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Questions tagged [levy-distribution]

levy distribution is a stable fat-tailed distribution for non-negative data.

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Can the scale parameter produce a displacement?

I am doing some stuff with the SciPy's levy_stable distribution. The documentation says: ...
user171780's user avatar
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Running maximum of $\sum_{1\leq k\leq n} X_i$ for Cauchy random variables $X_i$

Suppose $X_i$ are $\mathrm{Cauchy}(0,~\gamma)$ IID RV's and let $S_n=X_1+\cdots+X_n$ be their sum. Does an expression exist for the CDF of the running maximum up to an index $1 \leq k \leq n$? Edit: ...
user169291's user avatar
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How to interpret chi-square goodness of fit test results

I have some data from the S&P500 of daily returns. I'm not sure if I can show my graph, as I will be using it in my undergraduate paper, but it looks essentially the same as the histogram here: ...
probablysid's user avatar
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How to calculate Lévy random number

The calculation process of the Lévy distribution is: $$\mathrm{L\acute{e}vy}(\beta) \sim \frac{\varphi \times u}{|v|^\frac{1}{\beta}}$$ where $\mathrm{L\acute{e}vy}(\beta)$ is a Lévy random number ...
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Find the arrival time of the first among N Brownian particles

Based on the first-hitting-time concept, the random propagation time $Z$ taken by a Brownian particle to reach the destination at a distance $d$ follows the Levy distribution; and $\mathbb{E}[Z] = Var[...
nashynash's user avatar
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How to implement a survival function PDF?

I'm trying to generate a set of points whose separations are given by a Lévy flight. A source that I have (Peebles 1993) says that the process goes as Starting from a [point] in space, place the ...
pretzlstyle's user avatar
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Do the location and scale parameters always control the mean/median/mode and variance, respectively?

Does a location parameter always control the mean/median/mode values of a PDF? Does a scale parameter always control the variance of a PDF? If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then ...
MM Khan's user avatar
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How to simulate Lévy flights?

I found this code: ...
0x90's user avatar
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Suspicious values during simulation of skewed stable random variables [closed]

I am using the Chambers-Mallows-Stuck method for simulation of skewed stable random variables There are two equations, one for $\...
matousc's user avatar
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Obtaining parameters for a scaled data set

I have a levy distribution parameters obtained for a set of data. I want to know an easy way to calculate the parameters for a new data set obtained by multiplying all the elements in the initial data ...
isu's user avatar
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Variance estimation for Levy process

Let $(X_t)$ be a Levy process. It then holds that $$ E(X_{t+\Delta} - X_t) = \Delta \nu, \\ V(X_{t+\Delta} - X_t) = \Delta \mu, $$ under sufficient regularity conditions in terms of moments. For ...
Alexander Sokol's user avatar
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Generalized linear model for Levy distribution with not complete data

I'm trying to build a model that would describe some process of payment and distribution of payments in time. I believe that time of payment has Levy distribution with probability density function: $ ...
Ihor's user avatar
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