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Repeated measures factorial ANOVA - independent variables from an equation

I have responses from 30 patients for 4 independent variables. ind_var1 has 2 levels, ind_var2 has 3 levels, ind_var3 has 2 levels and ind_var4 has 4 levels. No groups in the dependent variable. So ...
user369017's user avatar
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Three-way manova or separate anovas?

I have three independent catagorial variables and two dependent continuous scale variables, so I want to compare means across these three independent catagorial variables. I think here the best choice ...
Stats34's user avatar
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As to unbalanced design sample data,do we need to check variance homogeneity as precondition of two way anova?

For the balanced design data,I know variance homogeneity among each cell is the requirement of two way anova. As to unbalanced design data,do we need to check the variance homogeneity of each cell? If ...
kittygirl's user avatar
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Stratify the analysis if Levene's test fails

I have a question about the correctness of a statistical analysis. I have a variable called L, which is the log of the number of bacteria present in some foods. L is a function of the treatment T (...
Lukas's user avatar
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What statistical method should I use to quantify a tests ability to separate by category?

Say I have the table of results below. In Test 1 categories a, b, and c produce results which are clearly distinct. In Test 2 the categories produce some separation, though not entirely. Test 3 ...
B Lawless's user avatar
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How to interpret MANOVA results after adding gender, splitting the file?

I am analyzing my 2x3 between subject design with MANOVA in SPSS at the moment. In the main model, there is 2 IV's and 2 DV's. Result of the test is 1 main effect and no interaction effect. In an ...
Meryam Folen's user avatar
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How to measure variance in a classification dataset?

I have a dataset that contains 20 predictor variables (both categorical and numeric) and one target variable (2 classes - Good and Bad). But, there are only 23 observations in the dataset. While I ...
Minu's user avatar
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1-Way Within Subject ANOVA - sig value

There is 1 independent var (AT) with two levels (PQ_Low and PQ_High). My SPSS output reveals sig as 0.000 Can I assume that my p-value is significant as it is less than the alpha level of 0.05? ...
user39531's user avatar
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showing the estimator of $\sigma^2$ [closed]

Let's take a one way ANOVA Model as $Y_{ij}=\mu + \tau_i +\epsilon_{ij}$ $i=1,2,3$ and $j=1,...,n_i$ and $\epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0,\sigma^2), \ \ \ \forall (i,j).$ Sample variance for factor ...
1190's user avatar
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Inter-cluster variance

Can you please help me understand how is inter-cluster (between clusters) variance defined? As opposed to intra-cluster variance which is pretty straightforward, I have not managed to found a clear ...
voo's user avatar
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