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3 answers

The rationale for when significance or null hypothesis testing is needed

Why do people sometimes claim that an effect is so huge and "obvious" that it does not warrant any inferential statistics calculation, even though the sample size is not large? This is ...
BioLeal's user avatar
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Within subject experiments done by (some) Psychologists

Thanks in advance for any responses or resources you can link me to. I've had more of an Econ/Stats training and recently I've been working with some people who have a Psych background at work. They ...
DirichletC's user avatar
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How do data/observations themselves contribute to our ability to make determinations of whether a hypothesis is true or false?

Let's say that I have a hypothesis, and I'm trying to determine whether the hypothesis is true or false. If I remember correctly, in statistics, the standard philosophical view is that, technically, ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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What is the proper power analysis approach in this A/B test

This may be a dumb question but will ask here: We launched an experiment that has 3 groups Treatment A vs Treatment B vs Control measuring a metric clicks per user. We did our power analysis before we ...
jc315's user avatar
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How to best evaluate A/B Test result for statistical and practical significance holistically?

I am working on evaluating an experiment or A/B test but I am fairly new to it. In that process, I am trying to interpret which post-test metrics are significant and the methodology to decide that. ...
user346076's user avatar
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Which statistical analysis/design to use on clinical hospital data with varying amounts of available data for each patient?

We are currently working in our local hospital on a paper about the influence of the nephrologist on patients with kidney failure. We are aiming to look at a couple of clinical (laboratory) outcomes ...
Erik's user avatar
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Making one-sided conclusions from two-sided tests

I'm reading Montgomery's Design and Analysis of Experiments. On page 39, he rejected a two-sided $t$-test against the null hypothesis that modified formulation of some cement mortar doesn't change its ...
nalzok's user avatar
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Experimental Design and Inference For Proportions

I have a specific example for an experimental design using a control/test group that I want to make inferences on. I want to test the completion rate for the same training program done online vs. ...
LotsofQuestions's user avatar
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What criteria differentials an A/B/C/etc... test with a Multivariate test with respect to webpages?

I'm a software engineer with a weak background in probability and statistics. I want to determine whether the position and color of the "Purchase" buttons affects my conversion rate. I want to create ...
William Gottschalk's user avatar
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Fundamental question about applying Anova

I have a fundamental question about applying ANOVA. Suppose we are testing 4 drugs which reduce blood pressure. Our experiment contains 4 drugs + 1 Placebo. We give these to 3 types of patients (...
Dobeli's user avatar
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Random Effect Model

One factor random effect model: $$y_{ij}=\mu+\tau_{i}+\epsilon_{ij}\quad i=1,2,\ldots,a; j=1,2,\ldots,n$$ where, $y_{ij}$ is the $j$th observation of $i$th treatment effect $\mu$ is the overall ...
user 31466's user avatar
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Computing the F-ratio under null hypothesis

Statistical model for a Completely Randomized Design: $$y_{ij}=\mu+\tau_{i}+\epsilon_{ij}\quad i=1,2,\ldots,a; j=1,2,\ldots,n$$ where, $y_{ij}$ is the $j$th observation of $i$th treatment effect $...
user 31466's user avatar
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What if your randomly formed groups are clearly not similar?

What if, before you begin the data collection for an experiment, you randomly divide your subject pool into two (or more) groups. Before implementing the experimental manipulation you notice the ...
Joel W.'s user avatar
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