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Questions tagged [manova]

Multivariate ANalysis Of VAriance (MANOVA) is a generalization of ANOVA for the case with several dependent variables.

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Model selection for $4\times 2\times 2$ factorial design in R

I have read so many books, forums, and sites that I have completely confused myself. Originally, my design was a simple 4x2 factorial with two categorical predictors, but it has gotten more complex ...
E10's user avatar
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How to use the effects output of a MANOVA model to calculate BLUEs? (without an intercept)

So my team wants a single best linear unbiased estimate (BLUE) using 2 response variables. I have asremlR and here is my code to produce the model: ...
Sarah Johnson's user avatar
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Best approach to finding a statistical significance within the data

$\textbf{Description of Dataset:}$ I've got a dataset where 3 mice per cage are fed a certain diet. There are 3 diets and a control diet (4 diets all up), and 3 cages tied to each diet, so 36 ...
Taffy's user avatar
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Which statistical analysis should I use for my research proposal?

So I'm designing a study but not sure which statistical test to use. Participants will be split into three groups - A, B, and C. For all participants, I will first conduct a questionnaire and will use ...
Lucy Vernon's user avatar
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Three-way manova or separate anovas?

I have three independent catagorial variables and two dependent continuous scale variables, so I want to compare means across these three independent catagorial variables. I think here the best choice ...
Stats34's user avatar
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Linear mixed model (repeated measurements) on HUGE dataset

I have a huge dataset with measurements of 21k genes across 11k samples. The measurements, called expression, represent (roughly) how "active" that gene is in the cells of the sample (in ...
abalter's user avatar
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Non-normal data, manova and kruskal_test

I am trying to perform a statistical test on a large data frame. For this, I was thinking to find differences between groups using MANOVA. I have 70 columns and 2 independent variables. In the example ...
Fabrizio's user avatar
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Moments of the Hotelling Lawley Trace under the alternative

The Hotelling Lawley trace is used in multivariate ANOVA, or for tests of the Multivariate General Linear Hypothesis (regression coefficient testing in many-to-many linear regression). For our ...
shabbychef's user avatar
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MANOVA: Dependence in dependent variables

In my study, I have two age groups (YA and OA) and 3 scores (A, B, C) are collected from each participant. Here I'm interested in two dependent variables, "RCG" which is calculated by ...
hszw's user avatar
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Finding variable contribution in manova

I have a dataset with one grouping factor and some dependent continuous variables. Given the difference, I want to know which variables contribute the most to the difference, like this variable A is ...
sheep's user avatar
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Statistical significance of distance between difference of vectors (LDA)

I have an output from Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) which sums up the corpus of about 2,000 documents into 50 topics. The 2,000 documents belong to a category each (in total there are 4 categories,...
blackmamba's user avatar
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How to perform ANOVA for data measured with unequal time interval?

So I have a set of patient data divided into 3 groups based upon their vision. I also have data on few variables that I believe to be relevent which are measured pre-surgery, 1 day post-surgery, and 7-...
dfd fdg's user avatar
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Excluding participants due to issue in randomisation?

I have been carrying a study and due to a human error in the randomisation process, instead of getting equal sized groups (I have 8 and aimed to have 100 per group), I now have around 90-100 ...
floatyng_cristals's user avatar
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Am I (reviewer) correct or is the researcher correct re: Bonferroni?

I've been asked to review an article for a low-tier journal, such that I am the only reviewer with stats knowledge (such as it is; I used to teach stats and advanced stats, but it's been a few years ...
JasperRabbit's user avatar
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Suitable test for data with multiple categorical dependent variables?

