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Instance segmentation using a discriminative loss?

I have been reading this paper and I was wondering if their discriminitive loss definition is correct for instance segmentation ? From what I understand they map the image pixels into a higher ...
KFkf's user avatar
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Calculation of the Generalized Dice Loss Gradient

I am trying to understand the gradient of the Generalized Dice Loss (GDL) shown here Link. It says that the GDL for two classes is: $$ GDL = 1 - 2 \frac{\sum_{l=1}^2w_l \sum_{n=1}^{N} r_{ln}p_{ln}}{\...
sephlink's user avatar
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Comparison of Squared Dice Loss vs. Standard Dice Loss

I've been diving into segmentation tasks and came across two variations of the Dice Loss that I'm considering for my neural network: the standard Dice Loss and the Squared Dice Loss. The Standard Dice ...
mutli-arm-bandit's user avatar
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Correct or most common term for altering a loss function to ignore unlabelled pixels?

In my experience it is quite commonplace to alter the loss function used when training a neural network for segmentation to ignore the contribution to the loss of unlabelled pixels. There are a few ...
KDecker's user avatar
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Fluctuating loss curve/ steady dice score. Why? And How to improve? [duplicate]

I am training 3D data with multi-class 3D target ground truths(9 tissue labels) for segmentation. Using dice Loss and focal dice loss as loss criterion. Updating optimizer every second batch (...
banikr's user avatar
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Tversky Loss function for RGB masks

I have a very imbalanced dataset for my semantic segmentation problem (monitoring deforestation using setellite images) and I found Tversky Loss to be much better than categorical crossentropy (due to ...
Петр Воротинцев's user avatar
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NAN loss while training a image segmentation model with non-object images

I am currently working on a multi-class image segmentation application. A fraction of dataset contains images whose corresponding ground-truth images do not contain any object (completely black ...
samra irshad's user avatar