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Moderation in linear mixed model

I ran a Linear Mixed Model in R with 2 centered predictors and a Group variable. fit1a <- lmer(DV ~ Predictor1*Group + Predictor2*Group + (1|...), data) One of ...
KayAnn's user avatar
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Between-person level interaction

I have a database called dat1. Each participant (id) had multiple measurements. One of the variables measures type of the stress called stress_type (acute=0, chronic =1) and another variable is the ...
MAIMAU's user avatar
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Can I disentangle an interaction in a multilevel model by reordering factors?

I have a multilevel model with two factors (factor A - 2 levels; factor B - 3 levels) and continuous covariate, all of which interact. There is a random effect of participant and random slopes on the ...
Hu12345's user avatar
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Group level interaction or mixed effects model

I have a model where I expect the relationship of my independent variable of interest and the dependent variable to decrease over time (year in my case). Now I have three approaches to measure such a ...
tony13s's user avatar
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Need help with analyzing data from within subjects design study

I am planning to conduct a within-subjects design study, and I am wondering if data analysis can be done using multi-level analysis. IV and DV will be continuous variables. Moderator will be binary, ...
Torkor's user avatar
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interpreting intercept in lme4 when having within and between subjects variables and interaction

I am testing the effect of priority (which is a continuous within subjects factor) and viewing condition (which is a factor and a between subjects factor with 2 levels) on error. So the condition ...
Veronika Hadjipanayi's user avatar
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Centring in three levels multilevel models with cross-level interaction

I am relatively new to multi-level models subject and find it challenging to connect theory to modelling. My interest is to examine the moderation influence of green space (at level 3) on the ...
AhmadMkhatib's user avatar
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Clustering and interactions in a multilevel model in R

We are conducting an individual participant level meta-analysis on a series of clustered randomised controlled trials, where we are mainly interested in an interaction effect with a characteristic (...
user2958701's user avatar
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Interactions between levels in lme4

We are implementing multilevel models in lme4 and have a question about how to handle cross-level predictors. This is a psychology experiment where individual participants come into the lab and ...
user1753987's user avatar
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Specifying Cross-Level Interactions in LMER [closed]

I am trying to figure out if it's okay to specify cross-level interactions in a hierarchical model with fixed effect predictor variables at both levels using the ...
Miranda's user avatar
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