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Fixed vs rolling forecasts: Empirical evidence

Many sources online recommend that we use a rolling window to make forecasts. As I am in a choice between using a fixed window and a rolling window for my data I am trying to find any empirical ...
Johanna W's user avatar
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improve performance of finding rolling window maximum likelihood

There is data indexed by time: $$ D_1, D_2, D_3, ..., D_T $$ I have a model that I assume the parameter $\theta_t$ changes with time $t$. As a result, I adapt a rolling window strategy: $$ \theta_{...
wh0's user avatar
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Good book / resource for learning about moving window PCA?

I would like recommendations on textbooks (or online resources) covering MWPCA theoretically and with application examples (preferably in R, but also in Python, Mathematica, Matlab). A brief intro: ...
0 votes
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Reference for the use of moving upper quartile window

I used a moving upper quartile window to select some data, but I require some kind of reference justifying its use and I cannot find anything suitable for it. Does anyone know of a book/paper that ...
user2062207's user avatar