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Probabilistic model of neural network

I read Neil's presentation and found this joint model is confusing: $$p(y_*|y, X, x_*) = \int p(y_*|x_*, W)p(W|y, X)dW $$ where $W$ contains $W_1$ and $W_2$ and $p(W|y,X)$ is posterior density Can ...
eric2323223's user avatar
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using DNN to find out the pdf of a regression problem

When we use deep neural networks (DNNs) to solve a 1-dimention regression problem, we can approximate data distribution with the output of a DNN like the picture below. My question is that DNN does ...
Lion Lai's user avatar
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Splitting Probability Distributions Into Many Factors : The Deep Learning Book

In chapter 3, section 3.14: Structured Probabilistic Models in The Deep Learning Book the authors write this, with the following equation. Machine learning algorithms often involve probability ...
Leon Fedden's user avatar
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How can an ensemble perform worse than all but one of its constituents?

I came across a very unusual situation: I trained 5 deep nets on a problem. 4 of the 5 had excellent in- and out-of-sample accuracy. I trained a classifier on the probability outputs of the 5 deep ...
William's user avatar
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53 votes
6 answers

Why is softmax output not a good uncertainty measure for Deep Learning models?

I've been working with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for some time now, mostly on image data for semantic segmentation/instance segmentation. I've often visualized the softmax of the network ...
Honeybear's user avatar
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Conditional probability vs. likelihood - neural networks

In Goodfellow et al.'s Deep Learning, the authors write about recurrent neural networks on page 371: The total loss for a given sequence of $\mathbf{x}$ values paired with a sequence of $\mathbf{y}$...
Vivek Subramanian's user avatar
2 votes
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Normalizing probability of sequence by its length [closed]

Is there any commonly accepted method to derive probabilities of sequences that are not dependent on length? Background: I'm trying to generate sequences of symbols from the individual probabilities ...
loopbackbee's user avatar
5 votes
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Is graduate level probability theory (Durett) used often in ML, DL research?

I am interested in machine learning; I have a particular liking for RNNs. I have coursework in some areas of computer science, e.g., data mining, optimization for ML algorithms, deep learning, and an ...
Sam Weisenthal's user avatar
8 votes
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Why deep learning prefer the probability distribution with a sharp point?

I am reading Ian Goodfellow's book about deep learning and when it introduces exponential distribution, it says "In the context of deep learning, we often want to have a probability distribution with ...
Flamingo's user avatar
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Is verification with test data sufficient to rule out overfitting of neural network?

I have a dataset of N normalized features, and outcomes of the form 1.0 and 0.0 (win and loss), split 50/50 into training and test data (about 50000 samples each). I train the artificial neural ...
Brendan Hill's user avatar
4 votes
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Softmax Multiclass Classification

How do we associate a class to every output unit in a multilayer neural network architecture? I mean we assign the output to the class with maximum probability, but how do we decide which neuron ...
Hellboy's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Neural networks output probability estimates?

Suppose my training data contains ~100 variables, and each example is tagged as "success" or "failure". I understand how a neural network can be used to try and predict success vs failure based on ...
Brendan Hill's user avatar
8 votes
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The effect of temperature in temperature sampling

I was reading this while I found: The high temperature sample displays greater linguistic variety, but the low temperature sample is more grammatically correct. Such is the world of temperature ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Regularity of functions approximated with neural networks

Are there any papers pertaining to smoothness / regularity of functions that are approximated with artificial neural network?
Rohit Tripathy's user avatar
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Comparing prediction distributions across many classes

I have a deep neural network with a Softmax classifier as the final layer. For each observation, the network produces a probability distribution over the 64 possible classes that the observation can ...
pir's user avatar
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Getting probability from Restricted Boltzmann Machine

Let's consider a trained Restricted Boltzmann Machine model. It was trained to maximize P(v). Since it's a generative model, how can I get a probability of an input vector which it is supposed to ...
Quittend's user avatar
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Can we obtain probability distribution of a repeatable event using Neural Networks?

We have a data where input of every sample corresponds to how many times a dice is rolled. The output is the sum of all the outcomes. For instance the data is ...
ozgur's user avatar
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11 votes
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How to compute bits per character (BPC)?

In one of Alex Graves' papers (and several other authors as well) utilize the term bits per character (BPC). The paper that I am referencing here is "Generating Sequences with Recurrent Neural ...
Flipper's user avatar
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How to evaluate the quality of the probability distribution output of a classifier?

In a classification problem, I have trained a neural network which outputs class probabilities for a given input. For a new input, I now want to evaluate the "quality" of the neural network's ...
Karnivaurus's user avatar
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How is softmax unit derived and what is the implication?

I'm trying to understand why the softmax function is defined as such: $\frac{e^{z_{j}}} {\Sigma^{K}_{k=1}{e^{z_{k}}}} = \sigma(z)$ I understand how this normalizes the data and properly maps to some ...
Dr.Knowitall's user avatar
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What is obtained from the product of a probability and a log probability ratio? [closed]

I'm looking at the commonly used artificial neural network model that has nodes and connections. Quick refresher A connection has a source and target node, and a weight. The output of the source ...
redcalx's user avatar
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Composition of bankruptcy probability and firm size

I'm using neural network for a binary classification problem of bankruptcy prediction using patternnet function in MATLAB, so i ...
user2991243's user avatar
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Hammersley–Clifford theorem

I'm reading this paper and I got stuck in page 4 with equation (1) that's based on Hammersley–Clifford theorem. I'm not good in reading set theory ...
Jack Twain's user avatar
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7 votes
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Combine several softmax output probabilities

I would like to combine the outputs of five neural networks, each with a softmax output layer of three classes each. A typical, example output is shown below:- where Figure 1 is the output of model 1,...
babelproofreader's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Methods & CRAN packages to predict probability using neural networks or others machine learning algorithms

I have a medical database containing 7 input variables (4 are binary) and a binary outcome variable (Survival: yes/no). My objective is to train and test an algorithm that predict probability of ...
user1594303's user avatar