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Questions tagged [language-models]

A statistical language model is a probability distribution over sequences of words.

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Validation accuracy dip and recovery when restarting training

i was fine-tuning this large language model with Stochastic Gradient Descent and mid epoch i stopped training, and saved the model weights. Then at a later time, reloaded the weights and restarted the ...
clam's user avatar
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How can we implement pipelines using LLMs that can consider information from the internet in their responses?

Let us suppose that we are implementing a data processing pipeline based on LLMs and, in some part of the process, we need to search the internet for finding relevant information regarding some topic, ...
Zaratruta's user avatar
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What's the loss that is optimized in InstructGPT RL stage?

In the InstructGPT paper they define objective of RL stage as: They try to maximize this objective using PPO. I have trouble understanding how they plug this objective into the PPO though. Do they ...
Druudik's user avatar
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Is it necessary to use attention mask for mean pooling for BERT?

I am working on a project involving the analysis of clinical texts using the "emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT" model from Hugging Face's transformers library. My goal is to extract ...
mutli-arm-bandit's user avatar
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Why doesn't BERT give me back my original sentence?

I've started playing with BERT encoder through the huggingface module. I passed it a normal unmasked sentence and got the ...
AlanSTACK's user avatar
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Importance of language models when given simple instruction to a Robot

Do I really need a transformer-based language model if I want to instruct a robot very simple task? Suppose I give an instruction like "Go to the right and pick up the book from the table". ...
Encipher's user avatar
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Bert Used for generative AI

I have a doubt regarding using "Bert" as a generative model. I know Bert can be used for classification or fine-tuning the question-answering. However, is it possible to use Bert to generate ...
Encipher's user avatar
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Classification in BERT - why not use class as a feature?

I am currently following this post, which details how BERT was trained. I had a few questions about the classification task: In the post, it mentions that the authors of BERT decided to add ...
Victor M's user avatar
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How does Kneser Ney estimate ngrams with BOS without dividing by zero?

The recursive formula for (unmodified) Kneser Ney smoothing is (per Jurafsky08 3.40) $P_{KN}(w_i | h) = \frac{\text{max}(c_{KN}(h\ w_i) - d, 0)}{\sum_v c_{KN}(h \ v )} + \lambda(h) P_{KN}(w_i | h)$ ...
user2740's user avatar
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How do you add knowledge to LLMs?

I recently heard an interesting comment from a gentleman on YouTube and it made sense instantly. To paraphrase he explained that "fine-tuning" an LM is not necessarily adding knowledge to a ...
Edv Beq's user avatar
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Why does the best performing adapter-based parameter-efficient fine-tuning depend on the language model being fine-tuned? shows that the best performing adapter-based parameter-efficient fine-tuning depends on the language model being fine-tuned: E.g., LORA is the best adapter for LlaMa-...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Intuitive difference between NN and attention for text prediction

If your task is to predict $t_{n+1}$ given tokens $(t_1,...,t_n)$, you could do two things: Straight NN - feed $t=(t_1,...,t_n)$ into a neural network as an n-dimensional input and train it on ...
tunafriedrice's user avatar
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Continuous Bag of Words derivation

The continuous bag of words model has the following log probability for observing a sequence of words: $$\log P(\textbf{w})=\sum_{c=1}^{C}\log{P(w_c|w_{c-m},...w_{c-1}, w_{c+1},...,w_{c+m}})$$ I don't ...
Victor M's user avatar
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Self-supervised Target Definition in the Original Neural Language Model by Bengio et al (2003)

I understand how later neural language models (such as those used in the Word2Vec papers) framed the language modelling problem in a self-supervised way by learning to predict the next word (or any ...
Felipe's user avatar
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Difference between "transfer learning" and "fine-tuning"

I am currently reading the BERT paper and it splits the use of pre-trained models into two categories: Feature-based whereby you just take the embeddings for the tokens and plug it into whatever ...
Felipe's user avatar
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Should a language model like GPT-3 be directly used to perform classification?

