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29 votes
3 answers

Differences between MANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA?

What is the difference between a repeated measures ANOVA over some factor (say experimental condition) and a MANOVA? In particular one website I stumbled across suggested that MANOVA does not make the ...
russellpierce's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

A non-parametric repeated-measures multi-way Anova in R?

The following question is one of those holy grails for me for some time now, I hope someone might be able to offer a good advice. I wish to perform a non-parametric repeated measures multiway anova ...
Tal Galili's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why is Pillai's trace equal to partial eta squared in a repeated measures MANOVA (profile analysis)?

I conducted a repeated measures MANOVA using the GLM command in SPSS, with one between-subjects IV (two levels) and 10 DVs (repeated measures). According to Tabachnick and Fidell (Book: Using ...
Kristi Lo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Repeated measures ANOVAs instead of repeated measures MANOVA w/ small N?

I have 3 variables that have been measured on 4 occasions and a sample size of 16. I was considering a repeated measures MANOVA to ascertain if the changes over time were statistically significant. ...
laf's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Which are the correct sum of squares for repeated measures ? (balanced example)

Below are three ways to fit a MANOVA model in R and to extract ANOVA tables from the fitted model. The design is balanced. All methods give different results. The data are 5 groups of 4 individuals ...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Should I use ANOVA or MANOVA for repeated measures experiment with two groups and several DVs?

I have data on two groups of subjects. Each group was measured three times, and there were four dependent variables all measuring the level of fitness (score of a person's heart rate in five stages ...
Emma's user avatar
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0 votes
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How to run Repeated Measures to find difference between gender (without change of condition)?

I would like to test for the difference of measures between genders. Repeated measures were carried out. What test would you suggest is best for this and what would be the degrees of freedom ...
offthehook's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Comparing differences between overlapping groups

I am trying to analyse the differences between people who vote in the European Parliament (EP) elections and people who vote in national elections, based on the EES dataset$^\dagger$. The objective is ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
1 answer

How to examine differences between two groups across three different experimental conditions?

I have data for two groups. The 2 groups are matched on a number of variables, but differ in the scores on an alcohol measure (one group is high, and one is low). However the groups have been created ...
Short Elizabeth's user avatar