Questions tagged [logarithm]

The logarithm of a number is the power to which the base must be raised to get the number.

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4 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't standard error for ratios have log in it?

The formula for SE of risk ratios: $\sqrt{\frac1a - \frac1{a+c} + \frac1b - \frac1{b+d}}$ Where a+c is group1 and b+d is group2. ...
Stanislav Bashkyrtsev's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Interpreting a logarithmic difference as an error

This is a fairly simple question but I can't figure out which one is the correct approach. In astronomy it is usual to report age values via their base 10 logarithms instead of the actual value. So a ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Looking for a layman's explanation of how to manually calculate log odds?

I will start that I am not as math oriented as I would like to and could use a layman's / non-staticians explanation walk through of how to calculate the log odds. I am reading Hosmer, Lemeshow, and ...
CRSouser's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

PSM, Diff-in-Diff and Neg-logged income variable? How to interpret estimates?

I am estimating a difference-in-difference based on propensity score matching. The "treatment"-variable defines whether a household registered for a public insurance which was only active for two ...
user59309's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Log probability vs product of probabilities

According to this wikipedia article, one can represent the product of probabilities x⋅y as -log(x) - log(y) making the ...
spacemonkey's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

multiplicative model in r [duplicate]

I have to estimate a model forecasting the sales (as stock units) for AXE deoderants.I want to apply the multiplier specification on this model. The model should look like this: log(Sales) = b0 + ...
Pieter's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What are the advantages of using log GDP per capita versus simple GDP per capita when analyzing economic growth? [duplicate]

I have quite a lot to learn regarding analysis and economics, one thing I have noticed is that when analyzing growth, log is used quite often, why is this so?
recentgrad's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Maximum Likelihood estimator of population variance and its derivation process

I have 2 questions about maximum likelihood and using it to calculate variance: Question #1: The question is about finding the derivative of the score function with respect to the parameter $ \sigma^...
Jen's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Multi-class logarithmic loss function per class

In a multi-classification problem, we define the logarithmic loss function $F$ in terms of the logarithmic loss function per label $F_i$ as: $$ F = -\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i}^{N}\sum_{j}^{M}y_{ij} \cdot Ln(...
tashuhka's user avatar
  • 607
5 votes
1 answer

Interpreting Log-Transformed Percentages in OLS

In a log-log model, such as $\log(y) = b_0 + b_1 \log(x)$, I know that with OLS the standard interpretation is a "1% increase in x is associated with a $b_1$% increase in y." I have three related ...
reson's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

How to compute the marginal probability form conditional probabilities in logspace?

Normally the marginal probablity is computed as $p(x) = \sum_y p(x | y) \cdot p(y) $ Now, suppose I have all these probabilities at the right-hand side in logspace (so as logprobabilities). How do ...
Tom's user avatar
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11 votes
8 answers

Approximation of logarithm of standard normal CDF for x<0

Does anyone know of an approximation for the logarithm of the standard normal CDF for x<0? I need to implement an algorithm that very quickly calculates it. The straightforward way, of course, is ...
Museful's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Why can certain variables in a multiple regression not be included in logarithmic form? [closed]

I have a multiple regression equation where log(salary) = b0 + b1(ceotenure). What is the purpose of putting the dependent variable in logarithmic form? How would you interpret the change in y for a 1 ...
Peter Nguyen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What to do with coefficients of log-transformed predictors in meta regression of effect sizes?

I am preparing data for a meta-analysis regression of effect sizes, in which I will study the determinants of effect size for a specific variable across several studies. I have some studies in my ...
Kenji's user avatar
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0 votes
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Creating a composite variable from 2 log transformed variables?

I have a data set of 1,100 observations, I have two continuous variables (counts of different things) that were positively skewed, so I first log transformed each of them. Now I need to make a ...
Parker's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to interpret log-log regression coefficients for other than 1 or 10 percent change?

