am creating a clustering analysis with both Continuous and Binary variables and am wondering What type of model is best for these cases How should I scale my data. Should I only scale Continuous ...
BigDawg007's user avatar
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Distance function that captures both circular and "appear as line" clusters [closed]

based on what I know in k-mean clustering, if i use single linkage distance it can capture clusters of thread shapes but it is not suitable for capturing circular clusters. Also If we use complete ...
user368884's user avatar

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