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multiple likely ys for one instance of x: word prediction with LSTM

I have a ML project that is about predicting (suggesting) the next word based on the last n words, using LSTM. The output is a softmax dense layer the size of the vocabulary that shows the probability ...
alpaprika39's user avatar
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get predictability of word given sentence in python

I have a paragraph and I want to get the probability (p(word | context) ) of each word, given previous words, for various models (e.g. pre-trained LSTM). Where can pretrained models would allow me to ...
Cranjis's user avatar
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Do recurrent neural language models greedily model language probability?

Want to check my understanding of recurrent neural language models (in this case I'm working with a decoder in an encoder-decoder RNN but I don't think that matters significantly). I'm trying to ...
Brendan King's user avatar
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How to train a RNN language model?

I want to train a RNN-based language model from for next word prediction. How to split the sentences from the dataset into input and ground truth during the ...
nidomo's user avatar
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How to sample a language model?

I've successfully trained a language model using LSTMs. But I have a confusion about sampling. On sampling, we generate a probability distribution at each time step. It will be of length vocabulary ...
Sleeba Paul's user avatar
3 votes
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How to handle big vocabulary size with keras tokenizer?

I am actually working on a neural language model developed with keras. I have an encoder and a decoder and the output of the decoder is a dense vector on the quite big depending on the ...
pokatore's user avatar