Questions tagged [multivariate-analysis]

Analyses/models where there is more than one response (dependent) variable. Commonly confused with "multiple" or "multivariable" analysis, which has more than one predictor (independent) variable.

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Multi Level Mixed Models

I have a model in which I collected information from 3 different farms, and on each farm in several different weeks. The weeks are not exactly the same, so week 1 of Farm 1 is not the same moment as ...
Rafael Nicolino's user avatar
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Environmental variables explain hare weight - 80 traps in 4 zones where each trap caught unequal number of hares - Linear mixed effects model best?

Study design So I have put out 80 hare traps in a forest area of 50 km^2. There forest area is split into 4 zones. Each zone is expected to be different because of different pollution input levels. In ...
Cordex's user avatar
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"RV coefficient" relationship to canonical correlation

Canonical correlation addresses the following: Given matrices $X$ and $Y$, what linear combination of the columns of $X$ best correlates with what linear combination of the columns of $Y$, and what ...
Dave's user avatar
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Sample size calculation for a multicenter RCT

I'm very new to the world of statistics, so sorry in advance for my limited knowledge. I hope you don't mind helping me. We are currently setting up a multicenter RCT of treatment A versus placebo in ...
Catherina Muscat's user avatar
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How to apply RLQ ordination to communities with different species?

I am analyzing the relationship between bird traits and environmental variation using the RLQ ordination corrected for spatial autocorrelation and phylogeny, i.e., the method in Pavoine et al. 2011 ...
michela's user avatar
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Deriving the multivariate asset returns model and interpreting cholesky factorization

I am trying to understand the multivariate asset returns model for a portfolio of assets from chapter 4 DCC-GARCH of Orskaug "Multivariate DCC-GARCH Model With Various Error Distributions" (...
Jose_Peeterson's user avatar
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Why can't fit I fit a multivariate regression (OPLS) model when my variables are univariately (Pearson/Spearman) correlated?

I have a dataset of 950 lipids (X) and want to see if any are correlated with cognitive function (Y). When I try to fit an opls regression model, it errors and says that "No model was built ...
mkadz's user avatar
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Test for independence of multivariate normality in R

I have 3 normal data matrices, i.e., that in each matrix, the rows are iid Multivariate Normal, but the rows of different matrices need not be identically distributed, but they have the same dimension....
Shaikh Ammar's user avatar
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Using the jackknife method in permutation tests

We aim to employ a permutation test to evaluate the significance of the relationship between two datasets using Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis (SCCA) for a specific level of sparsity. To ...
R.N.'s user avatar
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Seeking Advice on Handling Systematic Missingness Due to Conditional Logic in Dataset for Binary Outcome Analysis

I am tackling a complex multivariate analysis project with a binary outcome variable. My dataset's unique challenge arises from structured missingness due to conditional logic responses, significantly ...
g y l's user avatar
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Inference from profile comparisons

What would be a good test to compare patterns of differences among treatments? For example, the Y maze has an outcome of % of entries into each of three arms. Thus, three numbers are generated for ...
Bryan's user avatar
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How understand the logic underneath standardization methods?

I have a dataset of very different data and I want to make a multivariate analysis. I am a biology student so I'm very poor in statistics and so I am willing to study this fascinating yet important ...
Jan's user avatar
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Choosing the right modeling procedure

I am working with a dataset (electronic medical record extract) and trying to find out whether there is a difference in a continuous integer outcome (RxTotal, mean=7.4, range 2-34, skew=1.6, kurtosis=...
L.S.'s user avatar
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NA values in community matrix makes Hmsc object hard to interpret

For an analyis of the effect of precipitation onto a given species trait, I am trying to interpret an hmsc model I have created. To do so, I have log transformed my community matrix ...
Inopinans's user avatar
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multivariate meta-analysis - can subgroup indicator reflect several different variables and outcome types?

