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Questions tagged [manova]

Multivariate ANalysis Of VAriance (MANOVA) is a generalization of ANOVA for the case with several dependent variables.

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Non-significant MANOVA with significant planned contrasts [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Not-significant F but a significant coefficient in multiple linear regression How can you have a non-significant multiple regression model w/ significant predictors? My ...
Kat Burn's user avatar
4 votes
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Repeated measures ANOVAs instead of repeated measures MANOVA w/ small N?

I have 3 variables that have been measured on 4 occasions and a sample size of 16. I was considering a repeated measures MANOVA to ascertain if the changes over time were statistically significant. ...
laf's user avatar
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MANOVA with repeated measures in R, error [closed]

I conducted listening experiment in which 16 participants had to rate the audio stimuli along 5 scales representing an emotion (sad, tender, neutral, happy and aggressive). Each audio stimulus was ...
L_T's user avatar
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What is the difference between univariate post-hoc tests after MANOVA and usual ANOVAs?

When I run a $2 \times 4 \times 5 \times 6$ (Sex $\times$ AgeGroup $\times$ HighestDegree $\times$ Ethnicity) MANOVA (with 20 dependent variables) in SPSS, it presents tests of between subjects ...
Ian's user avatar
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How to compare first to second half of measurements in a counterbalanced behavioral experiment?

I want to compare measurements in two halves of a behavioral experiment to examine for learning effects. My first course of action is to split the measurements in the two halves and then repeat the ...
Adam SA's user avatar
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10 votes
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Is there a generalization of Pillai trace and the Hotelling-Lawley trace?

In the setting of multivariate multiple regression (vector regressor and regressand), the four major tests for the general hypothesis (Wilk's Lambda, Pillai-Bartlett, Hotelling-Lawley, and Roy's ...
shabbychef's user avatar
2 votes
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Variables which sum to a constant - ANOVA, MANOVA or none of these?

I asked a group of subjects to make a series of 12 binary choices regarding preferences. Let's say for arguments sake, these were between ugly (ug), attractive (<...
alps's user avatar
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What statistical test should be used to accomplish the objectives of the experiment

I'd like to have your feedback to analyze my data from the following experiment. Experiment Information A total of 30 (15 from one city and other 15 from another city) slaughtered animals were ...
MYaseen208's user avatar
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How do you report significant contrast results for a MANOVA in APA style?

Do you just report that MANOVA significance test is significant, or do you have to include contrast estimates (SPSS K MATRIX)? In the latter case, what are ...
madeleine barratt's user avatar
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Two DV's in a 2x2 factorial experiment

I'm trying to investigate the effect on (a) tear resistance and (b) gloss of a piece of film due to additive and extrusion method. I can see that the best results for tear resistance is low additive ...
izzy's user avatar
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Multiple dependent variables in factorial design

I have a 2x2x2 factorial design with two dependent variables (lets say height and weight). I can examine the effect of the three factors for each dependent variable separately. But I also want to ...
Lisa's user avatar
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Permutational MANOVA and Mahalanobis distances in R

In this paper Anderson, M.J. (2001). A new method for non-parametric multivariate analysis of variance. Austral Ecology, 26, 32–46 I found very useful MANOVA approach that can, to some extent, ...
Fedja Blagojevic's user avatar
75 votes
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How to interpret type I, type II, and type III ANOVA and MANOVA?

My primary question is how to interpret the output (coefficients, F, P) when conducting a Type I (sequential) ANOVA? My specific research problem is a bit more complex, so I will break my example ...
djhocking's user avatar
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Over enthusiastic MANOVA in R

In recent research I pursue a MANOVA model on a dataset comprised of 50 measured characters and several grouping factors that I need to test. When I use something like this ...
Fedja Blagojevic's user avatar
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Understanding MANOVA in case of a single predictor

I'm trying to understand the statistical analysis I saw in a clinical study. They measured performance of 3 groups of subjects with a series of performance measures (A, B, C, ..., N). The objective ...
AlefSin's user avatar
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Dealing with nuisance variables in a MANOVA situation [closed]

I have a study in which participants facebook profiles were rated by a group of students. The participants were then randomly allocated into one of three groups: the uncertain condition (where they ...
user avatar
9 votes
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Is VAR a MANOVA with auto regression?