I have a dataset with multiple independent variables (time being one of them, so repeated measured) and multiple ordinal dependent variables that have 3 grades for each (like grade 2 for being ...
Louie Lee's user avatar
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Multiple post-hoc tests after Multivariate GLM/MANCOVA

I have three groups, where I am doing a multivariate GLM/MANCOVA to test for multivariate differences between groups (6 DVs), adjusting for 2 covariates. I would like to do post-hoc tests to see which ...
ViM's user avatar
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Comparing two participant groups on multiple likert scale response options in exploratory study

Hi I am new to CrossValidate so wanted to thank anyone in advance for contributing and looking at my questions. I am presently reviewing data from an exploratory study where two groups of participants ...
Emily's user avatar
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A non parametric equivalent to MANOVA

I would like to investigate whether there are significant differences between three different groups. There are about 20 numerical attributes for these groups. For each attribute there are about a ...
pythoo's user avatar
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Non-parametric testing for three way interaction effects

I'm looking for the appropriate test to perform to determine if there is a three-way interaction effect on my (non-parametric) likert-scale data. My data currently has a dependent variable with values ...
Meghan Shaw's user avatar
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What is the alternative to the 2-way ANOVA when the data are non-parametric in addition to being non-ordinal

I understand that the scheirer-ray-hare test would be a good option, however, the literature mentions that it is not reliable in my case because it uses data on an ordinal scale. What alternative ...
Pao Buitrón's user avatar
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MANOVA test statistics with GLM Multivariate Multiple Regression in R

Good afternoon! I am currently working on my master thesis and I am a bit stumped on how to proceed practically with my analysis. I am running a Multivariate Multiple analysis on a dataset, so I have ...
Davide's user avatar
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MANOVA Repeated Measures

I hope somebody can help me with my confusion. My dependent variables are: emotions, interest, and attitude change, while independent variable is type of message: a) self-appraisal message b) family-...
Moon Paris's user avatar
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Power Analysis with GPower repeated measures MANOVA within-between interaction

I am running a longitudinal experiment over 9 months. I have 2 dependent measures (water, electricity) and 5 groups (conditions, 4 experimental, 1 control). The conditions are the "between"...
Yavor Paunov's user avatar
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Why repeated measures output gives different output than MANOVA (SPSS)?

I see that this topic was closed few days ago, because it concerns specific context (data). No actually it does not. This is something that happens with any two variables that u have (at least 2) and ...
Hussain's user avatar
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What type of analysis to do for Dissertation- EMOTION RECOGNITION

In my study, participants take part in the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) where they are ranked into high or low trait anxiety groups. Participants are then shown multiple videos of 7 different ...
Sophia B's user avatar
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If data is square rooted to assume normality, should the data used to test with Levene's Test for Equality of Variance also be square rooted?

I am going to run a MANOVA, two of the assumptions are normally distributed data and equal variances. I had a data set that non-normally distributed. I square rooted it, and it is approximately ...
TomWarner09's user avatar
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How to account for mediators in ANOVA?

So I have two IVs (customization, purchase type), three mediators (self-expressiveness, social connections, evoked comparisons) and one DV (happiness). Purchase type is either experiential or material,...
daydreamerin's user avatar
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Should I use a repeated measures MANOVA or several repeated measures ANOVAs?

I'm doing a randomised controlled trial, it has four dependant variables each measured at three time points. The data is normally distributed. My question is how to analyse this. I'm wondering whether ...
TeddyTedTed's user avatar
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Analyses of Gene expression dataset, what stat test?

I was wondering if there was a way to analyse my RNA seq dataset in a way that I could work out which day the specific gene I have is most significantly expressed? I have a RNA seq dataset with 6 days ...
Chloe Reid's user avatar
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Three-way MANOVA Interpretation

I'm interpreting a three-way MANOVA as part of my research, and have come across an interpretation challenge, with three independent variables (Factor A, Factor B, and Factor C) and two dependent ...
Neszka's user avatar
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Challenging robustness to violations of multivariate normality

I am generating multivariate normal (MVN) data and evaluating power of MANOVA in R. For instance, I simulate a factor A with two levels, and obtain $\boldsymbol{y}_{A_1} \sim MVN(\boldsymbol{\mu_1}, \...
DGMartin's user avatar
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Replicating an SPSS manova in R

I'm trying to replicate the top part of the SPSS manova table 3.17 shown on page 127 in this book (just type 148 in the page ...
rnorouzian's user avatar
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Suitability of one-way repeated measures MANOVA

I'm undertaking a research study where I want to look at the difference between the value of a variable before and after an intervention. I've been suggested the one-way repeated measures MANOVA ...
Ananya's user avatar
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Treat year as a fixed effect, random effect, or covariate?

