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Multiple hypothesis testing adjustment when only the number of significant tests is important

We are measuring the effect of a treatment T on a latent outcome variable (specifically, "Discrimination"). We have a number of outcome variables that we think do a reasonable job as proxies ...
David Smerdon's user avatar
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Which type of statistical analysis to run in R with 2 treatment types in my study?

(Originally asked on Stack Overflow, reposting here after a commentor mentioned this is a better place to ask it.) I have a seed germination study that I am trying to analyze. In this study I had 4 ...
midwestbotanist's user avatar
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How does one create comparable metrics when the original metrics are not comparable?

The problem I have is that I have several groups (say 3 to make discussion concrete) with observations from a true but known distribution $p^*_1, p^*_2, p^*_3$ (or 3 populations). I can compute some ...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
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Which statistical test is more appropriate?

I have collected data for an experimental study from 88 participants. Specifically, all participants received both interventions but in a different order. 44 participants received firstly Treatment A ...
Penny's user avatar
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One-way ANOVA for multiple features?

I have 60 continuous features (i.e., lab results) for 35,000 patients, and the patients are divided into three groups. I want to evaluate each feature to find out what the differences are between the ...
Mon's user avatar
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How to perform ANOVA for data measured with unequal time interval?

So I have a set of patient data divided into 3 groups based upon their vision. I also have data on few variables that I believe to be relevent which are measured pre-surgery, 1 day post-surgery, and 7-...
dfd fdg's user avatar
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Am I (reviewer) correct or is the researcher correct re: Bonferroni?

I've been asked to review an article for a low-tier journal, such that I am the only reviewer with stats knowledge (such as it is; I used to teach stats and advanced stats, but it's been a few years ...
JasperRabbit's user avatar
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MANOVA Repeated Measures

I hope somebody can help me with my confusion. My dependent variables are: emotions, interest, and attitude change, while independent variable is type of message: a) self-appraisal message b) family-...
Moon Paris's user avatar
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MANOVA contrast results p-value in SPSS - Bonferroni correction required?

I am running a MANOVA with 2 IVs(2*3) and 4 DVs. I want to test the effect of the 3-level IV using a Helmert contrast: to compare if level 1 significantly differs from the mean of levels 2 and 3, as ...
Student's user avatar
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Is there a specific test for correlation between 2 measurable variables between nominal data?

I am having a hard time finding a comparable test for my data set. Here is what I have: weight of individuals and Concentration of a trace metal in each individual for 8 field sites. I want to see if ...
AyAyRon166's user avatar
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group comparisons - normality of the distribution

When comparing 3 different groups on a certain variable and one of the groups does not have a normal distribution (as verified by the Shapiro test) whilst the other to do, would you think it is best ...
J. Ferreira's user avatar
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Pros and cons of 5 ANOVAs for 5 DVs instead of 1 MANOVA

This** study asked subjects to rate musical excerpts along 5 subjective dimensions (valence, tension, energy, consonance, preference); each excerpt had a certain chord type and a certain register. ...
z8080's user avatar
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How to compare two sets of time-series 3-Dimensional data? [closed]

Let us say we have two data sets. Each of the data sets has velocity $(v_x,v_y,v_z)$ and acceleration $(a_x,a_y,a_z)$ of particles at time steps n where $0 \leq n \leq 100,000$. Now how do I compare ...
Armando Fandango's user avatar
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Comparing two groups with different size on multiple continuous variables [duplicate]

I want to compare two groups on 9 continuous variables to see whether mean scores on these variables differ between the two groups. However, my samples have a very different size: one group includes ...
Ellen VanH's user avatar
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MANOVA as protection against Type I errors

OK, so I have absolutely scoured the internet, and it appears that there is consensus (among people who really care about Type I error) that doing a MANOVA before doing multiple ANOVAs does nothing to ...
user2974849's user avatar
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Estimating and comparing pre-post treatment effects in multiple pairs of treatment-vs-control groups

I have a dataset from an experiment where the goal was to study in which plant ecotype a treatment with a certain bacteria had the greatest effect. Hence the data consists of a number of control and ...
Staffan's user avatar
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How to best approach ANOVA with multiple response variables that might be correlated and Bonferroni Correction

I need some help verifying a simple analysis. I have completed a simple two factor experiment of more or less equal sample sizes. Let's assume for the case of this question that the sample sizes are ...
Phillip Mann's user avatar
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MANOVA vs repeated measues ANOVA example

I have the following situation (4 independent treatment groups, each group is tested for 3 dependent variables) and was wondering what would be the best to do: What is the best test to do? I have ...
Leela987's user avatar
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Identifying formulas from MANOVA in a research paper

I need to identify the formulas for computing the group differences with Bonferroni corrections and Cohen's d effect size in the following paper (chart on the top of page 6): Research Paper What ...
statsguyz's user avatar
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Does one need to adjust for multiple comparisons when using MANOVA?

There are 10 dependent variables and 2 groups. When I wanted to compare 10 dependent variables between two groups, I performed MANOVA. I wonder if there is a multiple comparison problem in that case. ...
leetaey's user avatar
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Choosing between a MANOVA and a series of t-tests when comparing two groups

I have to analyze the data from a study in which two groups of subjects (total sample $n = 30$) were tested on 4 cognitive tasks, all related to executive functions. For each task, I have accuracy ...'s user avatar
6 votes
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Understanding MANOVA in case of a single predictor

I'm trying to understand the statistical analysis I saw in a clinical study. They measured performance of 3 groups of subjects with a series of performance measures (A, B, C, ..., N). The objective ...
AlefSin's user avatar
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