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How to use extracted data from factor analysis in subsequent 2x2 factorial design?

I’m conducting a 2x2 between subjects factorial design for my dissertation. IV’s: advertising appeal (two levels: rational appeal vs. emotional appeal) media type (two levels: TV vs. Internet). ...
user26457's user avatar
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Quasi-experiment: sample size & statistics

I am conducting a quasi-experimental research in a school, where I have access to 100 students who are chosen as classrooms and who will be the participants of the study. I am interested in the ...
Mikkok's user avatar
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What analysis do I need for 2 Ivs and 2 DVs?

I think I need a MANOVA, but I may need an ANCOVA and then also do an ANOVA within just the experimental group. I think it's a 2x2 factorial independent measures ANOVA within the intervention group. I ...
Worried Student's user avatar
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What type of analysis to do for Dissertation- EMOTION RECOGNITION

In my study, participants take part in the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) where they are ranked into high or low trait anxiety groups. Participants are then shown multiple videos of 7 different ...
Sophia B's user avatar
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Is there a specific test for correlation between 2 measurable variables between nominal data?

I am having a hard time finding a comparable test for my data set. Here is what I have: weight of individuals and Concentration of a trace metal in each individual for 8 field sites. I want to see if ...
AyAyRon166's user avatar
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Book recommendations: Deepen statistical understanding

I'm a psychology undergraduate and I would like to deepen my understanding of statistics beyond what is required for my studies. I'm looking for book suggestions dealing with Anova, Ancova, T-tests ...
postnubilaphoebus's user avatar