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Time series cross validation by reversing the series

I am trying to forecast revenue of a company, using neural networks. The response is a time series of monthly revenues from 11/2008 to 05/2016, and there are about 45 predictors (including lagged ...
Rahul's user avatar
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When to use ANN with tensorflow?

I'm new to machine learning and tensorflow and I'm confused as to why (and when) to use the types of ANN (ie recurrent neural network) with tensorflow? I know RNN is good for sequences of data/time ...
Felix C's user avatar
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Difference between particle filter (PF) and recurrent neural network (RNN) for time series

Both method are used to estimate time series from data. The question is, when should I use one method or other? Is any advantage to use one instead of the other? I know that in a PF there is a hidden ...
Alejo Bernardin's user avatar
9 votes
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RNN learning sine waves of different frequencies

As a warm up with recurrent neural networks, I'm trying to predict a sine wave from another sine wave of another frequency. My model is a simple RNN, its forward pass can be expressed as follow: $$ \...
Simon's user avatar
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Perceptron trained on time series always predicting the same answer [duplicate]

Using the model from theano's tutorial, I'm training a 3-layers perceptron with log returns over a very large dataset (~55,000 points). The output's layer contains two neurons, one for each of the ...
Rackham Le Rouge's user avatar
5 votes
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LSTM mimicking unseen time series data during testing

I have built a LSTM network which has been trained on a time series dataset (which is week-wise logged). The LSTM is able to make pretty accurate predictions as of now. Training data seems to have ...
Ashwin Naresh's user avatar
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Neural Network for Forecasting Time series

I have a dataset of monthly sales for the past 6 years. Significant attributes in the data set are: Region, Nameplate, Segment MonthofSale and TotalSales. I ...
Bee's user avatar
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4 votes
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Choosing time points to run backpropagation through time

Suppose we're training a recurrent neural net (RNN) on a single, long time series using truncated backpropagation through time (BPTT). We make repeated sweeps through the time series, updating ...
user20160's user avatar
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Time Series forecasting with useful predictor variables

I am playing with time series data related to a issue ticketing system. The system logs all open tickets at any one point and my task is to predict what the volume of open tickets will be in 5,10,15 ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Variable-length time series - neural network [duplicate]

I have data about patient purchases - specifically, how late their fulfillment of prescriptions are, or if they filled them at all. I want to feed this data into a neural network to classify them. ...
Daniel Paczuski Bak's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Training a RNN on time series: How to cope with different sequence origins?

I am wondering if I should apply a recurrent neural network on my data. Data is EEG from sleep, and thus there is much information hidden in the temporal domain. Ergo, RNNs make sense. Intro: I have ...
casparjespersen's user avatar
17 votes
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What is the intuition behind a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network?

The idea behind Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is clear to me. I understand it in the following way:We have a sequence of observations ($\vec o_1, \vec o_2, \dots, \vec o_n$) (or, in other words, ...
Roman's user avatar
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Recurrent neural network for real-valued prediction with exogenous variables [closed]

I have a problem that seems relatively straightforward yet I am stuck on how to proceed. I have several time series of variables $P(t), Q(t), E(t)$ and I want to train an RNN to predict $Q(t)$ given ...
Christopher Krapu's user avatar
1 vote
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Keras - Predictive ANN model converging on a single value. Overfitting? [duplicate]

I'm training an LSTM (using the Keras python library) to generate sequences. My X training data is a list of sequences, and the Y training data is a list of the final values of those sequences. The ...
jeshaitan's user avatar
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How can I use inputs of lower frequencies to predict an output of higher frequency?

I would like to use a NARX or a LSTM to use different type of data at different frequencies -for instance weekly, monthly and quarterly- to predict data sampled at a higher frequency -in my case, ...
MithPaul's user avatar
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3 answers

Delay issue in time series prediction

I am having an issue using neural networks to predict time series. Some predicted data fits with the expected data, as bellow: (In black the real time series and in blue the output of my neural ...
ViniciusArruda's user avatar
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Forecasting a time series given three input series in R

My data frame consists of 3 input columns (factors 1, 2 and 3) and output column, i.e., revenue which are time varying parameters. I am trying to predict the revenue using neural networks for the ...
Sudharsan's user avatar
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Suggestions for Neural Network Structure for Time-Series prediction with constant covariates

I've been working on a time series prediction problem and wondered if someone has run across a similar problem structure & can make a suggestion on how to structure the training data, network, or ...
Mike's user avatar
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neural networks - Inputting a time series to a classification NN

I have a simple ANN that does the job of classification between two labels-: Sick Healthy What I want to do is that input patient data ie. heart rate(ECG), EEG, etc which will be in the form of a ...
Machina333's user avatar
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Using AIC or cross-validated MSE for selecting neural network models for time series prediction

I trained two basic feed-forward neural networks on time series data. The first one uses the observation at time step $t$ to predict $t+1$. Hence, it only has one predictor variable. The second ...
Funkwecker's user avatar
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Best use of LSTM for within sequence event prediction

Assume the following 1 dimensional sequence: A, B, C, Z, B, B, #, C, C, C, V, $, W, A, % ... Letters A, B, C, .. here ...
dgorissen's user avatar
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Example of Input & output vectors for time series Reccurent Neural Network training?

