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Robust Covariance in Multivariate / Multi-response OLS

Assume we are in the OLS setting with $y = X\beta + \epsilon$. When $y$ is a response vector, and $X$ are covariates, we can get two types of covariance estimates: The homoskedastic covariance $cov(\...
JCWong's user avatar
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What is the conditional covariance matrix of $(X_2,X_3)^T$ given $X_1$?

$X=(X_1,X_2,X_3)^T\sim N_3(\mu,\Sigma).$ Suppose $X_1,...,X_{20}$ are i.i.d. observations from $X$. The sample mean vector and the covariance matrix are then defined by $$ \bar{x} = (1,0,2)^T,\quad S=...
CCZ23's user avatar
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two-way MANCOVA with two covariates in SPSS

I am running a two-way MANCOVA which needs to be adjusted by two covariates. Problem is, I am not entirely sure whether I clarified all assumptions correctly and how to finally deal with two ...
RSB's user avatar
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Does $\text{cov}(a_1' X, a_2' X) = 0$ imply $a_1 \cdot a_2 = 0$?

Let $X$ be a $p$-dimensional random vector with $p$ principal components $y_1, y_2, \dots, y_p$. By definition, a restriction put on the second principal component $y_2 = a_2'X$ is $$ \text{cov}(y_1, ...
nalzok's user avatar
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How to show sample correlation is sample covariance for standardized values?

Given a matrix $X$ and the resulting sample correlation matrix $R$, consider the standardized observations: $$\frac{(x_{jk} - \bar x)} {\sqrt{S_{kk}}} \quad k=1,2,...,p \quad j=1,2,...,n$$ Show that ...
lydias's user avatar
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Are all symmetric matrices with diagonal elements 1 and other values between -1 and 1 correlation matrices?

A question for the statisticians and other math lovers: Are all symmetric matrices with diagonal elements 1 and other values between $-1$ and 1 correlation matrices?
Math123's user avatar
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sequential/recursive/online calculation of sample covariance matrix

I am solving the next exercise, but I have spent a lot of time and I can´t. For random vectors, $X_1,X_2,...\in\mathbb{R}^p$ The sample covariance with $\Sigma_1=0$ is given by: $$\hat\Sigma_n=\frac{1}...
Boris's user avatar
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Methods to prove that a guess for the covariance matrix is correct

Suppose we are interested in the covariance matrix $\Sigma$ of a few MLE estimators $\hat \theta_1,\hat \theta_2,\cdots,\hat \theta_n$. For each $j$, $\hat \theta_j$ is normally distributed and ...
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