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Questions tagged [language-models]

A statistical language model is a probability distribution over sequences of words.

34 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do we pass data to a RNN?

Let's say we have A1, A2, ... , Am different articles in the corpus and each of them has W1, W2, ....., Ww words. We are training a language model on them. Do we: Scheme 1 Take the first batch of ...
figs_and_nuts's user avatar
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End-Tokens are Required to make Ngram Models Proper

The standard bigram model, (for example defined here) defines a probability distribution over a corpus $V$ based on the following principles: The marginal probability of a word $w$ is defined as its ...
olives's user avatar
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Variable batch size for inputs of different length

We're fine-tuning a GPT-2 model (using the Adam optimizer) to some posts from a social network. The length of these posts varies quite dramatically, so while some are only two tokens long, others can ...
Christian Adam's user avatar
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Deciding on the training sequences for RNN/LSTM language model

In a character language model, text is seen as a stream of characters. Say we have a training text as a string s, with length ...
Yibo Yang's user avatar
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Computing Training Set Perplexity of a Neural Language Model: Too low values

I am implementing a Language Model based on a Deep Learning architecture (RNN+Softmax). The cost function I am using is the cross-entropy between the vector of probabilities at the softmax layer and ...
ML_TN's user avatar
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Alpha on Katz Backoff using Simple Good-Turing

I'm building an n-gram language model to predict the next word, I've implemented a simple Good-Turing smoothing on all my probabilities and have calculated the P0(mass probability of unseen event). I ...
danielbw75's user avatar
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Why does the best performing adapter-based parameter-efficient fine-tuning depend on the language model being fine-tuned? shows that the best performing adapter-based parameter-efficient fine-tuning depends on the language model being fine-tuned: E.g., LORA is the best adapter for LlaMa-...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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What's the role of masking in transformer and BERT?

I've recently implemented the architectures of Transformer and BERT and found that they both have common property - masked layers among one of them. I have come to questions like below. As far as I ...
Rhee's user avatar
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Language Model dealing with Book Dialogue

My goal is to generate text based on a specific book using an LSTM language model. One problem with my generator is that it seems that the book's dialogue is somewhat messing up my generator. I had ...
Christian Doucette's user avatar
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Which dimensionality reduction technique works well for BERT sentence embeddings?

I'm trying to cluster hundreds of text documents so that each each cluster represents a distinct topic. Instead of using topic modeling (which I know I could do too), I want to follow a two-step ...
Selina 's user avatar
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Inference time for text genration using fine-tuned gpt2

I have re-trained GPT2 model using over 10 million sentences for QA. And while testing also I am getting very good results. The only problem now I am facing is that I have millions of test data that I ...
Pooja Sonkar's user avatar
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Language Identification Better Results with Unigrams

I have a school project which consists of identifying each language of a tweet from a dataset of tweets. The dataset contains tweets in Spanish, Portuguese, English, Basque, Galician and Catalan. The ...
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Contextual word embeddings to estimate likelihood of word given previous words in sentence?

I'd like to use contextual embeddings to estimate the likelihood of word n given the previous n-1 words in a sentence. Which pretrained models would allow me to do this (could I use something like ...
mchlmchl's user avatar
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Perplexity for short sentences

I have a model that outputs short sentences and want to compare the quality of its outputs for different configurations by computing their perplexities using another model. I tried to use the gpt-2 ...
dj_rydu's user avatar
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Character level RNN for converting word forms

I want to build a char RNN to convert word form from one to another, for example, singular nouns such as lion to lions. However ...
Abhishek Malpani's user avatar
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Feature extraction from strings

We are given a big collection of strings, and an intensity associated with each string in the collection. In a sense, a 'distribution' on the dictionary. We are given that the intensity of each string ...
Christian Chapman's user avatar
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Under periodic BPTT, is softmax evaluated only at the end of the period?

