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What is the difference between univariate post-hoc tests after MANOVA and usual ANOVAs?

When I run a $2 \times 4 \times 5 \times 6$ (Sex $\times$ AgeGroup $\times$ HighestDegree $\times$ Ethnicity) MANOVA (with 20 dependent variables) in SPSS, it presents tests of between subjects ...
Ian's user avatar
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1-Way Within Subject ANOVA - sig value

There is 1 independent var (AT) with two levels (PQ_Low and PQ_High). My SPSS output reveals sig as 0.000 Can I assume that my p-value is significant as it is less than the alpha level of 0.05? ...
user39531's user avatar
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Determining the correct test for experiment design

I'm trying to figure out the right test to use for my experimental design, I was hoping someone here could help. Here's the structure: Two independent variables, IV1 and IV2. IV1 has 3 levels, IV2 ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Follow Up Simple 2-Way Interactions

After conducting a 3-Way in-between subjects ANOVA, I see there is a significant interaction among the 3 independent var, XYZ (2 levels). As a follow up, I conducted a simple 2-Way interaction between ...
Vyas's user avatar
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Repeated measures ANOVA or MANOVA (SPSS)

I have an experimental design of two independent groups (pregnant/non-pregnant), in which each person has described past memories and future episodes on different variables on a scale from 1-7. ...
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