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How to run a sensitivity power analysis for linear mixed modeling (lme4 and simr)?

We conducted a behavior change field experiment using the following variables: Two time points (T0, T1) Two groups (intervention vs. control) Individual ID (n = 62 in group 1, n = 53 in group 2) ...
AnnaBosshard's user avatar
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2 answers

Mixed model: Which parameters to provide for sample size calculations?

I am currently planning an analysis in a relatively new area of research and would like to provide data that will allow for future power analyses. Unfortunately, I am completely lost in the ...
a.henrietty's user avatar
3 votes
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Calculating minimum sample size required for repeated measures linear mixed model using the simr package

I would like to use the simr package to calculate the smallest sample size needed to achieve $0.80$ power at the $0.05$ alpha level while accounting for a small ...
AHS's user avatar
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Power analysis for simple LMER model in R from scratch

I'd like to compute power for some rather simple lmer models. I am aware of some packages like simr but the tutorials are not easy to follow because they ...
socialresearcher's user avatar
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How to simulate monotonic data with constrained range?

I'm running simulations for a power analysis for a negative binomial GLMM. The dependent variable has a negative binomial distribution and will be measured at five time points. It has two other ...
zephryl's user avatar
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Power calculation by simulation - what do I do with model failures?

I'm trying to run a power calculation by simulation on a set of exponential decay datasets using the nlme package in R. Here's the process: Simulate a bunch of exponentials, using some conservative ...
Piethon's user avatar
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