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Reason for softmax approximation in Ian Goodfellow's deep learning book

In section (equation 6.31) they state: Overall, unregularized maximum likelihood will drive the model to learn parameters that drive the softmax to predict the fraction of counts of each ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Multiclass Classification using Binary Representation and Sigmoid Activation in Neural Network

I am currently working on a multiclass classification problem where I have categorical variables that I've encoded using binary representations as follows: ...
palash behra's user avatar
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Very balanced dataset and a multiclass classification problem, no context behind the inputs. Which evaluation metric to use?

I have constructed a simple neural network model, for a classification problem, with 10 target classes where an input (with some number of features) is to be classified to only one of the 10 classes. ...
creamedcheese83's user avatar
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Multi-Label Classification where each label is a Multi-class problem

Problem: Currently, I have 15 classification models(multi-class + binary). Training and Maintaining 15 models take a huge time and cost. Also, I need to inference 15 models for every input. So I ...
Naren Babu R's user avatar
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How to handle with long-tail classification

I have a long tailed distribution with many classes, and the num of samples per class is ...
Cranjis's user avatar
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How do I know which class has been difficult to learn for my multi-class model?

For a multi-class model, there are always chances that the model is learning one class's features more than the other. But how do I find which class has been weakly learned? Please help.
shey's user avatar
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Linear Classifiers -- Single Linear Layer with k Neurons vs 'one vs rest' (k Linear Layers with 1 Neuron)

When using a linear classifier for a k-class classification problem, is there actually any difference of using a single linear layer with ...
keezar's user avatar
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Train a neural network model that works even if some input features are missing

Background I am designing a NN model for a multi-class classification problem. The model takes two sets of features, F1 and F2, for making a prediction. However, F2 might be missing in production, but ...
ZillGate's user avatar
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Should I train my classifier with examples that are outside my classes of interest? And should I create an "others" class to handle them?

This is a 2 part question regarding a multi-class classifier based on a neural network that is expected to predict whether the input image has a cat or a dog. If shown something different (like a man),...
Augustine Charly's user avatar
4 votes
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Effects of class imbalance on neural network weights

My question is about unbalanced classes problem in case of a classifier neural network for natural language processing (in particular, a neural network with LSTM). I want to train a neural network to ...
HelpNeederStudent's user avatar
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Multi-class multi-label with partial mutual exclusivity

Given an input, I want to predict 0/1 for each of N output classes. The output can be 1 for multiple classes. So I'm training with individual binary cross-entropies for each of the output classes. ...
user342018's user avatar
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Can in theory a multiclass neural network classifier be seen as multiple binary neural network classifiers? [closed]

I would like to know more about the theoretical implications of such a statement.
Complicated's user avatar
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What can I do when Overfitting doesn't seem to go away by any means?

So first of all I've seen a lot of overfitting questions around here, but none of the answers seem to improve my model. I wrote a neural network made without frameworks (only used numpy), and for the ...
Ramiro's user avatar
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Increasing precision for one label in multiclass classification

I am doing multiclass classification for 3 labell with neural net. The model works fine but when I check precision/recall per label in validation set I can see that precision is a little bit too low ...
jacekblaz's user avatar
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Categorical cross-entropy vs Binary cross-entropy for multi-class classification with mixup

I understand that for multi-class classification the correct loss to use is categorical cross-entropy. However, when performing mixup as a regularisation technique two samples $(X_1, y_1)$ and $(X_2, ...
Avelina's user avatar
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Deep Neural Networks to combine regression and multi-class classification problems

I have a dataset obtained from a mobile app which is applicable for regression problem since the output values are numerical. I need to predict the numerical values and then predict their classes (...
Radiah Haque's user avatar
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What is the best way to eliminate neutral words in a text classifier?

