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Preprocessing and model selection strategies

I am working on a fault detection problem where each sample is a time series labeled with a specific type of fault. I am using a CNN model and a validation set for hyperparameter tuning. Currently, I ...
S.H.W's user avatar
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Embeddings in time series prediction

Increasingly, I’ve noted that embeddings are used in pure prediction ML tasks. For example, instead of predicting whether user i will purchase item i and thereby adding thousands or millions of inputs ...
jbuddy_13's user avatar
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Is it possible to train Neural networks for time series forecasting using elastic distances (such as dtw) as a loss function?

Normally, elastic distances are used as ways to tell how similar two time series are. Examples of these are dynamic time warping and move-split-merge and many more. And I read some researches such as ...
Mike Bukowski's user avatar
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Hyperparameter Tuning for Multiple Time Series

I am developing a time-series model utilizing NeuralProphet for forecasting the demand of products by day. I have grouped the products into a number of clusters by features such as average demand, ...
GJKamClark's user avatar
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Should classical/traditional ML techniques such as polynomial regression/decision trees/random forests SIGNIFICANTLY outperform RNN in timeseries? [closed]

I have a dataset of numerous years of buoy wave height measurements including features such as measured significant wave height, numerical model predictions, peak wave period, mean wave period, and ...
Donald M.'s user avatar
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Detect paterns over time in multivariate dataset

I have a dataset representing the stock of a shop over several days. For each day, I have hourly inventories of the objects in the shop. Some products are sold, and others might temporarily disappear (...
Danielakaws's user avatar
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multivariate time series forecasting

I have a dataset of 200,000 rows. Each row contains the song ID, the number of streams today (day_0), the number of streams yesterday (day_1), etc. up to the number of streams 21 days ago (day_21). My ...
Will Coomans's user avatar
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Use latest data in training a timeseries model

I am training a global timeseries deep learning model. I have split the data for training, validation(to select the best hyperparameters), and test(to test on out of sample data). There are only 3 ...
seeker's user avatar
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How to Improve performance of deep learning timeseries forecasting model like LSTM? [duplicate]

I have historical data of 5 years (June 2019- June 2024). Data is in daily & csv file format. I have 4 features: Data, AQI, Raw Concentration, NowCast Concentration. I am trying to forecast only ...
Urwa Shanza99's user avatar
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Why Do AR-NN Models Have Tighter Confidence Intervals Compared to Linear AR Models?

I have conducted a forecast for the following data series using different autoregressive models: Intercept-only, AR1, AR2, ARIMA BIC, ARIMA AIC, and AR-NN. Using the point forecasts, the AR1 model is ...
george1994's user avatar
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How does highly imbalanced test data in certain splits of k-fold time-series cross-validation affect model performance?

I am working on a time-series classification (TSC) problem using k-fold time-series cross-validation (TSCV) to evaluate the performance of my models. My training data for each split is fairly balanced,...
Tov Nephesh's user avatar
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How can I integrate time in my Implicit Feedback dataset?

I'm working on a recommendation system based on Collaborative Filtering. Specifically, I've been looking at models such as NCF (Neural Collaborative Filtering) and SAR (Simple Algorithm for ...
umus's user avatar
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EWMA formula for SGD with momentum different than generic EWMA formula

I am currently trying to understand how SGD with momentum works, what I understand is it uses the Exponential Weighted Moving Average concept to make the updates smoother. We take weighted average of ...
learnToCode's user avatar
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Can anyone explain me what does ACF and PCF tells from this figure?

I want to know what does it mean? Is my data stationary or not because the p value tells its stationary and what should be the order ARIMA model(p,1,q) is it (p,d,0) or (0,d,q)
theunknown's user avatar
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What is a good approach to split 3 years of hourly data in a train, validation and test set for an electricity price forecasting neural network?

I would like to train a simple neural network to forecast electricity prices in a certain region. However, I only have a 'limited' amount of data available (3 sequential years of the historical price, ...
Robbe's user avatar
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Classification of intervals in time series data of multiple instances

I have a problem that I am trying to frame. I have signal data from ECG (a classic signal over time data). A close example here: I am basically ...
PPenton's user avatar
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Why does GAP at the end of FCN for MTSC work?

