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What does it mean for the Bayes Classifier to be optimal? [closed]

The Bayes classifier is always called the 'optimal' classifier. What does this actually mean? In particular does optimal mean the Bayes classifier will never make a mistake when predicting the label ...
E. Turok's user avatar
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Question on Optimal predictors for the 0-1 loss function

The input $X \in \{0, 1\}$ and label $T \in \{0,1\}$ are binary random variables, and the set of predictors that we consider are the functions $y : \{0, 1\} \rightarrow \{0, 1\}$. Recall the $0$-$1$ ...
xxxxxx's user avatar
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Optimality in Clustering algorithms and an Optimality guaranteed clustering algorithm

So there are lots of clustering algorithms with different characteristics. What I am interested in now is a clustering algorithm which guarantees to find the optimal clustering result (if exists). And ...
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