What are the differences between VAR (vector auto regression) and MANOVA?
JohnRos's user avatar
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How to examine differences between two groups across three different experimental conditions?

I have data for two groups. The 2 groups are matched on a number of variables, but differ in the scores on an alcohol measure (one group is high, and one is low). However the groups have been created ...
Short Elizabeth's user avatar
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Does the importance of the normality assumption in MANOVA decrease as sample size increases?

Does the importance of the normality assumption in MANOVA decrease as group sample size increases?
mycat's user avatar
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How to develop a model predicting quality of life from a wide range of demographic, stress, and health measures?

Context: I am running a large survey and am trying to figure out what statistical analyses to perform. The survey asks questions in every format known to man (e.g., likert scales, multi-choice, ...
Pundy's user avatar
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Non-normality in MANOVA with significant planned contrasts versus non-significance in Kruskal-Wallis- A Conundrum

I am conducting a between groups analysis for 3 groups (N=26, one control group and two experimental groups) with 4 dependent variables. I initially planned to conduct a MANOVA, however I am not ...
JessMB's user avatar
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Differences between MANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA?

What is the difference between a repeated measures ANOVA over some factor (say experimental condition) and a MANOVA? In particular one website I stumbled across suggested that MANOVA does not make the ...
russellpierce's user avatar
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How to deal with non-normality in MANOVA? [closed]

The dependent variables (DV) have to be normally distributed. I have a problem because some of them aren't. I have one independent variable (IV), namely type of education. The DV's are Externalizing ...
Kristian's user avatar
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How to describe a design with a mix of experimental conditions, predictor variables, and multiple outcome variables?

My research design is as follows: I have these Between Subjects IVs: Experiment Condition - 5 levels Facebook User status - 2 levels (yes/no) My supervisor also wants me to see if there are ...
emilie rankine's user avatar
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Tutorial for performing Contrasts for MANOVA

Context I have a multivariate dataset with a test group and three control groups. I was thinking that the best way to determine if and how the test group differed from all of the control groups would ...
user3629's user avatar
82 votes
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Multivariate multiple regression in R

I have 2 dependent variables (DVs) each of whose score may be influenced by the set of 7 independent variables (IVs). DVs are continuous, while the set of IVs consists of a mix of continuous and ...
Andrej's user avatar
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Is MANOVA the correct way to handle multiple response variables that are additive?

Context: I am trying to analyze an experiment on plant community response to two treatments. Here’s a simplified description of the experiment, there are a few extra complications in reality. ...
Andy 's user avatar
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Repeated measures with correlated measures (not time)

Most repeated measures ANOVAs have time as the repeated measure; I was wondering about using a repeated measure that is not time. Say we fed two groups of animals different diets. At the end of the ...
P auritus's user avatar
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Consequence of violating independence assumption of ANOVA

I would like some help with the following problem. I have 40 subjects. On each subject I take a measurement at 25 body sites. The measurement is a continuous variable that varies between 0 and 1 and ...
Billy's user avatar
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12 votes
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MANOVA and correlations between dependent variables: how strong is too strong?

The dependent variables in a MANOVA should not be "too strongly correlated". But how strong a correlation is too strong? It would be interesting to get people's opinions on this issue. For instance, ...
Freya Harrison's user avatar
4 votes
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When to interpret multivariate tests when performing repeated-measures ANCOVA?

Yesterday, I ran a repeated-measures ANCOVA. The purpose was to determine the usability of two computer systems, call them 1 and 2. Each subject completed three (conceptually different) tasks, call ...
Jeff's user avatar
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19 votes
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A non-parametric repeated-measures multi-way Anova in R?

The following question is one of those holy grails for me for some time now, I hope someone might be able to offer a good advice. I wish to perform a non-parametric repeated measures multiway anova ...
Tal Galili's user avatar
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