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SPSS K means cluster

I'm working on car accident cases 1500 accident data and 33 variables When I use k means cluster, in the Anova table i see to high F values like 5x10E5 with 0,00 significance. And also there are ...
yf-1's user avatar
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Can AMOS be used to perform logistic regressions?

I need to compare 11 groups of data, for the same relationship. My first thoughts were to create 11 regression equations (one for each), and to compare parameters between groups. Problem is that ...
user45863's user avatar
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ISPSS: Cross-sectional time series analysis

I am trying to run a multiple regression in SPSS. I am using panel data with 4 independent variables. Of these, one is a dummy variable. Can someone please guide me through the process or give me ...
John's user avatar
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Likert Scales multiple answers and items

I am trying to introduce my data into SPSS. At the moment i am very confused. My questionnaire comprises 8 statements, where participants have ranked from strongly disagree to strongly agree their ...
Cathy Ames's user avatar
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Testing for similarity between countries

For my thesis, I am looking at the effect of environmental controversies on the profitability of Chinese and European firms. As part of my exploratory analysis, I have to check whether or not the ...
Hanne's user avatar
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How to make a prediction from baseline categorical variable – Logistic Regression - SPSS

For example: Let‘s say I have a categorical variable 'Hand' with two values 0=”Left” and 1=”Right”. DV is 'ReactionTestResult': 0=”Fail”, 1=”Pass”. One of the categories from variable 'Hand' will ...
Ben's user avatar
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Proper correlation or test on SPSS for beginner statistics class; yes/no questions and likert? [closed]

need help for a class; please provide details survey with multiple parts; 2 points in time; 10 questions for on period of time; same 10 questions for other period in time; other question asks if ...
Eva's user avatar
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How should I interpret my exponential regression model SPSS output?

I am analyzing Log+C transformed intensity data with temperature. I was advised to do a curve estimation regression analysis in SPSS, examining an exponential relationship but I am not sure how to ...
CL Morgan's user avatar
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SPSS Data Management [closed]

I am not an expert of SPSS and I would like to ask a question related to data management. I need to identify the respondents that answered yes I used it to all of the following question: I used a ...
Lucio's user avatar
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Dependent questions in SPSS [closed]

I have questions in a survey that are dependent on other questions, i.e. nested questions. How do I enter those into SPSS? Example: ...
MJ95's user avatar
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Linear/Non-linear Regression - SPSS

Hopefully somebody will be able to shed some light on my SPSS problems! I have been given 65 values. 57 of these data values are quarterly results and 8 are the holdback data to be used. I have to ...
Michael's user avatar
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what are the dependent and independent factors and categorical for below project [closed]

my project is identification of factors influencing motor bikes for home to office trip. there are some attiributes like gender,age,marital status,education qualification,job type,working sector, no. ...
user22268's user avatar
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Pearson correlation output in SPSS [closed]

In my research, I am trying to show the relationship between an IV and a DV. As I compute the Pearson correlation through SPSS, it outputs a correlation matrix. This is not what I want. I need an $r$...
Tan Boon Pin's user avatar
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what happens when a network has low closeness centrality - what happens to nodes on the periphery [closed]

I have thirty-nine nodes with closeness centrality scores but I do not know what to say about the nodes on the periphery who do not have scores.
user451331's user avatar
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Is there a test for statistical significance if I'm comparing two different groups in terms of the percentage with a particular characteristic?

I'm not sure if it's possible without having the underlying dataset. I don't have that, but I do know the numbers of people in each group (i.e., the sample size).
user347754's user avatar
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Reporting non-significant regression analysis?

As a result of attached regression analysis I found non-significant results and I was wondering how to interpret and report this. I am a self-learner and checked Google but unfortunately almost all of ...
Brandum's user avatar
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Hierarchical logistic regression package in R

I'm working on a logistic regression model; the purpose of the analysis is to identify factors that influence use of an app - the DV being use/no use, and IVs being a couple of numerical and ...
user290071's user avatar
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Getting 1-tailed p value from a 2-tailed p value in SPSS v23

For the purpose of my research, I use IBM SPSS and would like to get paired t-test result with a 1-tailed p-value. This video states how to derive a 1-tailed p-value from 2-tailed p-value, however, ...
KodokuLoner's user avatar
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Comparing neuropsychological and personal variables between 2 groups

I collaborated in a study about cognitive training which had 2 groups of participants. First of all, I would need to compare if the personal variables (age, years education...) and neuropsychological ...
user208684's user avatar
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Multilevel modelling - using variables with different number of trials

I would like to know whether it is possible to do multilevel modelling with variables that have different number of trials. To be more specific, let's say we have x(a), y(a), x(b), y(b) variables. x(...
User33268's user avatar
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SPSS Moderating Variable Confusion

I have done an online survey for my dissertation and now I am a little bit confused: I tested the following model: Variables A -----> B (Variable A negatively correlates with Variable B). Moderating ...
Martin Teyk's user avatar
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Mann-Whitney U Significance Levels on ordinal data?

I have rank data from a survey of Impact Assessments (IA). Each IA is ranked from A to F on a particular aspect (such as quality of introduction). These IAs come from 7 different sectors, but I don't ...
Adrian Skeete's user avatar
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How to combine different questions of questionnaire into a single variable?

I have used a 48 item questionnaire - a Likert scale - with 5 points (strongly agree - strongly disagree). The questionnaire contains 6 categories and each category has 8 questions. 8 items correspond ...
Dawood Idrees's user avatar
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Interpretation of output generated by PROCESS macro in SPSS for model with two moderators

I used the PROCESS macro for SPSS from hayes to regress a model where det_mean is the indepedent variable and y_tot the depending variable. I'm testing if this relation is moderated by two variables ...
Winston's user avatar
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3 way mixed ANOVA & pairwise comparisons effect size

I have a 3 way mixed ANOVA, where I have 2 significant main effects, one significant two way interaction and a significant three way interaction. I've been told to not describe the lower order ...
alana's user avatar
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Hierarchical linear regression analyses, but with logarithms?

I was ask to do a linear regression analyses of my variables. I have Reaction times. Can you recommend me a linear regression analysis (hierarchical?) and tell me whether I should transform my raw ...
Yacila's user avatar
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what does it means for p value = 8.780e-13 [duplicate]

I would like to ask if 8.780e-13 is greater than 0.05 for significance? I am not sure what is the calculation of this. Thanks a lot!
Tammy's user avatar
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How do I find if there is a significant difference in the number of males and females in a single population?

Also, how do I find if there is a significant difference in the number of males in two populations? In SPSS please!
user21964's user avatar

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