Questions tagged [linear-algebra]

A field of mathematics concerned with the study of finite dimensional vector spaces, including matrices and their manipulation, which are important in statistics.

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8 votes
2 answers

How to show this matrix is positive semidefinite?

Let $$K=\begin{pmatrix} K_{11} & K_{12}\\ K_{21} & K_{22} \end{pmatrix}$$ be a symmetric positive semidefinite real matrix (PSD) with $K_{12}=K_{21}^T$. Then, for $|r| \le 1$, $$K^*=\...
jack 看看's user avatar
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Deriving the maximum likelihood of REML for linear mixed model

Consider the linear model $Y = X \beta + e$, $e \sim N(0, V(\theta))$, where $Y$ is a $n \times 1$ vector, $X$ is the $n \times p$ full rank design matrix, $V(\theta)$ is the covariance matrix. I drop ...
GZ1995's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why do the leading eigenvectors of $A$ maximize $\text{Tr}(D^TAD)$?

Given a matrix $X\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$, I am trying to maximize $\text{Tr}(D^TX^TXD)$ over $D\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times l}$ ($n<l$) subject to $D^TD=I_l$, where $\text{Tr}$ denotes the trace, and $...
Supreeth Narasimhaswamy's user avatar
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How to calculate a perfect separation in a d dimensional space between n class?

Assuming in a d-dimensional space, we have samples from n class. The best way of separating samples of each class from each other is to have the samples from each class as far as possible from every ...
PickleRick's user avatar
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Is there a solution for Canonical Correlation Analysis on large sparse matrices?

I'm trying to run CCA over two views which are sparse matrices. The two views are very high dimensional (e.g. 300k, 400k) with 1m samples. CCA needs the input views to be zero mean but I won't be ...
Ash's user avatar
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Matrix Decomposition $ B = B^* + \sum_{i>1}\lambda_i B_i$ [closed]

I recently encountered the following decomposition in a paper, may I know whether anyone on CV happened to know the name of the decomposition and a proof of it? $B$ is a regular stochastic matrix and ...
CobbDG's user avatar
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Using Principal Component Analysis Based on Sample Covariance? [But really how to get these eigenvalues?] [closed]

I have the following sample covariance matrix; $$ S= \begin{pmatrix} 16 & 10 \\ 10 & 25 \end{pmatrix} $$ Now to use PCA I know I need to find the eigenvalues and ...
Nicklovn's user avatar
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Prove $A(A+B)^{-1}B=B(A+B)^{-1}A$

I have this equality, $A(A+B)^{-1}B=B(A+B)^{-1}A$ and the question specifically only states that $A+B$ is nonsingular. I have looked at this many ways but the only I can see it working is if $A+B$ ...
Cassidy Hazel's user avatar
52 votes
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Why does Andrew Ng prefer to use SVD and not EIG of covariance matrix to do PCA?

I am studying PCA from Andrew Ng's Coursera course and other materials. In the Stanford NLP course cs224n's first assignment, and in the lecture video from Andrew Ng, they do singular value ...
DongukJu's user avatar
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Calculating Covariance Matrix from pooled sum of squares and products about the mean?

I am given the following (labeled as the "pooled sum of squares and products about the mean" $$ \begin{matrix} x_1 & x_1 & x_2 & x_3 & x_4\\ x_1 & ...
Nicklovn's user avatar
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How can one design a polynomial function that really does require higher order terms to approximate it well?

My goal is to design an experiment such that only a high order polynomial function can approximate the target polynomial function. I've been trying to approximate a polynomial function in 1D $f_{...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
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Prove that $f^{-1}$SSE in SSE = SST - SSTR is the pooled unbiased estimate of the common covariance $\Sigma$ where f = n-J

At the onset I know I need to prove that $E(f^{-1}) = \Sigma$ I just don't know how to go about doing this. I know $\frac{SSE}{\sigma^2}$ follows a $\chi^2$ distribution with, I believe, n-J ...
Nicklovn's user avatar
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How does evenly spaced X simplify the linear regression?

What effect does it have on the H-matrix or the regression line?
Tienanh Nguyen's user avatar
5 votes
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Confusion regarding the dimensions of matrices in the formula for SVD

I wanted to understand Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) hence consulted a few resources. In general I came across 2 different forms of SVD and hence got confused as to which one is correct or ...
Nitish's user avatar
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Calculating the log-determinant of large, sparse covariance matrices

As part of calculating the log-density of a very large multivariate normal distribution, I need to evaluate the following log-determinant: $$ f = \mathrm{ln}\left( \mathrm{det}(\mathbf{XAX}^\top + \...
CBowman's user avatar
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What is wrong with my computation of projections on the first principal component?