I'm creating a news classifier using the reuters dataset. Right now I'm in the process of preparing the dataset for training. First I removed all punctuation, numbers and special characters and after ...
Rodrigo Pina's user avatar
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Using FCNN for multi-class semantic segmentation trained on single class labeled image data

I am working on project where main task is semantic segmentation of land cover and another objects in Sentinel 2 multi-spectral images. Currently I posses dataset ...
Many's user avatar
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Which loss function is the best for muticlass ordinal model?

I have a deep-learning model, where you can predict 5 different class (0-4). I want a model that punishes predictions that are more wrong. So if the model predicts 3 and it is a 4, it's not as bad as ...
Nastasija Maksimovic's user avatar
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Neural network performs well on test but classifies completely the opposite when used to classify on training data

I have a neural network that is being used to classify three classes -1, 0, 1. It going to be applied to time series data to determine a class at each time point to ...
Po Chen Liu's user avatar
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Using pos_weight to improve recall in a multi-class multi-label problem

I have a multi-label classification problem, and so I’ve been using the Pytorch's BCEWithLogitsLoss. I’d like to optimize my model for a higher F2 score, and so want to bias it to have greater recall (...
Lakshay Sharma's user avatar
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How many data points per class is neccesary to train a multi-class deep learning model?

I have around 20,000 manually categorized texts into 500 classes. Around 150 of the classes have only one instance in the data. If I limit it to classes with at least 4 instances in the data, I get to ...
Fred's user avatar
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How to maximize subset accuracy for multilabel multiclass image classification

I working on multi-label multi-class image classification. I am using TensorFlow. Currently I am using sigmoid on output layer with binary_crossentrpy. Model is ...
Vivek Mehta's user avatar
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Why not approach the Multi-Class Classification problem using Neural Networks as a model the same way it's approached with a Logistic Regression model

I can't seem to understand why when approaching a K-class classification problem using a Neural Network we take a different approach than any other classification model. I understand that in the ...
Andreas Theodoulou's user avatar
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Similarity between Train and Test data sets

I have multiclass classification dataset and I am using Deep nets for the classification task. To explain the problem, let's assume that I have 5 classes to classify. No matter what I try, be it ...
Ambarish's user avatar
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Multi-class image segmentation with conflicting labels

I'm trying to perform multi-class semantic segmentation on a corpus made up of several sub-corpora. The difficult part is that across sub-corpora labels are not consistent. That is to say that similar ...
jbm's user avatar
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Handle categorical class labels for scikit-learn MLPClassifier

I have a handwritten dataset for classification purpose where the classes are from a-z. If I want to use MLPClassifier, I think I cannot use such categorical ...
Katherine's user avatar
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Neural Networks: How to do class prediction from murky labels

I'm conducting an experiment with the MNIST digit data - handwritten digits 0-9, each example composed of 28x28 bitmap of pixels. Imagine a collection of examples is drawn at random without class ...
Patrick McCarthy's user avatar
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Conceptual question on MLP error calculation

Consider a NN of 2 input neurons, one hidden layer of 4 neurons and one output node. The task is to predict the next sample given two input samples at a time. $m_1$ is the output of the hidden layer, $...
Srishti M's user avatar
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Loss function and activation function for categorical AND multi-label classification in neural network?

I am training a neural network to classify a set of objects into n-labels, each label with m different category. E.g. for n = 5, and m = 3, an example output is [0,2,0,2,1]. I can also transform the ...
George K. L.'s user avatar
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What is a good loss function in multiclass multilabel classification where only one of the possible labels is observed?

I am training an ANN in multiclass multilabel scenario, where only one of the possible labels is observed at a time, let me illustrate on an example: I have a state X and the ground truth label Y for ...
Erhan's user avatar
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Multi-label or multi-class...or both?