The OpenAI API enables classification by sampling from GPT-3 given a prompt. Is estimating posterior probabilities a more statistically sound approach? Below is a specification of what "...
chicxulub's user avatar
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Perplexity for different n-gram models

I'm training a Lidstone Model with different n-gram sequences to see witch one is the best (2-gram, 3-gram, 4-gram, etc) in the same text database. When I give all these models an unseen text sample ...
Lfzinho's user avatar
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Do I need training data in multiple languages for a multilingual transformer?

I am attempting to train a transformer which can categorize sentences into one of n categories. This model should be able to work with a number of different languages - English and Arabic in my case. ...
KOB's user avatar
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Feedforward Neural Net Language Model - computational complexity (word2vec)

While reading this paper on word2vec, I came around the following description of a feedforward Neural Net Language model (NNLM): It consists of input, projection, hidden and output layers. At the ...
MDescamps's user avatar
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How to handle out of the bag token in NLP?

In my current language model my model is unaware of any token that is out-of-bag for example:- In my summary generating model when we pass some token that is out-of-bag then my model will completely ...
Nervous Hero's user avatar
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What's the role of masking in transformer and BERT?

I've recently implemented the architectures of Transformer and BERT and found that they both have common property - masked layers among one of them. I have come to questions like below. As far as I ...
Rhee's user avatar
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Language model gives different results when Bayes' theorem is applied

Say, the following example is our corpus: a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Here, there are 9 tokens in the corpus. ...
hafiz031's user avatar
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How to improve language model ex: BERT on unseen text in training?

so I am using pre-trained language model for binary classification. I fine-tune the model by training on data my downstream task. The results are good almost 98% F-measure. However, when I remove a ...
Injy Sarhan's user avatar
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Variable batch size for inputs of different length

We're fine-tuning a GPT-2 model (using the Adam optimizer) to some posts from a social network. The length of these posts varies quite dramatically, so while some are only two tokens long, others can ...
Christian Adam's user avatar
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multiple likely ys for one instance of x: word prediction with LSTM

I have a ML project that is about predicting (suggesting) the next word based on the last n words, using LSTM. The output is a softmax dense layer the size of the vocabulary that shows the probability ...
alpaprika39's user avatar
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How does one design a custom loss function? What features make a loss function "good"?

I have a custom situation for which I am trying to design a cost function. The idea is that you have a stack of LSTMs doing something slightly unconventional. Each LSTM$_l$ computes a linear ...
Sam's user avatar
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Does the transformers model (in “Attention is All You Need”) exclude the encoder in language modelling tasks?

The language model I am referring to is the one outlined in "Attention is All You Need": My understanding is (please correct me if I am wrong) that when the task is translation, the encoder'...
Matthew Yang's user avatar
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Calculating perplexity with smoothing techniques (NLP)

This question is about smoothed n-gram language models. When we use additive smoothing on the train set to determine the conditional probabilities, and calculate the perplexity of train data, where ...
Janani K's user avatar
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Why are Transformers "suboptimal" for language modeling but not for translation?

Language Models with Transformers states: Transformer architectures are suboptimal for language model itself. Neither self-attention nor the positional encoding in the Transformer is able to ...
MWB's user avatar
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For BERT-based models, do we absolutely have to include the [CLS] and [SEP] special tokens in the input data?

The thought just occurred to me while I was processing data. If we're using the [CLS] token for classification, then it would obviously make sense to include it, ...
Sean's user avatar
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Why are language modeling pre-training objectives considered unsupervised?

Maybe this is stemming from my not-so-great grasp of supervised vs. unsupervised learning, but my understanding is that if we have access to ground-truth labels then it's supervised learning and if ...
Sean's user avatar
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Breaking substitution cipher with language model

Frequency analysis is a common tool used to break substitution ciphers, but often relies on intuition and guesswork of a human. Since language models can objectively calculate perplexity (how ...
Christian Doucette's user avatar
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Use of ignore_index on CrossEntropyLoss() for text models

I have been using PyTorch's CrossEntropyLoss() on a Language Autoencoder. I noticed that most people use ignore_index for ignoring the pad token in loss calculation eg this. From what I understand ...
Ishan's user avatar
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Language Model dealing with Book Dialogue

