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Why does Chebyshev's inequality yield that the probability of Laplacian noise being bigger than x is bounded like this?

I am trying to understand this proof of the bounds of Laplacian noise used in a paper on differential privacy. Given a random variable $Lap\left ( \frac{\Delta f}{\varepsilon } \right )$, apparently ...
gijswijs's user avatar
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Can a folded LaPlace distribution (or other folded distributions) be used with Ɛ-differential privacy

I have a single value in (or over) our dataset, let's say a count of something, and we want to keep that value private within a certain range. This range is the sensitivity. The adversary can ask if a ...
gijswijs's user avatar
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Laplace Inequality

I am trying to prove that if $r_i \sim Lap(0,1/\varepsilon)$ where $\varepsilon >0$ then: $$Pr[r_i \geq 1+r^*] \geq e^{-\varepsilon}Pr[r_i \geq r^{*}]$$. I know that for $r*>0$ it satisfies ...
Miguel Gutierrez's user avatar
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What is the difference between data perturbation and differential privacy?

I cannot distinguish the terms "data perturbation" and "differential privacy". If the data perturbation is the process that adds some small value sampled from specific distributions such as Laplacian ...
mallea's user avatar
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Global sensitivity of mean and variance in differential privacy?

Please explain me why global sensitivity of a mean or variance queries will be (b-a)/n and (b-a)^2/n where b is the upper ...
SteveS's user avatar
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What is meant by "Laplace noise"?

I am currently writing algorithm for differential privacy using the Laplace mechanism. Unfortunately I have no background in statistics, therefore a lot of terms are unknown to me. So now I'm ...
Axolotl's user avatar
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What is the purpose of using a Laplacian distribution in adding noise for Differential Privacy?

I am reading up on Differential Privacy and it is mentioned that the technique relies on adding some controlled noise to the release of responses to queries towards a statistical database. This is ...
Pieru Poika's user avatar