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Language Identification Better Results with Unigrams

I have a school project which consists of identifying each language of a tweet from a dataset of tweets. The dataset contains tweets in Spanish, Portuguese, English, Basque, Galician and Catalan. The ...
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A simple numerical example for Kneser-Ney Smoothing

I'm working in a project trying to implement the Kneser-Key algorithm. I think I got up to the step of implementing this formula for bigrams: $P_{(KN)}(w_i|w_{i-1}) = \frac{max(c(w_{-1}, w_{1}) - \...
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In Kneser-Ney smoothing, how are unseen words handled?

From what I have seen, the (second-order) Kneser-Ney smoothing formula is in some way or another given as $ \begin{align} P^2_{KN}(w_n|w_{n-1}) &= \frac{\max \left\{ C\left(w_{n-1}, w_n\right) - ...
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