I have read many threads here on how to interpret coefficients in a regression where the predictor and the dependent variable are log-transformed. Most give an answer for a one or ten percent change. ...
Peter's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Log and natural log

I have few seemingly simple questions. I am working on time series data and applying vector error correction model. I find different results when I transform the data into LOG and LN. Which one is ...
user48050's user avatar
1 vote
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Metropolis Hastings when acceptance rate is not a probability

I need to implement a Metropolis Hastings where the acceptance probability $\alpha$ is not a probability but a logarithm of a score. The logarithm of a score is a negative float. In original ...
Neptune's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

dealing with exponentials in python - infinities and overflows [duplicate]

In a machine learning algorithm that I'm using, I need to get the exponential values of something in one of the steps. This is the step that I'm dealing with right now: I've already got all the 1+...
user961627's user avatar
3 votes
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Regression and link function

Suppose we have $E (\log (Y)) = a+bx $ vs $\log (E (Y)) = a+bx $. Can $\exp (b) $ in both cases be interpreted as a geometric mean?
rorys's user avatar
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2 votes
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Log-scaled chart for visualizing extreme range

I need a simple bar chart or the like. I am not a statistician by any means, but this chart is supposed to accurately represent FileIO in MB/s compared to the theoretical peak of a specific drive. ...
Shane's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Understanding stationarity with Inflation

I am looking at the link between inflation and insolvencies for an econometrics project. I have the raw quarterly insolvency data and raw quarterly CPI data for the UK (roughly 100 samples) from 1988-...
Chris's user avatar
  • 11
8 votes
2 answers

Reporting regression statistics after logarithmic transformation

I'm a bit troubled about how to report linear regression statistics after log transformation of the dependent variable. I suppose I should report the transformed coefficient, but would they be easily ...
Bakaburg's user avatar
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Use of log of an independent variable and its implications

I am currently analyzing the relationship between Google Search frequency and the CDS market. I used a monthly backward rolling regression to determine the 30 search queries which have the biggest ...
Micha's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Interaction term in a linear log model

I am using a linear-log model to test whether overseas development assistance and remittances positively affect FDI in cases of good governance and financial market development. Let's say I want to ...
user3472563's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Expectation operator and logarithmic function

$$\frac{1}{C_t}=E_t\left[\beta \frac{1}{C_{t+1}} \right]R_{t+1}$$ How to log linearise the function? $C_{t+1}$ is the stochastic term; $\beta$ is known.
George's user avatar
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4 votes
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Avoiding large variances when taking the logs of small values

I have two random variables $(X$ and $Y)$ that are always positive. The assumption I'm making is that their logs follow normal distributions (i.e., $N(\overline{\log(X)},s^2_{\log(X)})$ and $N(\...
user1701545's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

interpreting the coefficient on a logged independent variable from a probit model

I am using a double model with log transformed independent variables and have calculated average partial effects. Now I am now not sure how to interpret the coefficients; particularly those from the ...
Nipe's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Best way to estimate a regression with reaction times

I have reactions times in a no-normal distribution, so I am using logarithms. Which can be the best way to estimate a regression? Later, I would like to plot the results according to the age of my ...
Yacila's user avatar
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Linear-logarithmic Regression in MATLAB with two input arguments - which model to assume?

Look at the following plot and ignore the solid lines please (just look at the dotted/dashed ones). ONE curve is described by the following parameters and ONE fixed value for the second input ...
tim's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Is it correct to use 'Ln' instead of 'ln' for natural logarithm?

In some research papers, authors use 'Ln' for natural logarithm instead of 'ln'. Is it correct?
PSS's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Use logarithmic or linear values when performing correlation and ANOVA?

