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Hypothesis testing - Newbie blockers - Update and more

Brief : I'm from manufacturing industry, a processing machine in our production line used to do pressing, polishing and QA one after the other. Now we have a new machine that will perform these at the ...
AKK's user avatar
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Is calculating skewness necessary before using the z-score to find outliers?

For example, if I specify a z-value of 3, then I would look at both sides and know its position in the distribution (99.73%). Would this change if I have a left or right skewed distribution? Would I ...
JAdel's user avatar
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How to define the line to fit in Q-Q plot?

I'm trying to figure out if my data follows a normal distribution and if it contains outliers. I have plotted the histogram and now I would like to plot the quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot. My point is, ...
JCV's user avatar
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Does IQR method for outliers work for non-normal data?

Any observations that are more than 1.5 IQR below Q1 or more than 1.5 IQR above Q3 are considered outliers. However does this theory still hold when a data set is not normally distributed? Outlier ...
maximus's user avatar
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Why don't we automatically have outliers when mean and median differ strongly?

Assume you have a data set with information on income of all students in the lecture. The mean value is 1500\$. The median value is however only 800\$. Which of the following conclusions is wrong? The ...
StatisticsNoobie's user avatar
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Comparing outliers in two distributions

I apologize in advance as I am not well-versed in statistics, but I hope that this question makes sense. I have 2 populations which are normally distributed and have a near-identical mean. I would ...
octopuslegs11's user avatar
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Does classic outlier detection assume normality?

My classmate told me he was showing his work in some stuff statistics-based and some time he was showing a boxplot and using it as outlier detection then his professor said 'it's not even correct, the ...
Davi Américo's user avatar
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Example of a k-dimensional random vector X where each component of the vector is normally distributed but X is not [duplicate]

From the definition of multivariate normal distribution, we know that if a k-dimensional random vector X = (X1, X2, ..., Xk) is (multi-variate) normally distributed if every linear combination of its ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Generating Multivariate Outliers in R

I have generated a data-set following the Gaussian distribution with 5 dimensions. The data-set is 1Million record and I am seeking planting 20% outliers, is there a more neat way in R to generate ...
Synx's user avatar
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10 votes
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Can k-means be used for non normally distributed data?

I read a lot of papers that test k-means with many datasets that are not normally distributed like the iris dataset and get good results. Since, I understand that k-means is for normally distributed ...
user's user avatar
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6 votes
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How i add uniformly distributed noisy attributes to data set?

I want to add some artificial outliers to my data set by follow same method below. so, how i can add contaminated data statistically to real data set like Pima Indians Diabetes? info: Pima Indians ...
user's user avatar
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Normality test and Outlier detection [duplicate]

In this question, I would like to ask two things: outlier detection normality test Details are as follows: I need to detect and remove outliers in my data. Before doing that, I want to test if my ...
Alexia k Boston's user avatar
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How to deal with the normally distributed data with outliers?

My question might sound strange but this is the situation I'm dealing with! I have a dataset, consisting of 4 data series, each a measurement of a parameter of a biological sample. We have 31 samples. ...
Hadi's user avatar
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Anomaly detection on 1D data with multiple gaussian distributions

My core problem is to set a cutoff to my one dimension data between normal with abnormal. I think this is a 'anomaly detection' problem. My Data My data is one dimension, consists with below: (...
CodeUnsolved's user avatar
11 votes
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Decision trees, Gradient boosting and normality of predictors

I have a question regarding the normality of predictors. I have 100,000 observations in my data. The problem I am analysing is a classification problem so 5% of the data is assigned to class 1, 95,000 ...
user113156's user avatar
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How to use Tukey's Biweight Function to appropriately weight outliers to generate a normal distribution

I am working with a distribution that has outliers beyond 1.5*3rd Qu.. I'm using Shankar, et al. Recommendations for the validation of immunoassays used for ...
Phantom Photon's user avatar
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Linear regresssion on body mass index

I am using a continuous variable of body mass index. I checked the distribution using statistical tests and determined it is not normally distributed. I think these results are driven by outliers, ...
Christakis Damianou's user avatar
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Bayesian inference for outliers detection

Can you please comment, validate, correct my reasoning here? I want to identify outliers of the value to mass ratio (V/M) of rice, just to give a simple univariate example. Prior information: rice ...
guzu92's user avatar
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Outlier detection: Normal distribution

I was reading the following link: In the link they have made the following statement: Outliers are extreme values that fall ...
John Rambo's user avatar
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The algorithm behind pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval

I am investigating how a particular statistical outlier removal algorithm of 3D data works, but I am not able to properly figure out what they are doing. The purpose of this algorithm, is to removal ...
Creatron's user avatar
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For univariate outlier analysis should I use z score if my data is skewed? [duplicate]

If my data is skewed, does it mean that my data does not follow a normal distribution? How do we define various distributions? What type of outlier analysis do I perform for the different type of ...
PixelPioneer's user avatar
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What is the influence of outliers in discriminant analysis?