I'm having a hard time getting the difference between multi-class and multi-label classification with CNNs. My understanding is that if I want to classify different breeds of dogs, that is a multi-...
amel's user avatar
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Neural Network and inputs that have multiple right answers (questions about a previously answered question)

I have two questions related to this previously answered question. Can someone explain how the NN's backproagation algorithm would not be able to function properly when inputs have multiple right ...
lampShadesDrifter's user avatar
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Learning separate models vs single model

I have seen in several texts that: "We learn separate models for each class/category". What does this mean and how is this different from learning a single model to classify all the classes?
Isam Abdullah's user avatar
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(Deep learning) classification confidence

I have a model that is trained on n classes and has more than 95% accuracy on the test set. The model is going to receive a mixture of images that are either from ...
meto's user avatar
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How to decide what algorithm I should use?

Some background - I am a Computer Science student, planning to do a project and I have a data source that I have cleared, filtered and processed but I am really unsure of what exact algorithms I ...
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Multiple multiclass classification

Let's say we need to recognize 5-digit zip code from an image, and we want to do that without any sliding window. If we use 5 Keras models to recognize each digit ...
Artem Larionov's user avatar
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Classification - train on full data, predict on partial data

I have a dataset X which consists of two parts: X1 and X2. X2 is believed to depend on X1. And there is a resulting dataset Y which depends on both X1 and X2. For every training sample X1 and X2 are ...
stop-cran's user avatar
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Neural network for multi label classification with large number of classes outputs only zero

I am training a neural network for multilabel classification, with a large number of classes (1000). Which means more than one output can be active for every input. On an average, I have two classes ...
Yakku's user avatar
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How do I use negative examples (in addition to positive ones) for training a multiclass softmax classifier (or a neural net with softmax output)?

Suppose we are training a neural network for multi-class classification, and we use softmax (or hierarchical softmax) as its output layer. For positive examples, we need to maximize the log ...
Tom Dong's user avatar
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How to apply Softmax as Activation function in multi-layer Perceptron in scikit-learn? [closed]

I need to apply the Softmax activation function to the multi-layer Perceptron in scikit. The scikit documantation on the topic of Neural network models (supervised) says "MLPClassifier supports multi-...
AdiT's user avatar
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Training N classifiers for N labels vs one classifier with N labels

I have a classification problem which is multi-label with N labels. I would like to know which method would be the better choice? Training N classifiers (1 for each label) or a single classifier which ...
jvc's user avatar
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How to operate on a count dataset (positive whole numbers with a lot of zeros) using neural networks for classification?

So i have some dataset, which is basically a count dataset. I have my own code for the classification using neural networks. Turns out that the data does not have a lot of correlation so accuracies as ...
aditya ramesh's user avatar
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What are proper scoring and threshold selection rules for multiclassifiers?

I am using a neural network with 5 input neurons, 2 hidden layers of about 50 neurons in each layer, and 4 output neurons, trying to classify my 5-dimensional data into 4 different classes. Currently,...
annikam's user avatar
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Detect multiple classes in an image?

I have a deep neural network trained with data of different kinds of fruits (apples, oranges, guava, pear, etc.). In my testing data, I have multiple fruits in the same image. For example, an image ...
user87426's user avatar
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Quadratic error for multi-class classification

I'm trying to train a neural network to classify handwritten inputs into 10 categories, each for one digit (1,...,9,0). I represent the output of an example using a 10-dimensional vector. Digit 5, for ...
prcastro's user avatar
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What is the difference between Multitask and Multiclass learning

Consider a image labeling problem, where I need to assign one or more labels to an image. The possible labels are human, moving ,...
A.D's user avatar
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Negative samples on multiclass neural network training

I want to train a deep neural network to classify images. In every implementation I have seen, multiclass training uses only the positive examples for each class. Is there any way to utilize ...
npit's user avatar
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Limit multiclassification SVM - ANN

I have some questions on the limits of SVM and ANN for multiclass problem. I know about "one vs all" and "all vs all" strategies but I only want to know the limit of a unique SVM and ANN. Is there a ...
Pat-rice's user avatar
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