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What are the right metrics to validate the performance of a custom clustering model with three possible outcomes?

I have developed a custom clustering model on top of MiniBatchKmeans, that has three possible outcomes for each data point: Assign the point to the correct cluster. Assign the point to the wrong ...
Sanjay Mythili's user avatar
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PCA : how to cluster data to differenciate my data the most while considering their groups

I have to do a PCA in R for a project, but I have 300 data in 15 differents groups, and I want to find the reduced space which gives me the most variability between the groups and cluster my data in ...
Marguerite's user avatar
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Model based clustering equivalent to K means?

Is it OK to say something like this: "A model-based clustering with a hard threshold is equivalent to a k means clustering"? One of my instructors stated this in his slides, I kind of doubt ...
Zhili Qiao's user avatar
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K-Means clustering technique for monthly data

I have an Unsupervised problem where user's Credit Card payment data is given for each month for various users for one year. One of the feature in the data having "User Id". For most of the ...
Archaeolexicologist's user avatar
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Identifying inflexion point in elbow method (cluster analysis)

I am looking for the optimal number of clusters to conduct a cluster analysis and used the following code to determine it: ...
Catarina Toscano's user avatar
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Clustering Highly Skewed and Segmented Data

So I am trying to cluster a dataset that looks like the following: I have tried K-Means and GMM, which give me horrible results. I have tried DBSCAN, which was okay, but it is difficult to choose the ...
The Dude's user avatar
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Can clustering with Gaussian mixture models be done based on cosine similarity?

Apologies if this has already been answered; I found some similar posts (here and here) but don't feel they answered the specific question I have. Please feel free to correct any misunderstandings in ...
phamilton's user avatar
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Best Clustering Technique for Probability Scores

I have a data which which have 17 variables i.e. 17-Dimension data. The Data is a result of Max-Diff exercise which is performed for ranking these 17 attributes and have comparative preference/...
Dileep Vishwakarma's user avatar
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Clustering based on distance measure violating triangle inequality

Suppose I have a set of categorical data $X=\{x_1,x_2,\cdots, x_n\}$, (in my case $n =~ 10,000-50,000$) as well as a precomputed "distance" measure $g(x_i,x_j)$ (in my case I just have an array of ...
Benjamin Horowitz's user avatar
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Feature selection in clustering

I am looking for a method for feature selection in Gaussian Mixture Models. I have a dataset with 2000 records and 40 variables. I tried to use the "clustvarsel" package in R, which use the BIC as ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Unnatural clustering with known clusters shapes and optimization criteria

My question is similar to this question Clustering with shape prior, but with additional information. The second answer suggests a mixture model approach to this problem, which is something like ...
NGInd's user avatar
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Clustering groups that have replicated measures: hierarchical clustering on group-average VS regression tree

I measured 2 continous dependent variables (V1 and V2) on 10 occasions (10 replicates) for each of 4 groups. I aim to cluster my groups. i.e. I dont want to cluster replicates, since this could mix ...
Pierre's user avatar
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