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Heteroscedasticity that depends on the regression parameters

Consider a vector of observations $\mathbf{Y}$ that can be modeled as \begin{equation} \mathbf{Y} \sim \mathcal{N}( \mathbf{H}\boldsymbol{\beta} , \boldsymbol{\Sigma} ) \end{equation} with $\mathbf{...
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Iterative reweighted least squares versus MLE for heteroscedastic errors

Iterative reweighted least squares (IRLS) is used when errors are heteroscedastic. Let us assume that error comes from a distribution where its mean is zero and the variance is a function of the ...
Stats_student's user avatar
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Difference between robust regression and weighted regression

In stata, robust regression (rreg) uses weights proportional to the size of the residuals. Is this conceptually the same as weighted OLS (weight by 1/variance)? And both can be applied, for example, ...
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Fitting heteroscedastic models using the `gls` function

Consider the following heteroscedastic model: $$y_i = f(x_i, \beta) + g(x_i, \theta)\varepsilon_i, i = 1, \ldots, n, \tag{1}$$ where $f(\cdot, \beta)$ is the regression function and $g(\cdot, \theta)$ ...
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