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Questions tagged [manova]

Multivariate ANalysis Of VAriance (MANOVA) is a generalization of ANOVA for the case with several dependent variables.

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What statistical test (using R) can reveal relationships between 5 factors in randomized block design?

I'm at a loss as to how I can efficiently obtain p-values in R for the relationships I am interested in exploring in my dataset. Here is a picture summarizing the block design. Various response ...
Mythee's user avatar
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Determine DVs (dependent variable), IVs, and test objectives

I'm doing a practice problem which goes something like this. It is homework-style but not exactly. I'm doing some practice problems myself. Envato is a loyalty solutions which rewards their customer ...
b2bt's user avatar
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What stat analises to use? In SPSS

What analises to use? MANOVA? And how? I have a following design: Two groups made the same task and the result I have in Reaction times ( dependent variable). I have three additional variables (...
Tamara's user avatar
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What statistical method should I use to quantify a tests ability to separate by category?

Say I have the table of results below. In Test 1 categories a, b, and c produce results which are clearly distinct. In Test 2 the categories produce some separation, though not entirely. Test 3 ...
B Lawless's user avatar
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PCA plot does not show a statistical difference even though the single factor MANOVA was used

My single factor MANOVA showed that there is a statistical difference between the red and black (which represent the effect of treatment given) : the P value was <0.05. But in PCA there seems to ...
Mariam's user avatar
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What type of test do I use in G Power?

I've got 1 IV with 2 levels (within-subjects) and 4 VD's (with 7 levels). What type of test do I use in this case ? Thank you
Greg's user avatar
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Is there a MANOVA test on circular variables?

I have a population 4 individuals moving in different directions in 9 different compartments. The movement is not coherent between the different compartments, but I suspect that it is coherent between ...
Martin Hägglund's user avatar
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Which statistical test should be used?

I am stuck in deciding which statistical test would be more appropriate in my case. My research questions are whether or not in the gait analysis there are differences in pressure between ten foot ...
Andrea Serrano's user avatar
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Significant differences between dichotomous multiple response variables

Kind people, I want to measure if there is any difference in the use of newsframes in 198 news articles between the 9 countries who own nucleair weapons. I have created these frames with a factor ...
Stan's user avatar
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ANOVA on IQ Study Involving Gender, Volume of Brain, and cross section of Corpus Callosum

I've got a study and I'm trying to use ANOVA to determine how the variables are related to each other. Here's what the format of the data is: ...
Shaniqua's user avatar
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Book recommendations: Deepen statistical understanding

I'm a psychology undergraduate and I would like to deepen my understanding of statistics beyond what is required for my studies. I'm looking for book suggestions dealing with Anova, Ancova, T-tests ...
postnubilaphoebus's user avatar
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How to run Repeated Measures to find difference between gender (without change of condition)?

I would like to test for the difference of measures between genders. Repeated measures were carried out. What test would you suggest is best for this and what would be the degrees of freedom ...
offthehook's user avatar
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Investigating correlation between two dependent variables

I have panel data with approx. 20,000 observations on different firms and years. In each observation, a firm makes a business decision, deciding for either $A$ and/or $B$ (both are continuous from 0 ...
Marie. P.'s user avatar
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Poor mans anova

Background: I did something that I don't feel bad about, but I don't feel exactly right about. I would like to get enough pointing in the right direction to teach myself and feel solidly good about ...
EngrStudent's user avatar
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Follow Up Simple 2-Way Interactions

After conducting a 3-Way in-between subjects ANOVA, I see there is a significant interaction among the 3 independent var, XYZ (2 levels). As a follow up, I conducted a simple 2-Way interaction between ...
Vyas's user avatar
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2x2 anova: one main effect significant, other main effect and interaction are not

I was wondering what to do in this situation. I wanted to check for interaction between two IV's on the DV. First IV is gender, second musicianship (Yes/No). Only one (musicianship) main effect is ...
kapetantuka's user avatar
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MANOVA shows no significance but univariables have large differences

I conducted a MANOVA with 3 dependents and 1 independent (with only 2 groups). The MANOVA test shows no significance. But the average value over the 3 dependents are very different for the two groups. ...
user135466's user avatar
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What stat test to use and help with code in R (for a beginner)?

i am just wandering what test to use for the following trial: I have a one treatment at 9 different rates (untreated, 100g, 200g etc) and I want to see how 4 continuous dependent variables and 2 ...
Mom u's user avatar
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Repeated measures ANOVA or MANOVA (SPSS)

I have an experimental design of two independent groups (pregnant/non-pregnant), in which each person has described past memories and future episodes on different variables on a scale from 1-7. ...
Trine's user avatar
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How to find more correlated variables to group them together using multivariate analysis in R?

My dataframe consists of both categorical and numerical variables. The target variable is categorical. The data frame also has substantial missing values where I cannot omit them or use any suitable ...
areddy's user avatar
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Difference between multi-factor ANOVA and Cox proportional hazard model?

I am wondering what is the difference between multi-factor ANOVA and Cox proportional hazard model? As I understood both of them test the significance of some independent factors on a dependent factor....
Fera's user avatar
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How to assess normality of a single item variable before running ANOVA in an experiment?

In my experiment, I have 3 dependent variables, each measured through a single item. I want to assess their normality before proceeding to MANOVA. These three variables failed the Shapiro-Wilk test. ...
Shazia's user avatar
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MANOVA application

Need to check whether it is mandatory to have at least one continuous DVs in MANOVA, also does sample size of 2 groups matters much, i am planning to check whether recruits from campus or off-campus ...
Abhinav Mishra's user avatar
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How should I interpret boxplot and manova results simultaneously?

I have a data in which I am interested in how the response of photosynthesis and conductance varies differentially among different temperatures/ranks/crosses/genotypes. I have set up a manova to do ...
upendra's user avatar
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How to run ANOVA on multiple groups of samples, each composed by different variables

I have a $m$ x $n$ matrix, where the $n$ columns are split into multiple classes. If I had only a $1$ x $n$ vector, I would have used ANOVA to evaluate if all subset of columns had the same ...
gc5's user avatar
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My aim is to quantify temporal change in community composition by measuring community composition through time at several plots using randomly placed quadrats. The idea would be to repeat surveys at ...
Sean's user avatar
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MANOVA or repeated-measures ANOVA? [duplicate]

thank you very much for your time! I am currently working on a neuroimaging study comparing lateralization indexes between the two hemispheres in three different groups. I have 4 lateralisation ...
Marlene's user avatar
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Fitting Mancova model on factor scores

I have two matrices with multiple variables. The two matrices come from same sample.I would call them matrix A and Matrix B.Each of them have many correlated variables . I would want to evaluate the ...
statstar's user avatar
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MANOVA vs. Repeated Measure ANOVA [duplicate]

Thanks for your time. I want to compare accuracy of several predicting models. I am comparing their MAE. each model use same all or some predictors. Which approach is better MANOVA or repeated measure ...
Fouad's user avatar
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ANOVA shows no significant interaction effect, but Tukey's Test shows significant differences between groups?

I am a PhD student but I am having a hard time understanding certain aspects of statistics. I just ran an ANOVA and I got no significant interaction effect between Density (0 and 20) and Species (...
user42040's user avatar
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How do I interpret hierarchical regression results? [closed]

How do I interpret hierarchical regression results?
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grouping of groups (ANOVA)

Background: One of my hypothesis' is that several (more than 2) groups (hereafter sub-groups) can be grouped, based on an interval-scaled variable, into two groups that, based on the same interval-...
boskop's user avatar
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