Suppose I have a continuous sequence $X$ of words and I wish to train a RNN language model. According to [1], I would split $X$ into subsequences $X^{1..|X|/k_1}$ $k_1$ sized subsequences ($k_1$ is ...
Alexandre's user avatar
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Ngram - Good Smoothing Probability Problem

I am working on creating an n-gram model for unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams. However, I have two questions: Should the sum of the unseen probability and the observed probability always equal 1? If 𝑁�...
yukara's user avatar
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Validation accuracy dip and recovery when restarting training

i was fine-tuning this large language model with Stochastic Gradient Descent and mid epoch i stopped training, and saved the model weights. Then at a later time, reloaded the weights and restarted the ...
clam's user avatar
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Is it necessary to use attention mask for mean pooling for BERT?

I am working on a project involving the analysis of clinical texts using the "emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT" model from Hugging Face's transformers library. My goal is to extract ...
mutli-arm-bandit's user avatar
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Why doesn't BERT give me back my original sentence?

I've started playing with BERT encoder through the huggingface module. I passed it a normal unmasked sentence and got the ...
AlanSTACK's user avatar
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Bert Used for generative AI

I have a doubt regarding using "Bert" as a generative model. I know Bert can be used for classification or fine-tuning the question-answering. However, is it possible to use Bert to generate ...
Encipher's user avatar
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Classification in BERT - why not use class as a feature?

I am currently following this post, which details how BERT was trained. I had a few questions about the classification task: In the post, it mentions that the authors of BERT decided to add ...
Victor M's user avatar
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1 answer

Continuous Bag of Words derivation

The continuous bag of words model has the following log probability for observing a sequence of words: $$\log P(\textbf{w})=\sum_{c=1}^{C}\log{P(w_c|w_{c-m},...w_{c-1}, w_{c+1},...,w_{c+m}})$$ I don't ...
Victor M's user avatar
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Choosing a model for input: categorised, weighted sequence, output: binary variable

What would be an appropriate model for predicting a binary target variable, given a weighted sequence? Sequences will be reasonably short, typically between ~ 1 and 5 elements. I have in the order of ...
Ian's user avatar
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Finding the perplexity of multiple examples

I am trying to find a way to calculate perplexity of a language model of multiple 3-word examples from my test set, or perplexity of the corpus of the test set. As the test set, I have a paragraph ...
Cavarica2's user avatar
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get predictability of word given sentence in python

I have a paragraph and I want to get the probability (p(word | context) ) of each word, given previous words, for various models (e.g. pre-trained LSTM). Where can pretrained models would allow me to ...
Cranjis's user avatar
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How can an untrusted feature value affect the accuracy of a machine learning model?

I'm building a language detector model to classify between 2 languages given text image. The input will be the image, but I have another feature that can tell somehow the language (between 0,1) ...
shrouk mansour's user avatar
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Modeling words in a language based on their characters

I have different sets of strings, where I assume that each set follows some rules or patterns. For example, the first character must be a number, or the 3rd and the last characters must be the same, ...
keren42's user avatar
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CMUDict normalized for word frequency

I am trying to train a neural grapheme to phoneme (G2P) model on CMUDict, but I find that pretty soon its loss is barely decreasing. Also, when I train the model on a different similar-sized dataset (...
erikvdplas's user avatar
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Normalize probability distribution by variance of each class

I have several topics that I will collect language data for. Using Mturk I will ask responders to write sentences for each topic. The sentences will be used to train a language model. Language models ...
aberger's user avatar
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Decide threshold for LM to filter out ill-formed sentence

I have a corpus of sentences. This corpus contains well-formed as well as ill-formed sentences. I want to filter out ill-formed sentences from the corpus. Ill-formed sentences are of two types : ...
pseudo_teetotaler's user avatar
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Classifying Sentences when outcome is a sentence

I am completely new to text classification and facing the following problem, I want to classify sentences and have a labeled dataset, the thing is that my Y variable is itself a sentence, hence I ...
Vitalijs's user avatar
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How to tell if the occurence of a variable is statistically significant/meaningful?

Since my previous question seems to be unclear, I will try to put it in other words. I have been working on a child speech corpus, which consists of sentences in which children of various ages ...
kulukrok's user avatar
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