My goal is to generate text based on a specific book using an LSTM language model. One problem with my generator is that it seems that the book's dialogue is somewhat messing up my generator. I had ...
Christian Doucette's user avatar
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Generating text from language model

I have a trained LSTM language model and want to use it to generate text. The standard approach for this seems to be: Apply softmax function Take a weighted random choice to determine next word This ...
Christian Doucette's user avatar
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Choosing a model for input: categorised, weighted sequence, output: binary variable

What would be an appropriate model for predicting a binary target variable, given a weighted sequence? Sequences will be reasonably short, typically between ~ 1 and 5 elements. I have in the order of ...
Ian's user avatar
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What's the best practice for dealing with OOV characters?

I have read on the advantages of using character-level language models over word-level ones. In particular, you don't have to deal with the problem of out of vocabulary (OOV) words, since characters ...
gmedina-v's user avatar
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Finding the perplexity of multiple examples

I am trying to find a way to calculate perplexity of a language model of multiple 3-word examples from my test set, or perplexity of the corpus of the test set. As the test set, I have a paragraph ...
Cavarica2's user avatar
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Which dimensionality reduction technique works well for BERT sentence embeddings?

I'm trying to cluster hundreds of text documents so that each each cluster represents a distinct topic. Instead of using topic modeling (which I know I could do too), I want to follow a two-step ...
Selina 's user avatar
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Different ways to calculate pointwise mutual information for word co-occurrence [closed]

I have a (very) small corpus of documents. As a representative example: 450 documents, 280000 total word count. I am calculating Positive Pointwise Mutual Information (PPMI) between a selection of ...
exfalso's user avatar
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BERT masking - why does it require sampling, and how does it mitigate the mismatch of the [MASK] token when fine-tuning?

I'm reading the BERT paper and jalammar's illustrative guide for BERT. I don't understand 2 things about the method's crux - the masked language model: why does masking requires us to sample (take ...
ihadanny's user avatar
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Confusion about CBOW and Skip-Gram models?

I've read a couple online description of CBOW and Skip-Gram and usually the descriptions starts like this: We need to train models on words So we encode words using vectors One-hot encoding is not ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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Inference time for text genration using fine-tuned gpt2

I have re-trained GPT2 model using over 10 million sentences for QA. And while testing also I am getting very good results. The only problem now I am facing is that I have millions of test data that I ...
Pooja Sonkar's user avatar
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Language Identification Better Results with Unigrams

I have a school project which consists of identifying each language of a tweet from a dataset of tweets. The dataset contains tweets in Spanish, Portuguese, English, Basque, Galician and Catalan. The ...
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Skip-gram model multiplicative constant in the objective function?

I was reading this paper ( I cannot understand where does the multiplicative constant $...
alienflow's user avatar
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Cross layer parameter sharing in ALBERT Model

I am reading the paper "ALBERT: LITE BERT FOR SELF-SUPERVISED LEARNING OF LANGUAGE REPRESENTATIONS". ALBERT uses cross-layer parameter sharing to improve model performance. I don't ...
Zephyr's user avatar
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Machine Translation: with sufficient parallel data, can we improve even further the performance of the system with the use of monolingual data?

I am trying to find scientific literature that studies if, in a situation in which we already have enough parallel data, the addition of monolingual data can further improve performance. I have not ...
Hill Farmer's user avatar
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Can a deep learning model learn to understand/interpret the logical sentences?

I don't know what the development in NLP has gone so far. I'm curious about whether my machine can answer me following question? "Today is Sunday. I'll finish my project in two days. What will be day ...
Ruchit Patel's user avatar
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get predictability of word given sentence in python

I have a paragraph and I want to get the probability (p(word | context) ) of each word, given previous words, for various models (e.g. pre-trained LSTM). Where can pretrained models would allow me to ...
Cranjis's user avatar
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Do recurrent neural language models greedily model language probability?

Want to check my understanding of recurrent neural language models (in this case I'm working with a decoder in an encoder-decoder RNN but I don't think that matters significantly). I'm trying to ...
Brendan King's user avatar