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Maximum Uncertainty in Normal Distribution

While reading Goodfellow's Deep Learning Book, I came across the below fact about Normal Distribution. I am not sure I have understood what led to this conclusion, Can someone help with it? "Out ...
umesh's user avatar
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Is there any relationship between two normalized gamma distributions?

Consider two normalized gamma distribution functions $\frac{\Gamma(x,y)}{\Gamma(x)}$ and $\frac{\Gamma(nx,ny)}{\Gamma(nx)}$ where $n$ is a positive integer value. Is there any relationship between the ...
Russel J's user avatar
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How to expand $\text{erf}\bigg(\frac{(ax-b)}{\sqrt{2}}\bigg) = \text{erf}\bigg(\frac{ax}{\sqrt{2}}\bigg) + \text{some_value}$?

The error function is defined as, $$\text{erf}\bigg(\frac{(ax-b)}{\sqrt{2}}\bigg) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int_{0}^{\frac{(ax-b)}{\sqrt{2}}} e^{-t^{2}/2}dt$$. My question is how to expand the above ...
score324's user avatar
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Samples from a multivariate t distribution

Hi I have the following problem. I draw a sample of a multivariate t-distribution with some fixed covariance matrix, so that the realizations are correlated, and $\nu=4$. Now I repeat this $n$ times, ...
ani's user avatar
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