I have a binary MTSC (Multivariate Time Series Classification) problem where i train a CNN, namely a FCN (or Fully Convolutional Network) to predict class 0 or class 1 based on a multivariate time ...
davva's user avatar
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Forecasting RNN and LSTM without X_test

Dear StackExchange Community, My data is composed of only 1 time series variable (Stock prices of an asset) I have splitted it to train and test subsets. I have tarined an RNN and LSTM models with ...
Amirgiano's user avatar
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Large Scale Missing Data & Imputation of Time Series Data in Neural Networks [duplicate]

I know there has already been a lot of discussion about this topic, but I have reasons to believe it still remains unanswered and lacks several justifications. Suppose we have an time series feature ...
LazyAnalyst's user avatar
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Normalization of time-series data with time-varying variance

I'm building a neural network (CNN) model for a regression problem with time-series data. Both input and output are multi-variate zero-mean timeseries data with time-varying variance. Currently, I am ...
P. Leibner's user avatar
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Transformer with just one input vector

I have a problem where I am mapping from 1D input sequences of length L to 1D output sequences, also of length L. These sequences contain numerical data. The input sequence is the time evolution of a ...
Blahblahblacksheep's user avatar
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Is using aggregated usage data more efficient than using flattened usage data to build a ML model in anomaly detection? [closed]

We're tracking users' hourly usage on our cloud service and have a risk model that uses aggregated usage data plus other signals to identify potential fraudsters. Basically, it's an anomaly detection ...
Jiayu Zhang's user avatar
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Multilayer Perceptron vs. Recurrent Neural Network for Time Series Forecasting: Utilizing Multiple Lagged Values

I am currently analyzing daily sales data for a product sold across multiple stores using a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) model. For simplicity, let's assume it consists of a single layer, structured as ...
Girigio's user avatar
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Classification based on frequency decomposition of timeseries

I'm working on a classification problem where the dataset comprises a quote-unquote frequency profile from a timeseries. My dataset looks like this: ...
hernandezurbina's user avatar
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Question on a paper which talks about stacking several fully connected layers of 2 neural networks

So to preface, my knowledge on neural networks is very limited, and I've had a very difficult time trying to comprehend the details of this paper. My background is in maths, and I've created a ...
Rowan Harley's user avatar
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How to Assess Predictive Potential in Time Series Analysis, Especially with Deep Learning? [duplicate]

In the realm of time series forecasting, how can one assess the predictive potential of a given time series? While traditional methods involve checking for stationarity and white noise characteristics,...
Gvj Raug's user avatar
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Time series normalization

I'm not an expert yet in the field and I have some questions. I have some data of birds and drones taken from a radar. I want to create a classifier that differentiates them. At first I'm trying and ...
Victor's user avatar
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Error metrics for the up-down time series curves

I have a time series prediction! here is a graph of that. This shows the consumption of gas for a city! So, I want to define some metrics for it. However, I dont want to use the smape or mae or other ...
Sadcow's user avatar
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Event prediction using Statistical or Black box approach

I just came across a problem related to Event prediction in timeseries data. So there is a timeseries data having timestamp and event occurred at that time, and I need to predict the next set of ...
Raj's user avatar
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How to format exogenous variables when forecasting multiple related time series using n-hits or n-beats neural network forecasting models

Motivation: I would like to forecast Canadian Inflation Index using N-HITS or N-BEATS model (I have considered both pytorch forecasting package and neuralforecast python packages). I hope to use ...
Jisong Xiao's user avatar
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How to handle hyperparameter tuning for LSTM with early stopping?

I am looking for advice on the best practice to determine hyperparameters for my LSTM model. I have time series data that I have divided into train and test sets. I was planning to use an expanding ...
Merry's user avatar
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Deep learning classification with multiple temporal data

I'm working on a project to predict the category of music segments in an audio file (represented in pianoroll format with an additional column for the corresponding class). Each row represents the ...
Tria Ufo's user avatar
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What loss function should one use when using an RNN to to predict a time series of binary values which are not necessarily independent?

