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Questions tagged [image-segmentation]

Image segmentation arises in computer vision and digital signal processing. The goal of image segmentation is to partition a digital image into pieces, where each piece corresponds to some semantically important concept. Usually, this means that each pixel is assigned to one of the concepts. An simple example is dividing a picture of a person into the subject (the person in the foreground) and the background (whatever is behind and around the subject).

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Deep learning models for unsupervised semantic segmentation

I am working on semantic segmentation for satellite images using keras and python. It is my understanding that popular models like U-Net require mask images (labels). Are there any unsupervised deep ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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Better machine learning methods for medical imaging segmentation

I am wondering if there are some better machine learning methods for medical imaging segmentation? Currently, I have some relatively low-resolution MRI images and I tried to use histogram and k-means ...
Samo Jerom's user avatar
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Correct way of computing dice score for image segmentation?

In binary image segmentation, for given a set of images, it's true mask and predicted mask. How to compute dice score?, should I compute dice score for each image separately and then find mean across ...
spb's user avatar
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