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Detecting outliers in percentages

My dataset looks like below - Total Success Percentage 100 65 65% 50 25 50% 30 20 66.6% 50 40 80% Plot - Each row is ...
cmbendre's user avatar
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Outlier detection: Normal distribution

I was reading the following link: In the link they have made the following statement: Outliers are extreme values that fall ...
John Rambo's user avatar
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Deriving mean and variance of the posterior distribution

I have a simple linear model: $y_{i}=\mu+e_{i}$ for $i=1,...,n$, where $P(e_{i})=w\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2) + (1-w)\mathcal{N}(0,k^2\sigma^2)$ with $w=0.9$, $k=10$ and $\sigma=0.1$. It can be understood ...
PaulC's user avatar
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Analyzing regression results

I have done a regression model where i determine the number of cubes (independent variable) based on the amount of units i started with for each product type (dependent variables, ...
Jason Samuels's user avatar
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Can Chauvenet's criterion be used with non-normal data?

Can I use Chauvenet's criterion on set of observations where a normal distribution cannot be assumed?
mle's user avatar
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qqPlot with Two Outliers

If I have a QQ plot with two extreme outliers (picture below) how should I interpret it? Do I drop the outliers? Can I treat it as normal?
user1596679's user avatar
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Bayesian inference for outliers detection

Can you please comment, validate, correct my reasoning here? I want to identify outliers of the value to mass ratio (V/M) of rice, just to give a simple univariate example. Prior information: rice ...
guzu92's user avatar
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What is the influence of outliers in discriminant analysis?

In discriminant analysis like a Canonical Regression Analysis, the outliers tend to skew the results of the analysis, but nowhere can I find "how much" the outliers influences the analysis. What I'd ...
Mauer555's user avatar
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Anomaly detection on 1D data with multiple gaussian distributions

My core problem is to set a cutoff to my one dimension data between normal with abnormal. I think this is a 'anomaly detection' problem. My Data My data is one dimension, consists with below: (...
CodeUnsolved's user avatar
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Generating Multivariate Outliers in R

I have generated a data-set following the Gaussian distribution with 5 dimensions. The data-set is 1Million record and I am seeking planting 20% outliers, is there a more neat way in R to generate ...
Synx's user avatar
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Linear regresssion on body mass index

I am using a continuous variable of body mass index. I checked the distribution using statistical tests and determined it is not normally distributed. I think these results are driven by outliers, ...
Christakis Damianou's user avatar
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Finding a confidence interval for observations being outliers

Suppose I have a sample with sample size $N$ that is obtained experimentally, e.g. I have counted the number of birds at a certain location at a certain time. Now suppose that the sample (the number ...
birdy's user avatar
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