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Questions tagged [normal-approximation]

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Testing sequence of ones and zeros for randomness

I am given a sequence of $40$ ones and zeros and I have to test the null hypothesis that ${40 \choose n_1}$ sequences are all equally probable ($n_1$ being the number of ones). To do so, I have to use ...
qarabala's user avatar
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Convergence in distribution for difference in sample means?

Suppose $X_i, i=1,\ldots, n$ are $i.i.d.$ random variables with mean $\mu_X$ and variance $\sigma^2_X$ $Y_j, j=1,\ldots, m$ are $i.i.d.$ random variables with mean $\mu_Y$ and variance $\sigma^2_Y$ $\...
dereklck's user avatar
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Constructing a Confidence Interval using the normal approximation of a poisson

Letting Y₁ ... Yₙ ~ Pois (λ), this would approximate to N(λ,λ). Hence constructing a confidence interval with a 90% confidence level would be: $$0.90 = (Z₀.₀₅ < \frac{Ȳ -λ}{\sqrtλ/n} < Z₀.₉₅) = (...
hihihi1029's user avatar
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Binomial AB Test - binomial test vs normal approximation

I want to run an ab test on two groups of people If I use the binomial test I get a p-value of 0.007355 ...
ramen_noodles's user avatar
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Normal approximation and Hoeffding bound

Hoeffding bound for any $\epsilon>0$ is: $$P_F(|\bar{X}_n-\mu(F)|\geq \epsilon)\leq 2 \exp\{-\frac{n\epsilon^2}{2}\}=h(\sqrt{n}\epsilon)$$ wherever $|X|<1$. Now I want to have a comparison ...
statwoman's user avatar
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Can Student's t-distribution be used in Normal Approximation to Binomial?

The question nearly covers it all. I clearly have a binomial distribution, however the variance and standarddeviations are unknown, the population is also just ...
JMy's user avatar
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Central Limit Theorem Approximation and Relation to Law of Large Numbers

Assume the Linberg-Levy CLT to where we know $$\sqrt{n}\frac{\bar{X}_n-\mu}{\sigma}\xrightarrow{d}N(0,1).$$ I feel like I commonly see then that $$\bar{X}_n\approx N(\mu,\frac{\sigma^2}{n}),$$ but ...
Drunk Deriving's user avatar
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Mann-Whitney Normal Approximation process help

Let $X_{1}, X_{2}, ..., X_{n}$ is i.i.d sample from $X$ and $Y_{1}, Y_{2}, ..., Y_{m}$ is i.i.d sample from $Y$. And both samples are independent each other. Trying Mann-Whitney U-test then, $U =$ $\...
Pazu's user avatar
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What is the difference between normal approximation and poisson approximation of binomial distribution?

what is the difference between Poisson distribution as an approximation of Binomial distribution and Normal (Gaussian) distribution as an approximation of Binomial distribution? Both are ...
Jay Khade's user avatar
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How normal is the following distribution of data? [closed]

I'm using the following dataset with 2 columns (features) and 1 label to train a Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier. How would you determine (using a stastiscal normality test) whether the data is ...
G. Hafling's user avatar
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Approximating a distribution with normal

Let's say I generated samples from a distribution $f$ whose functional form I do not know. I want to approximate this distirbution with a multi-variate normal. We know that if samples are generated ...
asifzuba's user avatar
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How does Normal approximation work when ties exist for Wilcoxon Signed rank test?

I ran wilcox.test() in R (outcome variable was a test score and the data was paired samples) and got a warning message saying that it cannot generate a p-value for tied values. I saw the R document ...
JNB's user avatar
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at what probability will the probability we start considering the data?

For example I have this problem, Do Americans tend to vote for the taller of the two candidates in a presidential election? In 30 presidential elections since 1856, 18 of the winners were taller than ...
Kbiir's user avatar
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What is the correct terminology for repeating groups of coin flips multiple times in a simulation?

