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Questions tagged [markov-logic-network]

A Markov logic network (or MLN) is a probabilistic logic which applies the ideas of a Markov network to first-order logic, enabling uncertain inference.

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2 answers

Markov Chain and Removal Effect [closed]

Based on this article I'm trying to use within R the Channel Attribution package to leverage on the Markov Chain in order to attribute conversion between several marketing channel. On one point the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a probabilistic graphical model for this situation?

Suppose we have $3$ random variables, $X, Y, Z$, which verify: $$I(X,Y), I(X,Z), I(Y,Z),$$ where $I(·,·)$ means the variables are independent, and $$D(Y,X \ | \ Z), $$ meaning $Y$ and $X$ are ...
2 votes
0 answers

Learning the weights of a markov logic network leads to very different results depending on the technical implementation

I implement the same markov logic network in two different ways using the Alchemy2 software. They should yield to the same result smoking-out.mln and ...
2 votes
0 answers

How MLN and MaxEnt are different?

To me it seems that MLN (Markov logic network) and MaxEnt (Maximum Entropy classifier) solve the same formula: $$ p(y|x) = \frac{exp(\sum_i \lambda_if_i(x,y))}{\sum_y exp(\sum_i \lambda_if_i(x,y))} $$ ...