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Choosing center of histogram bins for fitting

I have a bimodal distribution, and if plotted with Mathematica it looks like this: Now, the lowest value from the actual data is 8196 and 690720, but as seen in the plot, Mathematica lets the data ...
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Visualising n vectors of length n in a periodic fashion

I'm currently working on a specific problem in a periodic structure, for which I obtain a set of eigenvectors that I would like to plot. It is probably easiest if I give you an explicit example, then ...
user129412's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Visualizing a 3D dataset of proportions

I'm looking for visualization ideas for the following data: I have a $10\times 12$ grid of points $(x_i,m_j)$, where the $x_i$ are a set of distances (e.g. 1,2,..., 10 m) and the $m_j$ are the ...
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