The data was collected using a logarithmic scale: scores (explanatory variable) are collected with values from 0-5. A score of 3 is 10x the value of a score of 2. I wasn't sure if using either the ...
seadragon's user avatar
1 vote
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Log Transformation in Growth Mixture Model (Mplus user)

I am using parallel process growth mixture modeling to estimate bidirectional longitudinal dynamics between pain (0-100 theoretical range of values) and sleep measures (0-20 theoretical range of ...
user3143803's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Interpret interactions and logarithms in linear regression

I'm currently playing around with linear regression in R, and I've come up with a regression that fits data quite well. I'm just having some problems with interpreting the coefficients of my model. I ...
marcopah's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Doubt in derivative of logarithm

This seem to silly but I wanted to confirm if the derivative of the log-likelihood $\hskip 2 pt l(x_i)$. The derivative of $$\frac{d (\sum_{i=1}^{M} log(x_i))}{dx} = \frac{1}{x_i} \sum_{i=1}^{M} \...
SKM's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Taking the log of variables

Just before I start the question I would like you all to know that I have checked the other threads on taking the log of variables but I still think I have a question that hasn't been touched on yet. ...
EconStats's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Estimating the effects of cumulative odds ratios - additive or exponential?

I have run some regression models that examine the effect of variable X (a 15 point continuous scale) on Y (a binary variable - not perform/perform a particular behaviour) using logistic regression. ...
Benincasa's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Plotting variables in transformed space

Suppose $A = X_1/X_2$ and $B = X_3/X_4$. Why would one plot the data in $(\log A, \log B)$ space as opposed to $(A,B)$ space?
transfemer's user avatar
0 votes
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Clarification of log interpretation

Let us say we have this regression $$\ln(y) = a + B_1(age) + B_2\ln(savings) + B_3\ln(income+1)$$ When carrying out the regression we obtain: $$\ln(y) = 0.3445 + 0.5(age) + 0.4556 x_1 + 0.55566 ...
KingKong's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Performing calculation of a product of a sequence,

I have performed a calculation that a sample of records will contain at least 1 defective record assuming replacement. There are 20,000,000 records in the population, 7,000 are defective, and I will ...
Brandon's user avatar
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2 votes
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Questions on equation of log linear regression

I have been asked to check over a paper. The paper is using log linear regression. In the following log linear equation, $x$ is the dependent variable, $y$ is a continuous covariate, $z$ is a ...
Someone's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Bias correction of logarithmic transformations

I read that there is a bias when we transform a series with a logarithm and then applying the inverse function, but only in forecasts of the mean values. I don't understand what it means exactly. ...
r_31415's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is it valid to log-transform percentages?

My thesis is to examine the validity of the relationship between tourism represented by tourist exports (real growth) and economic growth using a dummy variable and force workers. I tested the ...
nagama's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Binary Models (Probit and Logit) with a Logarithmic Offset

Does anyone have a derivation of how an offset works in binary models like probit and logit? In my problem, the follow-up window can vary in length. Suppose patients get a prophylactic shot as ...
dimitriy's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why are time-related covariates log transformed in modelling? [duplicate]

I have seen a lot of examples of transforming time-related variables (e.g., age, year, days, etc.), but I don't understand the reasoning behind doing this. I don't think it's for stabilizing the ...
Verbal's user avatar
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When analyzing a difference for log-transformed data, when to take the log?

I am working with laboratory data that needs to be transformed due to skewness. It has been gathered at 2 time points and I am interested in the change from time #1 to Time #2. My question is, do I ...
Bosley's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

First difference or log first difference?

I am evaluating the effect of covariances between series on returns. That is I run the following regression: $$ r_t = \beta_0 + \beta_1\text{Cov}(Y_t,r_t) + ...$$ I have conducted my analysis with ...
sarahdi's user avatar
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OLS standard error log log regression

I am estimating the following Power Law relationship: $$\ln(\text{Rank}) = \text{constant} + \alpha \ln(\text{Size})$$ where $\text{Rank}$ is $1,~2,~3,~...,~n$, and $\text{Size}$ is the raw value. ...
user2209979's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Plotting 0 in a log scaled axis

I have a very large and sparse dataset of spam twitter accounts and it requires me to scale the x axis in order to be able to visualise the distribution (histogram, kde etc) and cdf of the various ...
Alhayer's user avatar
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28 votes
1 answer

Expected value and variance of log(a)

I have a random variable $X(a) = \log(a)$ where a is normal distributed $\mathcal N(\mu,\sigma^2)$. What can I say about $E(X)$ and $Var(X)$? An approximation would be helpful too.
rocksportrocker's user avatar