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Three-way manova or separate anovas?

I have three independent catagorial variables and two dependent continuous scale variables, so I want to compare means across these three independent catagorial variables. I think here the best choice ...
Stats34's user avatar
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Power Analysis with GPower repeated measures MANOVA within-between interaction

I am running a longitudinal experiment over 9 months. I have 2 dependent measures (water, electricity) and 5 groups (conditions, 4 experimental, 1 control). The conditions are the "between"...
Yavor Paunov's user avatar
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Challenging robustness to violations of multivariate normality

I am generating multivariate normal (MVN) data and evaluating power of MANOVA in R. For instance, I simulate a factor A with two levels, and obtain $\boldsymbol{y}_{A_1} \sim MVN(\boldsymbol{\mu_1}, \...
DGMartin's user avatar
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Carry out power analysis for MANCOVA using G*Power

There are helpful questions and answers for how to calculate the required sample size (or carry out a power analysis) for MANOVA, but not for MANCOVA using the freely-available G Power software. Is ...
Joshua Rosenberg's user avatar
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Sample size estimation for MANOVA

I am trying to run a replication of a study which used a factorial design (2x2) with three DVs (dependent variables) and subsequently ran three ANOVAs to test their hypotheses. Given that the DVs in ...
timfaber's user avatar
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How should I calculate required n for minimum power of a sequence of parallel or simultaneous tests?

I am concerned with the practical situation in which I design a 'no-budget' split-ballot 2 x 1 experiment. We have money for $n=80$ cases in total, thus $n=40$ in each of two groups. In total I will ...
tomka's user avatar
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Post-hoc tests for MANOVA: univariate ANOVAs or discriminant analysis?

I am using a MANOVA test to compare nine different dependent variables (from neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric assessment) between three groups. The output shows a significant influence from ...
TvBalkom's user avatar
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How to work out Effect Size for a MANOVA using G*Power

I'm using G*Power to work out how many participants I need. I'll be using a MANOVA, I have two independent variables (Male and Female) and they will be answering 13 different questionnaires so 13 ...
Jesse Smith's user avatar
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G*Power-Repeated measures MANOVA "number of measurements" input field

I am trying to calculate the sample size needed with G*Power for my dissertation study. I will be doing a Repeated Measures MANOVA within/between interaction. My question is in the field "number of ...
Shannon's user avatar
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4 votes
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Repeated measures ANOVAs instead of repeated measures MANOVA w/ small N?

I have 3 variables that have been measured on 4 occasions and a sample size of 16. I was considering a repeated measures MANOVA to ascertain if the changes over time were statistically significant. ...
laf's user avatar
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