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Questions tagged [logarithmic-series-distribution]

Use this tag to refer to the (discrete) logarithmic-series distribution.

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Log-concavity of a discrete random distribution

I'm working with a discrete distribution on the set of non-negative integers. The step-wise cumulative distribution function at any non-negative integer $i$ is $$ F_i = \frac{2}{\log w}[\log(1+w^{i+1})...
AlBradley's user avatar
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How to log transform a small percentage value?

My independent variable is interest rate, which is small positive variable(less than 1). When I log transform the values, they turn negative because the values are smaller than 1. What is the solution?...
Laiy's user avatar
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Which method of logarithmic transformation is correct to use in linear model?

I try to do a simple linear model with logarithmic transformation of y values. I found that depending on which method I use the results differ and I don't ...
Natalia's user avatar
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How to depict a histogram with a wide range of negative/positive data? Is this logarithmic?

I want to show some data on a range from -50 to 20 and I especially want to show the details as values approach 0. The graph of the data is shown below. The problem is what do you call such a scale. ...
BSD's user avatar
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Order statistics for log series distribution?

I am trying to obtain the probability mass function for various order statistics of a log series distribution for a given $n$. To do so, I tried modifying the code given in this question: Simulating ...
Srijith's user avatar
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2 answers

Which type of regression model for count data should I use for log-series?

I am attempting to identify the effects of mealtime habits on fast food consumption. In this case, the dependent variable is number of times per week a respondent reported eating fast food. As this is ...
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Using probability for estimate event time

I have dataset about file creation durring a year. From this dataset I extract subset for days when user created just one file. there is information (timestamp) when that happened. I created a bins ...
explorer's user avatar
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How to calculate the mean of a certain urn experiment

I'm sorry if my style of formulation is a bit sloppy Let us assume that we have an abstract urn with balls having $S$ different colors. The probbility that the color $i$ ranging from $1..S$ has $n$ ...
Sebastian Lehmann's user avatar
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How to interpret a dataset with a pseudo-logarithmic trend?

I am dealing with a scatterplot where I am trying to figure out the relationship between two variables, but I have so far failed to identify what the best fit could be. The presence of ...
FaCoffee's user avatar
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HOMEWORK: Proving Log-Series Distribution

This is just a quick query to confirm that I have this right and that my way of constructing it is correct. We were asked to prove: $a=\frac{-1}{log(1-\theta)}$ for $p(x)=a\frac{\theta^x}{x}$ for $...
Syzorr's user avatar
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7 votes
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Closed form function relating $\mu$ to the natural parameter for the logarithmic series distribution?

While answering another question here, I mentioned the logarithmic series distribution as a possible model for species per genus. In the course of looking at the pmf while answering that I realized ...
Glen_b's user avatar
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