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2 answers

When to interpret multivariate tests when performing repeated-measures ANCOVA?

Yesterday, I ran a repeated-measures ANCOVA. The purpose was to determine the usability of two computer systems, call them 1 and 2. Each subject completed three (conceptually different) tasks, call ...
Jeff's user avatar
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How to follow up a factorial MANOVA with discriminant analysis?

This is a follow-up to to my previous question: How can MANOVA report a significant difference when none of the univariate ANOVAs reaches significance? I have two IVs with each having three levels ...
kea's user avatar
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Multiple dependent variables in factorial design

I have a 2x2x2 factorial design with two dependent variables (lets say height and weight). I can examine the effect of the three factors for each dependent variable separately. But I also want to ...
Lisa's user avatar
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What is the difference between univariate post-hoc tests after MANOVA and usual ANOVAs?

When I run a $2 \times 4 \times 5 \times 6$ (Sex $\times$ AgeGroup $\times$ HighestDegree $\times$ Ethnicity) MANOVA (with 20 dependent variables) in SPSS, it presents tests of between subjects ...
Ian's user avatar
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Is there a non-parametric alternative to Two-Way Repeated Measures Anova?

I am currently comparing the EEG funcional connectivity measured at 14 electrodes and 4 frequency bands between highly and lowly hypnotic susceptible individuals. I extracted the coherence and the ...
andyfilip's user avatar
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1-Way Within Subject ANOVA - sig value

There is 1 independent var (AT) with two levels (PQ_Low and PQ_High). My SPSS output reveals sig as 0.000 Can I assume that my p-value is significant as it is less than the alpha level of 0.05? ...
user39531's user avatar
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Determining the correct test for experiment design

I'm trying to figure out the right test to use for my experimental design, I was hoping someone here could help. Here's the structure: Two independent variables, IV1 and IV2. IV1 has 3 levels, IV2 ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Me again asking the silly questions - this might belong here as I've been told it may belong in a software section somewhere..? Which I have still been unable to find. Here is a screenshot of my data:...
Hayley Roberts's user avatar
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In a repeated measures ANOVA, is the pairwise comparison result still valid if sphericity is not assumed?

For the pairwise comparison, the p value is less than 0.001. However, the p value for Mauchly's test of sphericity is also <0.001. I believe that SPSS automatically applies the Greenhouse-Geisser ...
Jay Brooke's user avatar
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Should I use a repeated measures MANOVA or several repeated measures ANOVAs?

I'm doing a randomised controlled trial, it has four dependant variables each measured at three time points. The data is normally distributed. My question is how to analyse this. I'm wondering whether ...
TeddyTedTed's user avatar
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Insignificant two-way MANOVA results - what do I do next?

I am very very new to stats. I decided to try and do a MANOVA in SPSS, my between-subjects IV is gender and my within-subjects IV is the two conditions in which all participants took part. My DV is ...
jascantdostats's user avatar
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Choosing Statistical Test for my dataset

I was wondering if someone could help me. I have a dataset from a clinical trial which tests the impact of therapy on a group of cannabis users with psychotic symptoms. It's a randomised control trial ...
MegAtron's user avatar
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Follow Up Simple 2-Way Interactions

After conducting a 3-Way in-between subjects ANOVA, I see there is a significant interaction among the 3 independent var, XYZ (2 levels). As a follow up, I conducted a simple 2-Way interaction between ...
Vyas's user avatar
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Repeated measures ANOVA or MANOVA (SPSS)

I have an experimental design of two independent groups (pregnant/non-pregnant), in which each person has described past memories and future episodes on different variables on a scale from 1-7. ...
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