Following the links in parenthesis (link1, link2) I wrote a bit of code in MATLAB to simulate a PCA. After running the code and plotting the results I obtain this ...
Gerald T's user avatar
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matrix form of dummy expansion?

It's common in many applications to interact a set of numeric variables with a factor variable. The factor variable is a convenient abstraction for what is actually a matrix of dummy variables. For ...
generic_user's user avatar
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Linear Algebra and NumPy - How array broadcast translates to matrix operations?

I am familiar with Python's NumPy library and its broadcasting feature that allows to perform operations with vectors and matrices of different sizes. I might be missing the mathematical connection as ...
mp85's user avatar
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PRML: Why the elements of y(x) sums to 1? (Chapter 4.1.3)

I could not understand the reason why PRML (Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Michael Bishop) says: An interesting property of least-squares solutions with multiple target ...
keisuke's user avatar
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Random samples for particular cov(X,X), and cov(X,X.^2)

I have an empirical sample of multivariate data and I want to generate surrogate data X that matches certain characterizations of my data: cov(X,X) = A, and cov(X,X.*X) = B where X.*X is the Hadamard ...
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Prove that $\mathrm{Cov}(x^TAx,x^TBx) = 2 \mathrm{Tr}(A \Sigma B \Sigma) + 4 \mu^TA \Sigma B \mu$

Suppose $\vec x \sim N(\vec \mu, \Sigma)$ is multivariate normal. I want to see that $$\mathrm{Cov}(\vec x^TA\vec x,\vec x^TB\vec x) = 2 \mathrm{Tr}(A \Sigma B \Sigma) + 4 \vec \mu^TA \Sigma B \vec \...
Mikkel Rev's user avatar
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Combined PCA and Quantization

I did some PCA on a dataset to reduce the size without compromising too much on their actual information. However, I learnt that quantization is also an effective technique to do this. I guess it is ...
david nadal's user avatar
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Are the Magnitudes of PCA Weights Reflective of their Importance?

I have a data matrix with N entries and n features. I wanted to find which features are the most important in explaining the data. So, I started with PCA, but PCA components are linear combination ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Conditional multivariate Gaussian distribution

I am trying to understand how 'completing the square' method is used to determine mean and co-variance of multivariate Gaussian distribution but I am not able to make much sense of the following step $...
Rakesh K's user avatar
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Solving weights in least squares to reduce distance to another vector

I'm using a procedure of WLS to find some values in a reduced space that actually generate a vector that is close to my target vector. That is, I have WLS: $\beta=(X^T W X)^{-1} X^T W Y$, and I am ...
Michael Clinton's user avatar
3 votes
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Closed form and gradient calculation for linear regression

Given is a linear regression problem, where we have one training point, which is 1-dimensional: $x \in R_{>0}$ and the corresponding output, $y \in R$. We duplicate the feature, such that we have ...
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Proving that kernels are closed under addition and scalar multiplication

We have to show that given k_1 and k_2 are both kernels, the sum k_1 + 2*k_2 is a kernel as well. I am attempting to show this by using Mercer's theorem: $k(x,y) = <a(x),a(y)>$. Showing that $...
Pugl's user avatar
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Completing the Square for a Matrix Normal Distribution

Completing the square in the context of a multivariate gaussian distribution is pretty straightforward (here is a good explanation). But what if we are talking about a matrix normal distribution? ...
MateusRN's user avatar
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Minimize weighted $l_1$ loss

It is known that the minimizer of $l_1$ loss function is the sample median, i.e., $$\operatorname{argmin}_{x_0}\sum_{i=1}^{n}|x_i-x_0| = \operatorname{median}(x_1,...,x_n)$$ assume that I have a ...
Roy's user avatar
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Relationships between sub-samples with limited information

I'm doing an analysis where I've been able to assemble the following information about a population, its overall conversion rate (so, the percent of the members of that population who go on to make a ...
Toof's user avatar
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Least Squares Derivation

I come from physics and would like to derive the chi-square function given by the Particle Data Group: \begin{equation} \chi^2 (\boldsymbol\theta) = (\boldsymbol y-\boldsymbol\mu(\boldsymbol \...
DrDirk's user avatar
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8 votes
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Are 1-dimensional numpy arrays equivalent to vectors? [closed]

I'm new to both linear algebra and numpy, so please bear with me. I'm taking a course on linear regression, where I learned that we can express our hypothesis as $\theta^TX$ where $\theta$ is our ...
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4 votes
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Identification restrictions in Structural VECMs

I am studying Structural VECM models using Lutkepohl's book. VECM process has the following Beveridge-Nelson MA representation: $$y_t = \Xi\sum_{i=1}^{t}u_i + \sum_{j=0}^{\infty}\Xi_j^*u_{t-j} + y_0^*,...
tosik's user avatar
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Confused about finding expectation of vector multiplied by matrix

