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Am I (reviewer) correct or is the researcher correct re: Bonferroni?

I've been asked to review an article for a low-tier journal, such that I am the only reviewer with stats knowledge (such as it is; I used to teach stats and advanced stats, but it's been a few years ...
JasperRabbit's user avatar
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What type of analysis to do for Dissertation- EMOTION RECOGNITION

In my study, participants take part in the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) where they are ranked into high or low trait anxiety groups. Participants are then shown multiple videos of 7 different ...
Sophia B's user avatar
7 votes
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Does summary.aov() of MANOVA object adjust for multiple comparisons?

I performed a MANOVA analysis in R, testing if two populations differ based on their multivariate phenotype, comprising 16 measurements. I then used the summary.aov() function on the MANOVA model to ...
KL_STKBK's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to follow up a factorial MANOVA with discriminant analysis?

This is a follow-up to to my previous question: How can MANOVA report a significant difference when none of the univariate ANOVAs reaches significance? I have two IVs with each having three levels ...
kea's user avatar
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MANOVA vs repeated measues ANOVA example

I have the following situation (4 independent treatment groups, each group is tested for 3 dependent variables) and was wondering what would be the best to do: What is the best test to do? I have ...
Leela987's user avatar
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What is the difference between univariate post-hoc tests after MANOVA and usual ANOVAs?

When I run a $2 \times 4 \times 5 \times 6$ (Sex $\times$ AgeGroup $\times$ HighestDegree $\times$ Ethnicity) MANOVA (with 20 dependent variables) in SPSS, it presents tests of between subjects ...
Ian's user avatar
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