I have seen that in meta - analysis, a multivariate model can be used to get the same estimates as a series of separate meta analyses e.g.
user167591's user avatar
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What are some possible reasons my feature has the opposite direction of effect in a multivariate model vs bivariate tests [duplicate]

I'm working on a model of rent for my employer. To keep it interpretable we're using OLS. I've had great luck on feature engineering so far in terms of increasing R-squared and reducing AIC. However, ...
Nye307's user avatar
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Single model restrictions X Multivariate model restrictions

I cannot spin my head around how to implement linear restrictions into multivariate models. Or, at least, what is the basic intuition behind it. Let's start from the easy stuff I understand: ...
Athaeneus's user avatar
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Simulate bivariate bernoulli responses with predefined beta coefficients

I have a specific data matrix with features (mainly categorical). I want to simulate a multivariate bernoulli response, for example bivariate, but with a predefined vector of beta coefficients (most ...
eddie8434's user avatar
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Sampling distribution of Coefficient of determination in general

I was studying the properties of multiple linear regression, and stumbled across the F statistics often used for the tests. We are testing for the regression coefficients (let's say there are $p$ ...
LogicalPal's user avatar
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How to understand the real effect of an independent variable on the response?

I am aware the question is a bit generic, but any hint that would point me in the right direction is welcomed. Consider I have a dataset with few variables: gender type of education (bachelor/master) ...
rusiano's user avatar
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How do I estimate the covariance matrix of a set of dependent Poisson RVs?

LeBron James has averaged 27 pts, 7 rebounds, and 7 assists per game essentially since his debut in 2003. Despite this, he has never had a game with a stat line of exactly 27/7/7. I'm interested in ...
RYAN ANDERSON's user avatar
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Dummy variable in regression

I have a dataset for countries. One variable is coded as 0,1,2 or 3. For one country, its values on this variable are 0,1 and 2 (i.e., there is no 3). I created three dummies for this variable (and ...
brian's user avatar
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How do we interpret the covariance matrices $\textbf{U}$ and $\textbf{V}$ in the Matrix Variate Normal Distribution?

Consider the Matrix Normal Distribution. My first question is: how do we interpret the entries $\textbf{X}_{ij}$ of the random matrix $\textbf{X}(n\times p)$? My second question is: how do we ...
user1234's user avatar
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How to measure the difference in outcomes across 32 dimensions in a time-series study?

I have a dataset that recorded the contact patterns for each participant during three waves. For example: matrix_base_1 means that Participant 1 met with one person aged over 70 at location two, and ...
Chao's user avatar
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Distance to find similar samples in a multivariate dataset

Apart from Euclidean and Mahalanobis distance metrics. Given a sample with multivariable values, is there a way to find the samples that are similar to the given sample? Does KNN clustering find the ...
sveer's user avatar
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Modeling Wildlife Survey Data with Conditional Outcomes

I'm working on a project involving surveying for an invasive species which is removed upon encounter. When an individual is encountered, morphometrics are collected (e.g., size and sex). I'm ...
Alex Romer's user avatar
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Repeated measures microbiome data with baseline measurement: comparison of two treatments

I am interested in any advice I can get on different ways I might analyze multivariate ecological community (fecal sample microbiome) data that come from a "before after control impact" ...
qdread's user avatar
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PCA and Gower's Distance

I have a dataset with nutrient information about different ingredients. There are a total of 70 nutrients (numeric features) and 3 categorical features for a total of around 550 ingredients. I am ...
MSingh's user avatar
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How to code for a mulitgroup analysis concerning two catagorical variables

I have a question on syntax for Mplus. I am running a multivariate latent growth curve with 7 repeated measures, variables X and Y (diagram attached). I also have two grouping variables, sex and ...
EmH's user avatar
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Multivariate analysis with lmer and lmerTest

I'm dealing with compositional data (data that sum to 1). They are inherently multivariate. One way to analyse compositional data is with a ilr (isometric log-ratio) transformation. I'm following the ...
Nee's user avatar
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Is this regression problem solvable? [closed]

I have a random vector $\pmb{x}=(X_1,...,X_p)^T\in \mathbb{R}^p$, a symmetric matrix $$\Theta = \left(\begin{matrix}0 & \theta_{12} & \theta_{13} & \cdots & \theta_{1p}\\ \theta_{12} &...
Hepdrey's user avatar
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Appropiate ordination methods for compositional (percent) microbial species abundances explained by continous environmental variables

I aim to investigate the impact of various continuous environmental factors (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) on the composition of microbial communities within soil samples. These environmental ...
Cordex's user avatar
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Multivariate Normal Distribution. How do we apply this to dataset?