I am little confused regarding finding expectation of vector multiplied matrix. X is vector having mean $m_x \in \mathbb{R}^{N\times 1}$ and variance vector $s_x \in \mathbb{R}^{N\times N}$. $\phi$ is ...
Sandipan Karmakar's user avatar
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Know which variables are linear combinations of others from covariance (correlation) matrix

Suppose I have the covariance and correlation matrices for several variables. I know one of the variables is almost a linear combination of the others. Is there any characteristic about the ...
Zizheng Tai's user avatar
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Linear transformation of a random vector with pseudo-inverse

If $$ \mathbf{X} = (X_1,..,X_n)^t$$ is a random variable drawn according to a probability density function (pdf) $$ f_{X_1,...,X_n}(x_1,...,x_n) $$ then $$ \mathbf{Y} = A\mathbf{X} = (Y_1,..,Y_n)^t$$ ...
diegobatt's user avatar
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Weight matrices computation in attention-based encoder of Deep Learning NLP

On page 4 of this research paper titled A Neural Attention Model for Sentence Summarization , it is mentioned the attention-based encoder is determined by the ...
Mr_RexZ's user avatar
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Completing the Square (Bivariate)

I am running a bivariate regression with fitted equation given by $$\hat{P} = b_0+b_1X+b_2Y+b_3X^2+b_4Y^2+b_5XY$$ It is easy to obtain the 6 coefficients given $X,Y$ and $P$. However, I want to ...
jjet's user avatar
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How do PCA/SVD Decorrelate the variables [duplicate]

I understood the "technique" for doing SVD and PCA. However, I couldn't understand these two claims: PCA/SVD decorrelate the variables They do so using orthogonal transformations For 1, PCA does ...
Rafael's user avatar
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How to get N of product into equation (or so)

Can somebody explain how this works or direct me to a rule that describes this simplification? I understand the whole process but how the 'getting the $n$ in front to $\lambda$' works is unclear to me....
sist's user avatar
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What should be rank of matrix with compositional data variables?

I'm doing compositional data analysis on 'Baysite' dataset under 'compositions' package in r. Aim is to find nature of the relationship of its permeability to the mix of its four ingredients: A: ...
Kaustubh's user avatar
5 votes
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How to determine if a matrix is close to being negative (semi-)definite?

Questions: 1. Is there a simple, interpretable way to determine the distance/closeness of a matrix to being not positive (semi-)definite? 2. Alternatively: how can I systematically create ...
Manuel R's user avatar
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What is the relationship between Mohr's Circle and Principal Component Analysis?

While I was studying PCA, I was told that it is related to Mohr's Circle. I don't know what that means. I don't know if they are related or not. I was just told, so I want to make sure here. If they ...
user122358's user avatar
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what does scaling the normal vector of a plane (/hyperplane) mean?

I understand that, scaling (multiplying or dividing by a constant) the normal vector of a plane, does not affect the plane itself. But what happens when we do so? Are we zooming in or out of the space,...
Nithish Inpursuit Ofhappiness's user avatar
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Why is the sum of eigenvalues of a PCA equal to the original variance of the data?

Can someone please give or point to a proof? Can't seem to find a post that address this directly.
user34829's user avatar
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Solving system of linear equations (to determine a boundry)

I'm puzzeled how to programmatically (in R) solve the following linear system: Given $\mathbf{R} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$, $\mathbf{R}^{-1}$, and a constant $c$ what is the solution to $\mathbf{u}...
Drey's user avatar
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Algebraic derivation of canonical correlations

In a paper from 1936, Harold Hotelling (access on JSTOR) defined the concepts of canonical correlations and canonical variates for two sets of variates. In pages 327 and 328, he precisely derives ...
M. Toya's user avatar
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Matrix operations in business

I have a chemical engineering background but I have decided to go into the corporate world instead of industry. I now work in payment streams and have been doing data science and optimizations. What I ...
Dr_Watcher's user avatar
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Help needed on algebraic steps for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Multivariate Normal Distribution?

The negative loglikelihood is as follows: $$\dfrac{nd}{2} \log 2\pi + \dfrac{n}{2} \log |\Sigma| + \dfrac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i-\mu)^T\Sigma^{-1}(x_i-\mu) \tag{1}$$ If I take differentiation with ...
user122358's user avatar
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How can I map data to lower dimension?

I am trying to learn data in higher space into lower space. To have a clue, I'd like to know how to transform the data in the image below into a lower dimension preserving the structure. Hope to hear ...
user122358's user avatar
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