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End-Tokens are Required to make Ngram Models Proper

The standard bigram model, (for example defined here) defines a probability distribution over a corpus $V$ based on the following principles: The marginal probability of a word $w$ is defined as its ...
olives's user avatar
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Continuous Bag of Words derivation

The continuous bag of words model has the following log probability for observing a sequence of words: $$\log P(\textbf{w})=\sum_{c=1}^{C}\log{P(w_c|w_{c-m},...w_{c-1}, w_{c+1},...,w_{c+m}})$$ I don't ...
Victor M's user avatar
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Language Identification Better Results with Unigrams

I have a school project which consists of identifying each language of a tweet from a dataset of tweets. The dataset contains tweets in Spanish, Portuguese, English, Basque, Galician and Catalan. The ...
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Language Modelling using Neural Networks

I plan to make a Language Model in Python using Neural Networks. I've read that Neural Networks need vectors as input. One common vector representation in NLP is the Bag of Words model. Given a corpus ...
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