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What is the ANOVA equivalent of a matched-pairs t-test? MANOVA?

I have n subjects. I perform an experiment on all the subjects and measure the outcome in two different ways. I want to evaluate the difference between these two types of measurements. I would use a ...
Michael Webb's user avatar
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Correct way to perform a one-way within subjects MANOVA in R

Note: This question is heavy on R programming, but it was recommended that I post it here after I posted an almost identical question in StackOverflow Main Question I'm looking for help correctly ...
TheRobotPants's user avatar
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Repeated measures MANOVA

I have to analyze a data set of the following format Here the subjects receiving the two treatments are different For this I thought of using a repeated measures MANOVA. Is this a correct ...
sam_rox's user avatar
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Suitability of one-way repeated measures MANOVA

I'm undertaking a research study where I want to look at the difference between the value of a variable before and after an intervention. I've been suggested the one-way repeated measures MANOVA ...
Ananya's user avatar
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Multivariate analysis for repeated measures with dependent treatment groups and independent control groups

I conducted experiments to test the effect of a treatment on multiple response variables. Measurements were taken over consecutive rounds (i.e., time steps) of an experiment, with each round ...
s.loftus's user avatar
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MANOVA vs repeated measues ANOVA example

I have the following situation (4 independent treatment groups, each group is tested for 3 dependent variables) and was wondering what would be the best to do: What is the best test to do? I have ...
Leela987's user avatar
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How can I test for significance of a treatment in an unbalanced, repeated-measures experiment using R?

CrossValidated Community, I must mention that I am a first-time poster (and relatively new to both modelling and R), so please excuse any norms I may violate in my post and politely inform me. I ...
MattF's user avatar
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How to compare first to second half of measurements in a counterbalanced behavioral experiment?

I want to compare measurements in two halves of a behavioral experiment to examine for learning effects. My first course of action is to split the measurements in the two halves and then repeat the ...
Adam SA's user avatar
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Which statistical test is more appropriate?

I have collected data for an experimental study from 88 participants. Specifically, all participants received both interventions but in a different order. 44 participants received firstly Treatment A ...
Penny's user avatar
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What type of analysis to do for Dissertation- EMOTION RECOGNITION

In my study, participants take part in the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) where they are ranked into high or low trait anxiety groups. Participants are then shown multiple videos of 7 different ...
Sophia B's user avatar
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Repeated measures with adonis in R

I have the following experimental design: 9 mice (mouseID) were assigned to three different treatments (n=3 per treatment level) ...
ramiro's user avatar
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Identifying the method with higher Intraclass correlation coefficient on multiple dependent variables

I have a 24 subjects and for each subject 3 operators generate a 3D Mesh. I then have 4 methods to assign a coordinate system to those 24x3 3D meshes, the results are 3 orthogonal vectors, so 9 ...
JB RNLT's user avatar
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How to perform nested factor repeated measure MANOVA

I have 3 independent variables - Game (3 groups) Noise Type (2 groups - SNM (Sequential Noise Model), ZMGN(Zero Mean Gaussian Noise)) Noise Level (5 groups - AL-AverageLow, AM-AverageMedium, N-None, ...
Pow's user avatar
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Definition of Wilk's Lambda in MANOVA and relation to eta squared

I conducted a repeated measures MANOVA with a two-level between-subejcts factor and nine DVs, using SPSS 23. The interaction effect I was interested in was significant. Looking at what SPSS labels to ...
Kristi Lo's user avatar
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Determining the correct test for experiment design

I'm trying to figure out the right test to use for my experimental design, I was hoping someone here could help. Here's the structure: Two independent variables, IV1 and IV2. IV1 has 3 levels, IV2 ...
Jordan's user avatar
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MANOVA or Mixed ANOVA? Several measures as dependent

I am trying to analyse data of 2 different groups (control vs experimental, brain damage) and their performance on 3 different cognitive tests (the results of which are not correlated) to determine ...
Katie's user avatar
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Multivariate repeated measures without between subject factors (Manova vs Anova)

I'm trying to run an analysis in SPSS on some EEG data, obtained with the following design: 1 within subject factor, 6 dependent outcome variables. First, I was thinking about a repeated measures ...
Thijs B's user avatar
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Estimating and comparing pre-post treatment effects in multiple pairs of treatment-vs-control groups

I have a dataset from an experiment where the goal was to study in which plant ecotype a treatment with a certain bacteria had the greatest effect. Hence the data consists of a number of control and ...
Staffan's user avatar
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Significant result in multivariate table?

I have 30 patients and 30 controls and am interested in group differences in an MRI measure. This measure was taken in 5 different anatomical structures, and each structure exists bilaterally (there ...
moose's user avatar
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Group-Time interaction from MANOVA in R?

I'm practicing MANOVA with R. I have a data (perhaps famous) called 'rat-weight data.' ...
Ether Desf's user avatar
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Number of dependent variables

I have data from raters who each provided two ratings for a large set of categories. They were asked to rate how coherent each category was on a scale of 0 (members totally dissimilar) to 9 (members ...
Becka's user avatar
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G*Power-Repeated measures MANOVA "number of measurements" input field

I am trying to calculate the sample size needed with G*Power for my dissertation study. I will be doing a Repeated Measures MANOVA within/between interaction. My question is in the field "number of ...
Shannon's user avatar
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Repeated measures MANOVA returning Pillai greater than 1

I am attempting to investigate the presence of a multivariate main effect using a repeated measures MANOVA. I couldn't figure out how to include a table to share some data so I have included a ...
AdsMatt's user avatar
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Analysis of longitudinal data with a change in DV - SEM, MANOVA or not possible?

I have a dataset in which a (latent) construct (e.g., math performance) is measured at different time points using different psychological tests. The first data point is comparable to an assessment ...
Dom42's user avatar
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How to perform ANOVA for data measured with unequal time interval?

So I have a set of patient data divided into 3 groups based upon their vision. I also have data on few variables that I believe to be relevent which are measured pre-surgery, 1 day post-surgery, and 7-...
dfd fdg's user avatar
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Comparing the before and after scores between two groups

In this experiment I'm trying to make, one group of people watches a lecture series and one does not. Before the lecture series, both groups' levels of optimism, knowledge, and anxiety are assessed. ...
jl99's user avatar
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Which statistical test should be used?

I am stuck in deciding which statistical test would be more appropriate in my case. My research questions are whether or not in the gait analysis there are differences in pressure between ten foot ...
Andrea Serrano's user avatar
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How to run Repeated Measures to find difference between gender (without change of condition)?

I would like to test for the difference of measures between genders. Repeated measures were carried out. What test would you suggest is best for this and what would be the degrees of freedom ...
offthehook's user avatar