I previously posted a question that is causing a lot of confusion because my terminology is incorrect. I decided to post this question to ensure I am starting my problem with the correct terminology. ...
Chris Snow's user avatar
20 votes
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Why does increasing the sample size of coin flips not improve the normal curve approximation?

I'm reading the Statistics (Freeman, Pisani, Purves) book and I'm trying to reproduce an example where a coin is tossed say 50 times, the number of heads counted and this is repeated say 1,000 times. ...
Chris Snow's user avatar
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Normal Approximation to Binomial Question

I am having issues solving the following problem: A recent study found that cedar trees by indigenous settlements grow taller than cedar trees not by indigenous settlements. The probability of a ...
Joe Ademo's user avatar
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Normal approximation on (what it looks like) a poisson

I am self-studying inferential statistics from Larson's introductory textbook named: "Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference" (1st edition John Wiley & Sons.). I came ...
nick.katsip's user avatar
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How to calculate confidence interval of incidence rate under the Poisson distribution

I'd like to be able to calculate the confidence interval for an incidence rate under the Poisson distribution. I am inclined to use a normal approximation formula (the Wald interval) which is $\text{...
Yuliya's user avatar
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Lower Bound on the Total Variation Distance between two Binomials

Let $X= B(n,1/2)$, $Y=B(n,1/2 + \delta)$, for a small $\delta >0$ be two Binomial Distributions. Question 1. I am looking for a lower bound on the Total Variation Distance the two Binomials ...
vkonton's user avatar
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A box contains 48 tickets [1] and 52 [0]. If you draw 10 times at random and with replacement, what is the probability of getting a sum of 3 or less?

I came across a question like this and I try it to solve it by 2 different methods. However, these 2 methods don't yield the same answer. So, I'd like to ask you what am I missing. I'm clearly doing ...
Stan's user avatar
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How to test proportion against 1 - null hypothesis: H0: p=1

My research question: I have a data set with good observations and bad observations and have to estimate if all observations are good in the population with 99% confidence. My suggested method: My ...
Carol Eisen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Approximate meaning of probability? [closed]

After the football match each football fan leave on the stadium 2 empty bottles. The janitor finds the bottle with probability 0.3. Find the approximate meaning of probability that the janitor ...
user3076807's user avatar
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Bayesian inference via approximate data likelihood

Suppose that we have a very large i.i.d. sample $x_1,...,x_n$ and a data likelihood defined by $$p(x | \theta,\beta) = \prod_ip(x_i | \theta,\beta)$$. Further suppose that $\theta$ is the parameter ...
rasta's user avatar
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Asymptotic (normal approximation) distribution of the division of two means of exponential random variables

Suppose $X_{11}, ...X_{1n}$ are iid rvs following an exponential distribution with expectation $\mu_1$, and $X_{21}, ...X_{2n}$ are iid rvs following an exponential distribution with expectation $\...
user90890's user avatar
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Combined confidence of hit/miss results from 20 different test subjects

I'm a computer science student and statistics isn't my strong suite. I would appreciate some help. I did a task performance experiment for my Master's thesis to validate my "special secret algorithm"....
snoukkis's user avatar
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Hypothesis test of 2 proportions, with $np < 5$

We are frequently conducting one-tailed hypothesis tests for 2 proportions ($H_0: p_1-p_2=0;\, H_1: p_1-p_2 > 0$). However, $p_2$ is relatively small in terms of $n, x$ and in some cases we find ...
Yoav's user avatar
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Berry-Esseen Theorem with Continuity Correction

Given independent but non-identical random variables $X_1, X_2, \ldots ,X_n$ with $E[X_i]=0,$ $E[X_i^2]=\sigma_i^2=1$ and finite absolute third moments $\rho_i=E[|X_i|^3].$ Let $$S_n = {\sum_{i=1}^n ...
soakley's user avatar
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