In discriminant analysis like a Canonical Regression Analysis, the outliers tend to skew the results of the analysis, but nowhere can I find "how much" the outliers influences the analysis. What I'd ...
Mauer555's user avatar
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Do I remove outliers to make the data normally distributed for ANOVA? [duplicate]

I am trying to conduct a 3 x 2 mixed ANOVA (my measure is reaction time data) and my data is currently not normally distributed. I have read that ANOVA is robust to the violations of normality so I ...
user143911's user avatar
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Detecting outliers in percentages

My dataset looks like below - Total Success Percentage 100 65 65% 50 25 50% 30 20 66.6% 50 40 80% Plot - Each row is ...
cmbendre's user avatar
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Should I remove the outlier?

I want to run an ANOVA test. I am therefore testing for normality. I have tested each group and the residuals (group together)for normality. My data sample does not look approximately normal. However ...
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Test for normality with outliers produces strange p-values

I try to create some example that show how an outlier causes non-normality. Therefore I created two datasets: A dataset with normal distributed data ...
Frits Verstraten's user avatar
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Finding outlier values for non-normally distributed data

I have univariate data (38 is the sample size).The distribution is certainly not normal. How can I find the outliers? I used z-score but am not getting a desired result.
user3798510's user avatar
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Deriving mean and variance of the posterior distribution

I have a simple linear model: $y_{i}=\mu+e_{i}$ for $i=1,...,n$, where $P(e_{i})=w\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2) + (1-w)\mathcal{N}(0,k^2\sigma^2)$ with $w=0.9$, $k=10$ and $\sigma=0.1$. It can be understood ...
PaulC's user avatar
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How to show that a dataset does not contain significant outliers?

I have largish dataset: there is 200 variables and 100 samples. How could I show that the dataset does not contain any significant outliers? All variables have the same unit (millimeters) and have ...
user73711's user avatar
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Finding a confidence interval for observations being outliers

Suppose I have a sample with sample size $N$ that is obtained experimentally, e.g. I have counted the number of birds at a certain location at a certain time. Now suppose that the sample (the number ...
birdy's user avatar
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Anomaly detection: multivariate Gaussian distribution

I am trying to do anomaly detection on a heterogeneous dataset (There are unknown groups present in the dataset). I want to try multivariate Gaussian distribution based approach, but I was thinking of ...
Learning_Spark's user avatar
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Analyzing regression results

I have done a regression model where i determine the number of cubes (independent variable) based on the amount of units i started with for each product type (dependent variables, ...
Jason Samuels's user avatar
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Can Chauvenet's criterion be used with non-normal data?

Can I use Chauvenet's criterion on set of observations where a normal distribution cannot be assumed?
mle's user avatar
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qqPlot with Two Outliers

If I have a QQ plot with two extreme outliers (picture below) how should I interpret it? Do I drop the outliers? Can I treat it as normal?
user1596679's user avatar
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Alternatives to MAD to find a yardstick to assess data

In a paper by Rousseeuw and Croux from 1993 ("Alternatives to the Median Absolute deviation", page 1274, link to pdf), I came across an indicator I'm considering using. The formula is: $$ Sn = C\, {\...
Bernardo's user avatar
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Problem with identifying outliers

I'm running a biological experiment with rodents, have two groups (each consists of 26 animals), where one is treated with a chemical, and one is control (saline). In one variable, there doesn't seem ...
praznin's user avatar
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Estimating parameters of a normal distribution: median instead of mean?

The common approach for estimating the parameters of a normal distribution is to use the mean and the sample standard deviation / variance. However, if there are some outliers, the median and the ...
Erich Schubert's user avatar
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How to estimate the parameters of a Gaussian distribution sample with outliers?

I have a sample of length $N$, mostly taken from a Gaussian distribution with unknown mean and variance. Of those $N$ samples, some proportion of them (typically less than 1-2%) are outliers, taken ...
Jason R's user avatar
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Dixon test and normal distribution

I hope Michael Chernick will read this question. I have applied Dixon test to 100k rows. Rows are like- 1 1.819691 2.565696 3.317881 1.491987 ...
Vikas's user avatar
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Outlier removal prior to mixed-effect modelling

I'm analysing reaction time data from a grammaticality judgement task (collected in a masked-priming experiment). The stimulus were noun-noun compounds, including 3 types of compounds (depending on ...
cecile's user avatar
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Detect outliers in mixture of Gaussians

I have a ton of univariate samples ($x_i \in \mathbb{R}^+$). I'd like an automated method to check for outliers and identify the outliers, if any are present. A reasonable model for the distribution ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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Is there a name for the high sensitivity of frequency of extreme data points to the mean of a normal distribution?

I remember hearing an argument that if a certain population of people has a mean IQ of 110 rather than the typical 100, it will have far more people of IQ 150 than a similarly-sized group from the ...
Mark Eichenlaub's user avatar