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3 answers

How to use LOF for outlier detection as I have training and test dataset?

I want to use the Local Outlier Factor (LOF) algorithm for outlier detection but it simply finds outliers on unlabed data as whole and you do not need to have a training and test set. However in my ...
erogol's user avatar
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Any out source outlier (anomaly) detection package for Weka?

There is KDD'98 cup data waiting for me to run some anomaly detection algorithms but Weka does not include any of them, natively. Is there any 3rd part package that can be integrated to weka?
erogol's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Which data mining packages support anomaly detection?

I aim to have some anomaly detection process on my data but Weka, Rapidminer or Knime do not support anomaly detection algorithms. How would I take care of the process?
7 votes
1 answer

How to test for outliers in an mlogit model in R

I am running a multinomial logistic regression using the mlogit package and mlogit function in R. Now I need to check for ...
kalyani's user avatar
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5 votes
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Robust outlier detection in curve fitting with correlated errors

Assume I have data originating from a model $$ y_i=f(t_i)+e(t_i) $$ with $f\in C_2(\mathbb{R})$. The only thing I know about the errors is that they roughly happen to be of to different sources: ...
Thilo's user avatar
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Unsupervised anomaly detection with factor analysis (in R)

The basic idea i'm trying is to model the data with factor analysis, assuming a latent variable structure that underlies the observations. Labels for "real" anomalies are available and used for ...
mrquestion's user avatar
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Standardising the removal of outliers from a small data set

I have been wading through the many discussions on outliers on this site but I am still unfortunately having difficulty determining what to do with my data set. My study consists of a simple pre-post ...
Rob Gathercole's user avatar
1 vote
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Dataset and outlier question

I'm facing a data dilemma. I would like to have a real data illustration for an outlier detection rule i'm working on. The outlier detection rule targets datasets of continuous (not necessarily ...
user603's user avatar
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1 answer

Identifying fraudulent questionnaires

Questionaires are often used in social sciences. Many people try to complete them very quickly and very often they only "guess" answers. Is there any statistical technique or any research in this area,...
sitems's user avatar
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If I have good reason to expect a certain value as the sample mean and I obtain something very different, should I obtain another sample?

In my specific case, I am measuring the mean of a sample for different values of a factor (let's say the possibilities are integers from 1 to 100). I have very good reason to expect the mean of each ...
Vegard's user avatar
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3 answers

How to add outliers to an existing data?

I want to test few similarity measures for outlier detection. I've got some data from UCI repository, for example: Breast-Cancer. Is there a smart way to add artificial outliers to an existing data? ...
Uros K's user avatar
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4 votes
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RandomForests in Matlab and outliers detection

I am solving some regression problem with RandomForests in Matlab, using it's default TreeBagger class for this task. While I managed to get reasonable result already, there are few questions which I ...
GrayR's user avatar
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2 answers

Detecting initial trend or outliers

In my test procedure I sequentially take 10 measurements of a recently perturbed physical system, and I often find the first few (between 0 and 4) measurements can be inaccurate because the system has ...
Toby Kelsey's user avatar
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2 answers

Dixon test and normal distribution

I hope Michael Chernick will read this question. I have applied Dixon test to 100k rows. Rows are like- 1 1.819691 2.565696 3.317881 1.491987 ...
Vikas's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

Detecting outliers using standard deviations

Following my question here, I am wondering if there are strong views for or against the use of standard deviation to detect outliers (e.g. any datapoint that is more than 2 standard deviation is an ...
Amarald's user avatar
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6 answers

Is there a simple way of detecting outliers?

I am wondering if there is a simple way of detecting outliers. For one of my projects, which was basically a correlation between the number of times respondents participate in physical activity in a ...
Amarald's user avatar
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Difference between different methods of outlier determination?

how to calculate Cooks distance. How is this method of determining outlier different from the quartile method.
pamela's user avatar
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Spotting anomalies in time series [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Simple algorithm for online outlier detection of a generic time series I've got data on quantities sold and average price, by date, for a number of commodities and a number ...
lpryor's user avatar
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Detecting outstanding events [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Simple algorithm for online outlier detection of a generic time series Observing the time series data I noticed there are some outstanding peaks (the picture below). I would ...
niko's user avatar
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Data fitting with repeated measurements

we have an experiment to excite a system with some energy, then measure the decay as a function of time. We are measuring data at 4 times $t$ to fit to an exponential model: $y = a \exp(-t/p) + c$, ...
wtt's user avatar
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7 votes
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Algorithim to determine if point is "too far from the average"

Long story short I have a collection of about 30 scripts that manipulate data sets and place them in a database. These scripts report their running times as well as any errors that occur to a ...
user974896's user avatar
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p(x) in an anomaly detection system gives values greater 1 [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Probability distribution value exceeding 1 is OK? I followed the machine learning course by Andrew Ng and decided to implement an anomaly detection system for one of my ...
bjoernz's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

STL on time series with missing values for anomaly detection

I am trying to detect anomalous values in a time series of climatic data with some missing observations. Searching the web I found many available approaches. Of those, stl decomposition seems ...
effie's user avatar
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Is it ok to clean up data from different conditions independently?

I have a dataset, which contains measurments from many different conditions. Since my hypothesis suggested a large difference for the measurements in each condition, in order to clean the data, I ...
LiKao's user avatar
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Is Ye Shiwen's 400m IM performance in Olympics "anomalous" statistically?

The 16-year-old Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen swam more than 5 seconds faster than her personal best in women's 400m individual medley in London 2012 Olympics, winning her a gold. Her performance received ...
Meng Lu's user avatar
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Outlier detection for heavy-tailed data

Applying modified z-score for outlier elimination on some data (Iglewicz and Hoaglin, 1993), I discovered that a big proportion of the data (~10%) was outside the range ...
Florian Bw's user avatar
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How to tell how extreme an outlier is?

