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How can we implement pipelines using LLMs that can consider information from the internet in their responses?

Let us suppose that we are implementing a data processing pipeline based on LLMs and, in some part of the process, we need to search the internet for finding relevant information regarding some topic, ...
Zaratruta's user avatar
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Bert Used for generative AI

I have a doubt regarding using "Bert" as a generative model. I know Bert can be used for classification or fine-tuning the question-answering. However, is it possible to use Bert to generate ...
Encipher's user avatar
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Should a language model like GPT-3 be directly used to perform classification?

The OpenAI API enables classification by sampling from GPT-3 given a prompt. Is estimating posterior probabilities a more statistically sound approach? Below is a specification of what "...
chicxulub's user avatar
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Do I need training data in multiple languages for a multilingual transformer?

I am attempting to train a transformer which can categorize sentences into one of n categories. This model should be able to work with a number of different languages - English and Arabic in my case. ...
KOB's user avatar
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How to handle out of the bag token in NLP?

In my current language model my model is unaware of any token that is out-of-bag for example:- In my summary generating model when we pass some token that is out-of-bag then my model will completely ...
Nervous Hero's user avatar
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Variable batch size for inputs of different length

We're fine-tuning a GPT-2 model (using the Adam optimizer) to some posts from a social network. The length of these posts varies quite dramatically, so while some are only two tokens long, others can ...
Christian Adam's user avatar
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Does the transformers model (in “Attention is All You Need”) exclude the encoder in language modelling tasks?

The language model I am referring to is the one outlined in "Attention is All You Need": My understanding is (please correct me if I am wrong) that when the task is translation, the encoder'...
Matthew Yang's user avatar
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Breaking substitution cipher with language model

Frequency analysis is a common tool used to break substitution ciphers, but often relies on intuition and guesswork of a human. Since language models can objectively calculate perplexity (how ...
Christian Doucette's user avatar
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Use of ignore_index on CrossEntropyLoss() for text models

I have been using PyTorch's CrossEntropyLoss() on a Language Autoencoder. I noticed that most people use ignore_index for ignoring the pad token in loss calculation eg this. From what I understand ...
Ishan's user avatar
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Language Model dealing with Book Dialogue

My goal is to generate text based on a specific book using an LSTM language model. One problem with my generator is that it seems that the book's dialogue is somewhat messing up my generator. I had ...
Christian Doucette's user avatar
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Generating text from language model

I have a trained LSTM language model and want to use it to generate text. The standard approach for this seems to be: Apply softmax function Take a weighted random choice to determine next word This ...
Christian Doucette's user avatar
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How can an untrusted feature value affect the accuracy of a machine learning model?

I'm building a language detector model to classify between 2 languages given text image. The input will be the image, but I have another feature that can tell somehow the language (between 0,1) ...
shrouk mansour's user avatar
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Denoising autoencoders vs masked approaches

I am not an expert in language modelling domain. There are mainly two approaches that are being used nowadays. Denoising autoencoders and ...
enterML's user avatar
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Difference between ELMo and a normal deep network

I was reading up about ELMo and what I could gather was that we essentially combine the weights from different stacked lstm/gru layers for a given token as different layers are suited for different ...
shiredude95's user avatar
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Modeling words in a language based on their characters

I have different sets of strings, where I assume that each set follows some rules or patterns. For example, the first character must be a number, or the 3rd and the last characters must be the same, ...
keren42's user avatar
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Perplexity of a Non-Statistical Language Model

I have a piece of software that, given a input phrase, returns an ordered list of the next most likely words (entire vocab is ordered 1 to n). This is essentially an Language Model with the exception ...
bivouac0's user avatar
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natural language understanding algorithms [closed]

I am doing some research into how smart personal assistants work like siri, alexa etc. I have found that it is using automatic speech recognition to turn the speech into weighted text form and then ...
dmnte's user avatar
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What are commonly used methods to represent a document by a vector?

Methods that I know of Bag of words + weighting: tf-idf, bm25 Topic models: LSA, LDA Word/sentence/document embedding Are there other commonly used methods to represent a document by a vector?
dontloo's user avatar
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Skip-gram algorithm confusion

As a newbie to NLP, I am (deeply) confused by the middle step in the following diagram explaining the skip-gram algorithm. The video where this diagram was presented can be found at: https://www....
MeiNan Zhu's user avatar
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Decide threshold for LM to filter out ill-formed sentence

I have a corpus of sentences. This corpus contains well-formed as well as ill-formed sentences. I want to filter out ill-formed sentences from the corpus. Ill-formed sentences are of two types : ...
pseudo_teetotaler's user avatar
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Language Modelling using Neural Networks

I plan to make a Language Model in Python using Neural Networks. I've read that Neural Networks need vectors as input. One common vector representation in NLP is the Bag of Words model. Given a corpus ...
Jessie's user avatar
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Language Detection with CLD2 with Mixed Inputs in long documents

Internals Recap. CLD2 is a Naïve Bayesian classifier, trained on documents of mean size of 200 characters, trained on a corpus of 100M scraped and human expert selected web pages. When working on ...
loretoparisi's user avatar
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How to calculate the perplexity of test data versus language models

I have been working on an assignment where I train upon 3 corpora in 3 separate languages, and then I read in a set of sentences and use a number of models to determine the most likely language for ...
basil's user avatar
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Understanding Add-1/Laplace smoothing with bigrams

I am working through an example of Add-1 smoothing in the context of NLP Say that there is the following corpus (start and end tokens included) ...
basil's user avatar
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Advantage of character based language models over word based

Is there an intuition why character based models language bases models are preferred over word based. For example Karpathy builds his language model by predicting the next character in Karpathy Blog. ...
PKuhn's user avatar
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How many words does the algorithm search through in Google Ngram? [closed]

When I run a query for "hers" in Google Ngram Viewer, I get back the word's frequency of occurrence as a percentage. We know the outcome percentage; what's the denominator on the other size? Is it 100 ...
boot-scootin's user avatar
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Question about Continuous Bag of Words

I'm having trouble understanding this sentence: The first proposed architecture is similar to the feedforward NNLM, where the non-linear hidden layer is removed and the projection layer is ...
user70394's user avatar
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In Kneser-Ney smoothing, how are unseen words handled?

From what I have seen, the (second-order) Kneser-Ney smoothing formula is in some way or another given as $ \begin{align} P^2_{KN}(w_n|w_{n-1}) &= \frac{\max \left\{ C\left(w_{n-1}, w_n\right) - ...
sunside's user avatar
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Regarding using bigram (N-gram) model to build feature vector for text document

A traditional approach of feature construction for text mining is bag-of-words approach, and can be enhanced using tf-idf for setting up the feature vector characterizing a given text document. At ...
user3125's user avatar
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