I've been searching for a while now to find the precise way to feed a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN, LSTM, GRU, ESN, Etc) with time series data with no real success. Here is a question that was close,...
Levitikon's user avatar
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Theoritical Question: How to create Self learning demand forecasting algorithm

As suggested by Tim, gung, whuber I am editing this question and narrowing down the problem. For hotels, I want to forecast number of room bookings that will happen x days before the day of check-in. ...
StatguyUser's user avatar
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Neuralnet in R not giving me what I want to see

I am currently working on some research and we are trying to do some Time-Series prediction using neural networks. To get started, I was using the paper published by G. Peter Zhang (Time Series ...
codeCruncher's user avatar
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Simple Neural Network for time series prediction

I am creating a simple Multi-layered feed forward Neural Network using NN library. My NN is a 3 Layered Activation Network trained with Supervised Learning approach using BackPropogation ...
dexterslab's user avatar
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Time series data prediction with neural network model

I would like to predict stocks of a company for 6 months. I would like to use neural networks for this prediction. Can anyone suggest how many hidden layers and hidden nodes to be used? I have ...
alily's user avatar
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Continue the predictions beyond the current data using time series neural network

I have a single time series variable and I want to train a neural network in a sort of auto-regressive fashion. specifically, I have data for water consumption that is changing with time In the above ...
toztoz toztoztoz's user avatar
1 vote
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Train neural network for forecasting

I am trying to use time series neural network to predict future values. I have time series data from 2010-2014 and I need to predict the values from 2015-2020 using time series neural network. I am ...
toztoz toztoztoz's user avatar
1 vote
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Backtesting in neural network field

I'm new to the neural network field and I would like to understand how one can backtest a neural network trained with backpropagation methodology. Particularly, I have a time series dataset and I ...
Quantopik's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Difference between Time delayed neural networks and Recurrent neural networks

I would like to use a Neural Network to predict financial time series. I come from an IT background and have some knowledge of Neural Networks and I have been reading about these: TDNN RNN I have ...
MithPaul's user avatar
4 votes
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Resources for machine learning for time-dependent data

For the past year, I have spent the majority of my free time learning a variety of ML techniques (boosting, random forests, neural nets, SVMs etc.), but I have not been able to find a lot of material (...
mmmmmmmmmm's user avatar
8 votes
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What is a good way to test a simple Recurrent Neural Network

I have coded up a simple real-value regression RNN in theano. What kind of dataset should I test it on? How should I go about testing it? My structure is: Univariate (for now) timeseries, $x_{in}(...
Alexander McFarlane's user avatar
1 vote
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Target and output in neural networks

In ANN the output squeezed using sigmoid function so the result is always between 1 and -1. How am I supposed to calculate the error when the target value might be a big number? For example I'm ...
Cyber Progs's user avatar
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Neural network for time series forecasting- Single input Single output Theoretical proof needed

I am doing time series forecasting using neural networks. I have 2 approaches: Forecasting in a auto regressive manner i.e based on time series lags as shown below: ...
user3122687's user avatar
4 votes
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Which method to use for load forecasting

I have smart meter data set that has consumption readings collected over a year and a half for every 30 mins. What I am trying to do is short term load forecasting. The data set has just three columns ...
user3146895's user avatar
16 votes
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Timeseries analysis procedure and methods using R

I am working on a small project where we are trying to predict the prices of commodities (Oil, Aluminium, Tin, etc.) for the next 6 months. I have 12 such variables to predict and I have data from Apr,...
Niranjan Sonachalam's user avatar
0 votes
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Neural Network - Classification from Time series

I'm a .Net programmer who is fairly new to neural networks, but I know some of the concepts. I have connected .Net to my copy of Mathematica 10 This is a classification Our business problem is ...
toddmo's user avatar
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Does the recurrent neural network require the length of input samples all the same

Theoretically, the training of RNN doesn't require that the samples must have the same time length, but it seems to me that some software or open-source requires that the input data has the same time ...
user68589's user avatar
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22 votes
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Convolutional neural network for time series? [closed]

I would like to know if there exists a code to train a convolutional neural net to do time-series classification. I have seen some recent papers (
mellow's user avatar
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Problem on time-series

I am dealing with event data (recorded over a month) which gives out a binary response from a sensor when a door opens or closes - the time is noted at every instant and can also be represented in ...
kp_220's user avatar
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How can I make sure that an LDA implementation works?

I am currently experimenting with neural nets for classification of on-line handwritten data (hence: not pixels, but time series data). To do so, I use several toolkits (internal development of my ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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Very different Neural Network test errors for same architecture

So I'm doing a time series prediction, and assessing the capability of the ANN to predict that time series. I am using Matlab's neural network toolbox functions, and the training parameters are the ...
souparvo's user avatar
7 votes
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How to forecast multivariate time-series 'accurately' with a large number of unknown factors using R?

I am relatively new to statistics and not formally trained but have been given a complex problem to solve and need some guidance. I realise that I am out of my depth a bit here but would appreciate ...
Tim's user avatar
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Implementing Neural Network for time series

I am currently working on neural networks for time series forecasting. My doubt is: do we need to take into account issues like trend, non-stationarity and seasonality while using neural networks ...
NG_21's user avatar
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Neural network for prediction

I am working on neural networks for a regression problem in R using packages like nnet, caret etc. I have split my data into ...
NG_21's user avatar
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Neural network for multivariate time series

I am currently analysing multivariate time series and have worked on VAR models in R. I need to know if there is any way to analyse it using neural networks in R. PS: I am aware of the ...
NG_21's user avatar
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are there any nonparametric forecasting methods?

Are there any good statistical non-parametric forecasting methods besides machine learning methods like neural networks/decision trees etc. for time series analysis ? If so, are there any R packages ...
forecaster's user avatar
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Conditional restricted Boltzmann machines on a time series dataset

Preamble of the problem I am currently trying to apply Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines on a time series dataset problem, in particular, the dataset constitutes of ...
IssamLaradji's user avatar

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