I am analyzing some data and want to look at one particular point and see how "extreme" it is. Do I exclude this outlier from the data, calculate the dataset's standard deviation and average, then ...
MyNameIsKhan's user avatar
5 votes
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Data cleansing in regression analysis

I've got a dataset for Temperature & KwH and I'm currently performing the regression below. (further regression based on coeffs is performed within PHP) ...
Gavin Staniforth's user avatar
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Examples of Lurking Variable and Influential Observation

I have read possible explanations for Lurking Variables and Influential Observations but I can't seem to construct a good example for myself. A well-designed experiment includes design features that ...
user avatar
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Filtering techniques and noise

Suppose we have some house price data for 30 years (1970-1999). This is yearly data (30 data points). Suppose some major event $X$ happened on 1980. I want to see whether this event affected prices ...
Damien's user avatar
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Anomaly Detection Algorithm versus "just doing some statistics"

I've proposed using an anomaly detection algorithm in a project. The algorithm would consist of choosing some features we think might be indicative of anomalous examples. Then using a training set ...
Paul Reiners's user avatar
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Removing outliers from newspaper content analysis

This has been driving me crazy, so I thought I'd come and ask for some help: I'm doing a study involving content analysis of newspapers. The unit of analysis is each day, adding all stories for the ...
Danny's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

In what order should you do linear regression diagnostics?

In linear regression analysis, we analyze outliers, investigate multicollinearity, test heteroscedasticty. The question is: Is there any order to apply these? I mean, do we have to analyze outliers ...
halil's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How to fit a model for a time series that contains outliers

I have fitted ARIMA(5,1,2) model using auto.arima() function in R and by looking order we can say this is not a best model to forecast. If outliers exist in the ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Treatment of outliers in annual time series data

I have an annual time series of data of a growth-rate variable $X$ for 50 years. Most of the values for the variable $X$ are less than 10%. The exception are two values that are around 30%. How do I ...
nic's user avatar
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Estimate density from neighbor distances

Assuming I have a data set of known size, and there is one object that I want to test for being in an approximately uniform distributed region of the data set. For the query object, I know the $k$ ...
Has QUIT--Anony-Mousse's user avatar
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Univariate clustering of time series

I just want to know if its possible to cluster an univariate time series, in order , say, to detect anomalies? and do you have any online version for denstream code, in Matlab? here is the time ...
mcdani's user avatar
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Using MAD as a way of defining a threshold for significance testing

If I have a set of terms each term having a particular frequency associated with it (the number of the times the term has appeared in fixed corpus of papers), then is the following method of ...
user1447630's user avatar
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Identifying outliers for non linear regression

I am doing research on the field of functional response of mites. I would like to do a regression to estimate the parameters (attack rate and handling time) of the Rogers type II function. I have a ...
Joachim's user avatar
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C++ library to play with statistics (detecting outliers in time series)

I am looking for a C++ library for statistics to play with outliers detection in time series (amongst other). What I need: Robust estimators, correlations, hypothesis tests, etc; No dependencies ...
Korchkidu's user avatar
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How to judge if a datapoint deviates substantially from the norm

This is Statistics 101, but I'm not a statistician and so can't seem to find the right technical jargon to google. My company collects data at discrete points through time. Today's datapoint is ...
benxyzzy's user avatar
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Mahalanobis distance distribution of multivariate normally distributed points

I'm trying to understand the properties of Mahalanobis distance of multivariate random points (my final goal is to use Mahalanobis distance for outlier detection). My calculations are in python. I ...
David D's user avatar
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Detecting fishy data

Just a little thought I've been having. If we rolled a fair dice 60 times, and got 60 sixes in a row, we would (wrongly?) definitely assume that something fishy's going on. Is there any statistical ...
lodhb's user avatar
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Improving SVM performance on data with missing features and outliers?

I'm trying to learn R for ML purposes, and right now I'm building classifier for my data (10 dimensions, ~400 elements, 2 classes), which have some outliers in it, and a lot of missing values. I'm ...
Philipp G. Sinicyn's user avatar
7 votes
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Tests for univariate outliers: have Dixon's and Grubb's methods been discredited?

In contrast to the many threads on this site that recommend Dixon's and Grubb's tests, the author of one answer, at this thread, contends that "Really, these have been discredited long ago" and ...
rolando2's user avatar
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Dixon test for outlier but which one is an outlier?

Following my previous question, I used Dixon test for outliers with the help of Michael Chernick answer. So now I have pvalues for say 10 numbers (basically 10 patients). But I have around 50k pvalues ...
Vikas's user avatar
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Determine whether a number "fits" with a group of numbers

I need to determine if a single number "fits" with a group of numbers. All the numbers will be percentages, so we'll use decimals. For example: The group is: ...
jb.'s user avatar
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Statistical test for finding significant positions having deviated values

I have near about 50 files(each file corresponds to a patient) with 4 columns - chromosome start.position stop.pos value First 3 columns in all 50 files are same and fourth column is ...
Vikas's user avatar
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Looking for aberrations in time based data

Looking at IO latency data for a storage array. When a drive is about to fail, one indication is an increase in the IO operations 'time to complete'. The array kindly provides this data in this format:...
Jason's user avatar
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Identifying a number of significance from a histogram

I'm creating a program that identifies trending music artists that uses Twitter metrics. I have data in a histogram format that represents the frequency of twitter @mentions of an artist for the last ...
mnort9's user avatar
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