I have a dataset of fish species from different sites within a harbour collected over 17 years. The dataset consists of 1,042 sampling transects collected at 6 specific locations where fish were ...
Dugan 's user avatar
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Which statistical test is correct to compare two groups of very different sizes?

I have two groups that consist of the tree fraction and elevation. The sizes of the groups are very different, and the mean of tree fraction and elevation are included in the table, below. They are ...
Thomas's user avatar
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full information maximum likelihood for missing data in R combined with a MANOVA

i would like to do a manova with full information maximum likelihood to reduce missing data. i dont find any help in the internet, just how to calculate a normal manova, but if i add the usual command ...
Theresa Nmnn's user avatar
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G*power -> MANOVA (global effects) confusion with given effect size

I'm working with G*power to calculate the sample size for my experiment. At the moment I'm a little bit confused handling the effect size values. I have 3 IV (3 groups) and 2 DV => so i will use ...
Tom's user avatar
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Testing differences between groups in time course experiment

I want to analyze my data of glucose tolerance test experiment. I have two groups- test and control, and we measured the glucose levels at 5 time points (0,15,30,60,120 min). I want to test for ...
niceguest's user avatar
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Method of Data analysis [duplicate]

For my research I am comparing actual purchases (in amounts of products bought) in different conditions. I'm examining whether applying a certain promotional intervention improves the amount of ...
Daan's user avatar
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Multivariate ANOVA in python

I'm running a multivariate 2-way analysis and would like to know how to proceed. Basically, I have two effects group and time ...
Sos's user avatar
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SEM Instead of MANOVA

I do not have sufficient reputation to comment on a question, so I hope this post is acceptable. Regarding the accepted answer to this question: How to do Simple Confirmatory Factory Analysis/SEM in R?...
Tavaro Evanis's user avatar
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Is there a smallest possible sample size for MANOVA (post-hoc)

I am testing two DV and two IV using a two-way MANOVA. I have four groups. I had used g*power to recommend a sample size, however I have not yet achieved this recommended sample size. Instead I have ...
Enviro's user avatar
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Are there problems with using Ordered Quantile (ORQ) normalization for Multivariate Analysis?

This is intended as a general question, as a Google search for -- "Ordered Quantile" "ORQ" normalization "Multivariate Analysis" -- returns nothing. This option is listed ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Small, unequal, sample size significance using MANOVA

I am testing the hypothesis, "there is no difference between 3 materials", with a small sample size. I have 3 materials and 2 DVs (test 1-2). They also have a different number of ...
Lino's user avatar
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Choice of test in a pre-post scenario

I would like to test whether there is a significant difference in outcome in a pre/post scenario. I have the following set-up: Measured level of concentration of A (...
user190080's user avatar
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Comparing the means of latent variables in a CFA model measured at two different times in R

I have a CFA model with 7 latent variables and about 4 items per construct, I'm using R with lavaan for the CFA, $N\approx 3500$. My model looks like this: ...
john.abraham's user avatar
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How do I run a two-way repeated measure MANOVA in R?

I am trying to run a repeated measure MANOVA in R, with two within subjects independent variables and three dependent variables. I converted the df in long format and I am now trying to run the ...
Silvia's user avatar
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Which test should I use to compare the effect of a parasite infection on gut microbiome across time serie data point

I am interested in the effect of an intestinal parasite infection on the rat gut bacterial community. I have two groups of rats ("infected" and "non-infected") each consists of 6 ...
Vince Bil's user avatar
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Is this a proper use of mixed modeling?

I admit I'm fairly new at statistical modeling and so I'm not confident in the method I am using. Using LC-MS/MS, I am monitoring the degree of post-translational modification of specific peptides by ...
Eddjah's user avatar
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2x3 Mixed Factorial Design or Pre-Post Design?

I am conducting a study for a MSc., and was told by my supervisor that my design would be a 2x3 mixed factorial design, but it seems like it might just be a pre and post test intervention design (I ...
spinachqueen's user avatar

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