I am having a hard time understanding the concept of a multivariate normal distribution. From my understanding, it assumes each group is normally distributed, making one joint normal distribution with ...
Taewooo Kim's user avatar
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Average treatment effect (ATE) estimation via matching method while outcomes of control population are constant

I want to estimate the average effect of a treatment that was given with a selection bias. To do this, I'd like to use a matching method. Basically, this method involves finding, for each treated ...
HnbBarca's user avatar
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R packages for multivariate (two response variables) generalized linear mixed effects models

Are there any R packages with multivariate (multiple response variable) generalized linear mixed effects model capabilities? Specifically, are there any using a frequentist framework (I am aware of ...
Joe M's user avatar
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Which variables I should include in the multivariable Cox regression model?

I'm performing a survival analysis and I have some quantitative variables that I categorized (but I also mantained the quantitative variable for the univariate analysis). For example, I have the ...
Arthurr's user avatar
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ssnonpartest test for nonparametric inference for multivariate data - interpretation

I know the test is the correct one for my data but I'm struggling to interpret the results in a way I can coherently report. Using the example from the paper (
Anthony BH's user avatar
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Multivariate mixture models with INLA: Relating CAR random effect to the MVN covariance matrix

For a research project I am trying to implement a multivariate mixture model on areal data using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA). Let $y_{i,d}$ be a data point, where $i = 1, 2, \cdots, ...
BasMts's user avatar
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Multivariate meta-analysis with sparse multivariate array

I am wishing to conduct a meta-analysis that has many end-point measures that are all supposed to reflect a single concept - let's call it poor mental health. That would include things like ...
J Taylor's user avatar
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Which statistical test to use analyzing multivariate brain scan data (Channels, Frequency Bands, Measures)?

As a Computer Science student inexperienced in statistics, I'm looking for some advice on selecting the appropriate statistical test for my dataset. My data, derived from brain scans, is structured ...
Syskoo's user avatar
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Multi-group structural equation model (SEM) with compositiona exposure variable

I am comparing (between countries) how housing conditions mediate the relationship between working conditions and health. Variables are: Work (Exposure = E), living conditions (Mediator = M) and ...
Jules's user avatar
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Can we use multiple ordinal endogeneous variables in SEM model using lavaan?

I have three endogenous variables each measured using 5-point likert scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. I want to use SEM for my analysis using Lavaan. All the examples I have ...
ros's user avatar
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I'm struggling to find which is the right statistical test to use?

I have two variables: cell death and diet, but on the diet variable I have several groups that I want to compare. I was thinking of doing multiple Mann-Whitney tests, but that would be very time ...
Carolina's user avatar
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Do these graphs show normality of model residuals? [closed]

I have a linear mixed-effects model (lme4 R package) and I am trying to work out whether the model residuals meet the assumption of normality. However, by looking at the graphs below (model residuals ...
Darius's user avatar
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Correlation Metric for Investigating Relationship Between two independent variables

I'm working on a study in computer engineering where I'm analyzing the relationship between the dynamic execution count (frequency) of instructions and the corresponding data error rate (SDC) in a ...
husin alhaj ahmade's user avatar
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Generate samples from multivariate correlated data which have non-parametric cumulative distribution functions

I have 40 samples that contain information about 6 variables (hence a 40x6 data matrix). Each variable (column) has a cumulative distribution function (marginal distribution) based on the 40 values, ...
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How to handle a dependent variable with sub-dimensions and multiple independent variables with sub-dimensions?

The variables X1, X2 and Y consist of several dimensions (based on the corresponding literature), which we asked about in advance using Likert items (1-5). However, I am not quite sure how to analyze ...
Martin's user avatar
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Multivariate sample covariance

I have a set of $X_1,...,X_n$ samples with covariance $\Sigma_1,...,\Sigma_n$. The multivariate sample mean is then $$ \left(\sum_{i=1}^n \Sigma_i^{-1} \right)^{-1} \left(\sum_{i=1}^n \Sigma_i^{-1} ...
ThibautOphelia's user avatar
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Choosing the right statistical analysis for my data

I have 20 field plots. In each plot, I have taken between 1000–1500 measurements (continuous values) of a given variable using an instrumental device and recorded information qualitatively through ...
Darius's user avatar
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Univariate approach to a Bivariate logistic regression

Consider a situation where two independent agents (out of a set of many agents) look at the same problem and attempt to solve it with a yes/no response, obtaining $(Y_{i1},Y_{i2})$ for $i \in \{1,\...
Dylan's user avatar
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