I'm trying to use an RNN to predict a time series {$y_t$}, where $y_t \in {0,1} \forall 1 \leq t \leq T$ given an input time series {$x_t$}. The elements of the target sequence are not necessarily ...
stochasticmrfox's user avatar
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auto.hd.type = "cv" in mlp() function in nnfor package

In running mlp() function of the nnfor package, you can allow the model to choose the number of hidden nodes through cross validation. ...
TSBOY's user avatar
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Input Time Series Transformation

This question is regarding applying power transformations on input time series. In literature the idea behind applying transformations to input time series is to stabilize variance. But I have seen ...
rookie_mathematician's user avatar
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Which metric for neural network should I try for time series data with sudden peaks?

I am doing time series forecasting with neural network (feedforward for now, but I will test also RNNs) and my problem is that, even though the network learned general patterns, it doesn't forecast ...
SlimakSlimak's user avatar
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Regression from multiple time-series

I wish to build a deep neural network that takes multiple time-series as input and outputs a single scalar value. The length of each time-series is constant, but the number of time-series can change ...
SBS's user avatar
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Linear positional encoding for Transformers with fixed sequence length

I am trying to use Transformers for a Time-series task (with fixed sequence length). Since it's sequence length is always the same, can I use a linear positional encoding? I read some articles about ...
Wenuka's user avatar
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Why LSTM predicts very poorly with loss curves showing no indication of overfitting or underfitting?

I am training a LSTM model for load demand prediction with: Training Data: 18288 samples with 9 features Validation Data: 0.05% of Training Data (about 915 samples) Data Scaling: MinMax Scaler(0,1)---&...
Abdullah's user avatar
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Time series as one of several inputs to ML Model

I have what seems to be a relatively simple question that I haven't been able to find a satisfactory answer to despite searching for quite a long time: The classic way to analyze time series data ...
jgholder's user avatar
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Input Tensor Shape for CNN Binary Classification of Time Series Data

I want to predict whether a machine will fail based on the most recent set of measurements taken by on-board sensors. I have several dozen machines, each with a sensor that takes a measurement at ...
Rory Majule's user avatar
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What degree of difference does validation and training loss need to have to be called good fit?

I am conducting a multi-variate time series forecasting using an LSTM model. The model architecture and other details are given below: Dataset split: (80/10/10 split) Training Data Points: 367640 ...
Abdullah's user avatar
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Is time series regression closer to forecasting or classification?

I'm working on multivariate time series regression task. The literature for it seems quite light compared to the problems of Time series classification (using algorithm like rocket for example) and ...
ThomaS's user avatar
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How predictions are made in time-varying survival analysis?

I am using Deep Recurrent Survival Machines (RDSM) model from auton-survival library for survival analysis with time-varying covariates. I am using a longitudinal survey dataset (Health and Retirement ...
Elnura Zhalieva's user avatar
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Kernel Filter size and sampling frequency

I was wondering if I could understand the relationship between kernel size and sampling frequency. I was reading this paper and on Pg 6-7 ("In block-1" section), I read that kernel size of ...
Sarvagya Gupta's user avatar
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Predict Time of an RNN Model Output?

I have an RNN based neural network that models a 1-1 relationship for inputs over time. The model output is sigmoid activated, and the process I’m modeling is always monotonically increasing, so the ...
RafaelH's user avatar
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What exactly is a "persistent/persistence model"?

I'm new to time series forecasting and only got previous experience with image processing in therms of neural networks. My goal is to do create an ML forecasting model for time series data. Currently ...
KaaraT's user avatar
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Turning point of Adam optimizer for LSTM

I'm training a two-layer LSTM with Adam optimizer for time-series data. I encountered several times that there was a "turning point" of the MAE vs. epochs plot. Is this a normal behavior?
lovetl2002's user avatar
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Showing machine learning results are statistically irrelevant

This is a question as part of a paper review which was already published. The authors of the paper publish $R^2$ and RMSE in training but only RMSE in validation. Utilizing the published code, $R^2$ ...
There's user avatar
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Why using logarithmic scale for time series forecasting? [closed]

Recently, I built some models (LSTM, XGBOOST, etc) for time series forecasting. I've tested those models in synthetic and real data. In some obscure forum, I've read that it would be better to ...
Zaratruta's user avatar
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